Za's Cousin

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Requested by @katie_lewis_95


"What's good Za?" I said getting into his car. "Aye welcome back to L.A." Za smiled driving off from the airport, "how was the trip?"

"Boring and depressing, I'm just glad that done with college and I'm finally home." I sighed leaning my head on the window. "Girl if you don't get your greasy ass head off my damn window imma punch you in your left titty."

I turned around in my seat to look at him even more, "Do it! I dare you! You brave as fuck!" I yelled punching him in his arm.

"Sure is hoe." He said swinging his arm across my chest hitting one of my girls.

I gasped after he called me a hoe and took my seat belt off. "CALL ME A HOE AGAIN IMMA BEAT YOUR FUCKING ASS!" I screamed punching him and hitting him in his face. "Bruh! Ow! Chill! Ow!"

We started swerving off the road numerous times. I was afraid we're going to crash so a sat back in my seat and put my seat belt back on. "God Y/N..."

I chuckled and started fixing my hair, "I used to beat your ass like that when we were kids."

"Yeah and Aunt Y/M/N used to get after me for it even though you started it." Za smiled pulling into this long ass driveway.

He stopped at a gate and looked into a little camera, "Ayo! Let me in homie!" He yelled sitting down in his seat. The gate opened and Za drove in.

There, was a big beautiful house at the end of the driveway. "Za this your place?" I asked eager to get out of the car. "Nah this my friend Justin house. Stay here I'll be right back." Za said getting out the car without turning it off.

"Okay." I watched him walk up the stairs and enter the house without knocking. About five minutes later, he walked out and ran to the car.

He got in and panting, "Did you steal something or what?" I asked. He shook his head and started driving, "Nah I left my phone charger over there and that son of a bitch started shooting darts at me."

I laughed a little grabbed his phone out the cup holder. I went straight to his camera roll. "Get out of my phone before you see something you don't wanna see." Za warned making me put his phone down.

About 20 minutes later, we stopped at a hotel that I was not planning on going to. "I'll check you in, sit tight.

He got out the car and walked to the entrance. I started humming to some weird song that was on till I saw his phone. l took selfie and posted it on his Instagram.

"Your favorite cousin hacking yo shits @yourinstagram"

Part 2?

This update suck monkey balls..

It's horrible but I know you guys will sit there and lie to me saying "it's so good!" And "part 2?"

But it's whatever

I stop caring about myself when i got a boyfriend.

Which was two days ago..

Good night Bieblings😴


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