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Princess Haripriya went to find Jyotiraditya. She had never seen him so she asked a young girl wearing a yellow saree who was serving sweets, "Have you seen prince Jyotiraditya?"

She gave a warm smile which Haripriya reciprocated and she led her towards him.

"You see the prince dressed in blue and silver. He is Rajkumar Jyotiraditya", she said pointing towards him.

"Thank you so much", Haripriya joined her hands to thank her and she was amazed to see a royalty with such humbleness.

She joined her hands and left to continue her job. Meanwhile Haripriya noticed the prince from his back. He was surrounded by princesses and a few princes. Everyone was busy talking to him and she could tell from the smiles of the ladies around him that they were captivated by his presence. She sighed, I feel he is busy so I shouldn't disturb him.

Somehow even noticing him from behind made her feel something in her stomach. She ignored the feeling and was leaving when her father caught her hand, "Haripriya did you congratulate him?"

"Father just look at how many people have surrounded him. I'll do it later"

"My child why don't you also join them. Talk to people and make some friends. Look how all the royal children are conversing with each other. Why can't you try to be like them? You know this is helpful as it will also help you in making future ties with kingdoms", Rishiraj explained.

"Father I am anyways a princess. What ties and kingdom are you talking about when I am not even allowed to fight for it?", she argued to which Rishiraj got annoyed, "Fine! then you can just be with yourself the whole life and nobody would be interested in talking to you. Just do what you want!".

He went away and Haripriya took a sigh of relief. She felt unpleasant and cursed herself, Bhagwaan, why are my parents never proud of me. I try to be a genuine person who cares for others, someone who wants to fight for her kingdom but they just value these external things which are worthless. Tell me please! I do not fit here!

She left the main hall and went outside to the lighted gardens. There she sat peacefully next to a pond in which oil lamps made of leaves floated along with lotuses.

"Beautiful! Nature is so much more peaceful than humans", she concluded. She gently took a lotus flower in her hand and hummed a tune that came to her mind.


On the other side Jyotiraditya's mother noticed the conversations the children were having. She noticed that princess Sukanya excelled the other princesses in her beauty as well as confidence and she was particularly interested in Jyotiraditya. The queen was also acquainted with her family and it would also mean that they could develop a stronger alliance with her kingdom.

As Jyotiraditya left to grab a drink the queen approached him, "Jyoti"

"Yes mother"

"I noticed you made many friends:

He blushed and replied, "Yeah I was trying to be nice to everyone"

"No it's good! I also see that princess Sukanya and you look particularly interested in each other"

"What? No Ma! I mean I guess she was really nice to me but we have nothing of that sort"

"Son I think you should talk to her more. She is making an effort, why can't you? I don't know but I have a feeling that she is a nice match for you"

Prince Jyotiraditya looked at Sukanya while she was talking to others.

"Just see! She seems kind, confident and she is very beautiful. Don't you think so?"

Jyotiraditya nodded although internally he was not sure. He didn't know her much and although she was confident and beautiful that does not mean she would stand with him in every step of his life.

"I think you're right I need to know her more", he walked towards Sukanya and interrupted her conversation.

"Princess Sukanya! May I?", he offered her his perfectly carved hand and she accepted.

He took her outside to the lighted gardens where they could talk to each other peacefully.

Princess Sukanya was all smiles as Jyotiraditya had chosen her in front of all the princesses. She didn't want to think of anyone as less than herself but she did feel as though he might have liked her.

They laughed and talked to each other about the different things that interest them while walking along the gardens. A cool breeze was chilling the atmosphere and their beauties were enhanced in the moonlight.

Haripriya could hear someone coming her way. As she noticed ahead she could see a young man and woman approaching her way. As they came nearer she could make out that it was none other than Jyotiraditya. Some strange feeling took over her belly and she tried to avoid them by going the other way but her chunni was blown away in the opposite direction. She closed her eyes in embarrassment and turned around to get her chunni which had landed towards them.

In the meantime Jyotiraditya took the cloth, "Here you go"

Haripriya quickly grabbed her chunni without meeting his gaze and said a 'thank you', joining her hands, which was barely audible and went away hurriedly the other way.

"So tell me about your family!", Sukanya continued.

Jyotiraditya mentioned his family members however he was cautious not to reveal his brother's disguise in Rudrapur.


"I should have at least congratulated him and thanked him properly. Ugh but he was busy but....it's my fault. I'm just too...shy", Haripriya returned to her room debating with herself as she felt guilty for not being very nice to him.

Suddenly it came to her mind that if she cannot speak what she feels then she can surely write it. So she quickly started finding something she could write on and found a white cloth of hers. As she had no quill she luckily spotted a swan that flew past her room's window and shedded some feathers. Mixing her Kajal with some water she wrote a letter to him.

Looks fine!, she finished reviewing it.

Haripriya stepped outside towards the corridor to see if there was someone who could deliver her letter. As she was walking along the pillars of the corridor that was surrounded by nature, she noticed two men in local dresses, a Kurti and dhoti, with faces covered suspiciously coming towards the corridor.
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