Part 13?

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Life is just feeling good rn but I can't explain but I'm gonna try to explain it for urs and my sake.

Basically I feel bliss, I have amazing friends like Jay, Kendell, malayah, Jasmine ext.

I feel content with everything I'm so happy that Conan has a new album, I'm so happy that I'm finally opening my horizons to new music and new things overall.

I feel happy that life is working out, I don't feel bad about going to school because I'm passing almost every class. I feel good about my art projects and I feel good about starting new classes revolving around healthcare!!

I've decided couple weeks ago that I will finally give in and apply for those classes.

My school offers a thing called CCA (college career academy) and they offer many real world scholarships for when you do go to college, the classes they offer consist of Healthcare (emt, nurse, ext.) , education (teaching) , robotics, graphic design, and literally so much more.

I'm so excited to do this because I feel like this will put me a step in the right direction to becoming a better person :)

Anyways this is like my little check in.

I've been reading books, and I've deleted apps that have toxically influenced me. I feel better, like weight has been lifted, I'm more organized lately, I've been keeping track of everything, I couldn't be more prouder AND I am more productive than I was.

I feel so much better this time around. I think 2024 will be a good year.

Has any good things happened to you lately? If so I'd love to hear about them in the comments here! 💕💕

Hope you're all doing well,
Sincerely ,

Ps. If anyone has any good poetry they've found lately please lmk 🙏

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