Part 2

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AN: So thanks everyone for telling me to update. Just so you people know all The places I list in here are completely real! I did me research, Well Rose did. the Pleiades constellation is her thing. ! A big fat thanks to @misslovelylennon! and also @BritsRDbest! hey guys. sorry it's short! Rose was helping me with this but planing is hard when your out of town.

Catrina's POV

After learning nearly everything about my species I awoke in a white room on a uncomfortable bed with the unpleasant smell of medicine. I must have been in a hospital. I hate hospitals, I always have. They just make me really uncomfortable. Suddenly the door burst open, and a young man with a clipboard came in. He smiled then said,"Good, your awake. There's someone here to see you, I'll go get him." He said then walked out of the room. I would've per feed that he told me what the hell was going on, and who anyway! A guy! What happened, that's all I care about. Then the door slowly opened and a curious head popped through the now open door. It took me only an few seconds to recognize that person.  And what other guy would it be anyway, it was George. He smiled seeing was awake. " how did I end up here?" I asked him. " Well you collapsed on the sidewalk so I brought you here."  I figured it was something like that. Then all the information came back to me, and I knew I had to get out of here. " Oh and your friend is also waiting in the hall." He just implied that I had more that one friend! Wow he must think that I'm not a complete loser. He sweetly smiled back at me as he exited the room and a worried looking Yancy entered. She hugged me so tight that I thought I was going to pop into some icky goo. She was saying all sorts of thing. People say when they're worried, like: what happened, are you alright, your gonna be just fine, and other things like that. I was feeling fine and still wasn't exactly sure what happened to me. I asked Yancy, "Do  ya think ya Could get me outa' 'ere" using my most convincing ascent. She sniffed a few times before replying, I was starting to get nervous, but why?

Yancy had left the room to ask the doctor if I could leave the hospital yet. Then I realized that I was wearing hospital clothing. I must be in really bad shape otherwise I wouldn't be in this. But I was feeling perfectly fine, or maybe they found out that I am an alien.
How I had a chameleon box implanted in my left arm that was also connected to the visual center of my brain. So, I would blend in with the superior species of whatever planet I was on. I learned that when the blackout happened. And that's also why my 'parents' and everyone else believe I'm human, or appear to have human organs and other things. So they wouldn't know I'm not human.
Now, when I thought about it I knew exactly who and what I am. I am an Ameraxian! Alcyone was the star that Eta Tauri ( my home planet ) orbited. It was in the Delta Scuti quadrant of The galaxy, and was roughly 400 light years away. I was banished! That explains a lot.
I was mulling over all this new information when George came back in. I could feel my "heart" coming right out of my chest, but... I didn't like George.  Not like that anyway.  I could feel my cheeks getting boiling hot. Then I say a worried look wash over George's face. I tried to think of the most calming thing but it was no use. George ran out of the room, to get the doctor. I had no idea what was going through his mind. Was he scared, or worried, or some other humany-doomany emotion. The doctor burst in checking all the wired hooked up to my bed then all the other things then he asked me questions and did some tests. After 2 HOURS I was finally able to leave the hospital!

By the time I got out the sun was starting to rise. Yancy and I were gonna catch a ride home and I was gonna take some time off work, Yancy said I needed it. It was quiet for the most part, then I heard rapid footsteps behind us. coming closer and closer. I turned around to see who it was when then nearly crashed right into me. George of course.  I was starting to find him annoying, but  if it were anyone else I'd be completely pissed. Since I wasn't I was not exactly sure how I felt about him. Two little words was all he said."I Know." then he walked away like we'd we were just two ordinary people walking around on the street. But that would be how we would appear to anyone else but in each others minds that was the opposite of what was happening. "You know what, George?" Yancy called back at him, but he just disappeared into the darkness of the morning.

How could he possibly know! And how did he know I knew? Maybe this doesn't necessarily mean that he knew what I was I could be anything else. He could "know" about my "skin condition" or he might think I like him, like that . But that was too easy. from the look he had in his eyes he knew exactly what I was. He didn't look worried about it though. I wasn't sure exactly what this meant for me but it certainly meant there were gonna be some major changes in my life.

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