The Sanatorium (39)

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Author's Note 💖

Hi everyone, I just wanted to apologize for no update in a while but I had yet another case of intense writer's block and just couldn't find the motivation, but here's three new chapters to hopefully make up for it!

I appreciate everyone who reads, comments, and votes so much and I'm so thankful for all of you!

-Emma 💖


"Okay guys, we are here at Waverly Hills!" Ryan began, his camera aimed to capture all six of us within frame. As soon as he finished his sentence, the guys began cheering, waving their arms wildly in the air as I kept my frozen, sore hands in my coat pockets, unable to keep myself from laughing.

"I love the energy," he continued before getting a shot of the sanatorium rising up into the darkness behind us. "This place is way too big for us ... What do we do?"

"We get in the car and we go home," River chimed in seriously.

"Yeah, we can't handle this, sorry," Seth played along, putting his hands on his hips as he shook his head in dismay. "Thanks for watching, subscribe, and we'll see you next week."

Josh and Ryan began laughing, the five of them getting off topic for a second before Ryan shook his head and lifted the camera again. "Guys, not only are the four of us here at Waverly Hills," he said, aiming towards where Wyatt, River, and I were huddled close, attempting to stay warm, "but we are joined here by Seth Borden and Exploring With Josh!"

"Thanks for having us guys," Seth smiled at the camera, always polite even within the chaos that was Twin Paranormal.

"Yeah seriously," Josh chimed in before adding with a shrug, "it means a lot that you're going to try to kill us here at Waverly, but it's cool."

"Okay, first things first, if we do kill you, that's on you," Ryan shrugged, earning a laugh from Wyatt.

"Hey, I mean Eden already almost died, so who knows what'll happen," Josh said, gesturing towards me.

"Oh yeah, tell the viewers what happened while we were setting up," Ryan said, his camera finding me.

"Well," I started, "Wyatt tripped me-"

"Woah! Don't tell them that," Wyatt protested, stepping in front of me and waving his hands back and forth. "they're going to believe you! I absolutely did not trip her."

"Alright fine," I laughed, pushing him aside again. "I tripped, because I'm clumsy as hell, so if you see my messed up hands in the video, that's why."

"Everyone tell Eden to get better soon in the comments," Ryan said before getting everyone in frame again. "Alright, what do we usually do before every investigation?"

"We kiss!" Seth blurted out, an amused silence following his outburst. He shyly stepped back, looking at the ground and kicking his feet. "Oh, I mean that's ... uhm."

"We put our hands together," Ryan pushed on, a small smirk on his face as he put his hand out in between all of us. The rest of us followed suit, and I carefully put my hand underneath everyone's to avoid irritating the sensitive area of my palm. "We chant for this one to be the best one in the world."

Ryan counted us down until the six of us, surrounded by nothing but dense forest and the looming sanatorium at our backs, chanted, "Waverly Hills, Beverly Hills, Chihuahua", our voices echoing across the empty courtyard into the darkness beyond.

"That was so dumb," I groaned with a laugh once Ryan had shut his camera off again, earning a playful nudge from Wyatt as we all trudged back into the building.

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