02, the grudge.

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( i reached for your hand
but it was cold. )


Should he look straight ahead? On the ground, to avoid falling, or at his surroundings for any psychopathic child-murderers?

As he took his steps further into the room, he prayed to god hoping that someone out there was taking care of him. Unbeknownst to him, a certain blonde girl was on edge as he adventured deeper into the room. 

Sejanus was soon just out of his reach. His steps quickened but he made sure to keep them soft and stealthy, like a ninja. Once he was at least ten feet away from the Plinth boy, he stopped and spoke in a hushed voice. 

"Sejanus? It's me."

Sejanus stiffened, then his shoulders started to shake. At first, Coriolanus mistook it for sobbing, but it seemed the opposite. "You really can't stop rescuing me, can't you?"

Coriolanus joined in with Sejanus' laughter under his breath. "Guess I can't."

"They sent you in to fish me out? What madness," Sejanus's laughter trailed off as he rose to his feet. "Did you ever see a dead body?"

"A lot. During the war," Coriolanus took this as a sign to close the space between them, close enough to grab Sejanus's arm. But what could he do then? Drag him out the arena? That was highly unlikely. Instead, he just shoved his hands into the pockets of his blazer.

"I haven't so much. Not this close at least. In funerals and that day at the zoo. . . but it wasn't long enough for the bodies to stiffen up this way," Sejanus said. "I wouldn't even know if I'd like to be burned or buried."

"Well, you don't have to decide now," Coriolanus's eyes swept the field.

"Doesn't matter. It isn't up to me anyway," said Sejanus. "I don't know what's taking so long for the tributes to come find me. I've been here ages." 

He turned to face Coriolanus for the first time that night and his eyebrows knitted in concern. "You should go, you know."

"I'd like to. I'd really like to," Coriolanus said carefully. "But there's the matter of your ma. She's waiting outside. Pretty upset and shaken up. I promised I'd bring you to her."

Sejanus's expression turned indescribably sad. "Poor ma. Poor, old ma. She never wanted any of this, you know? Not the money, not the move, not the fancy clothes or the driver. She just wanted to stay in 2. But my father. . . bet he isn't even here, is he? No, he'll keep his distance until this is all settled. Then let the buying begin!"

"Buying what?" The breeze ruffled Coriolanus's hair and made hollow, echoing sounds in the arena. Coriolanus had been in the arena for awhile now and Sejanus had no intention of lowering his voice anytime soon.

"Everything! He bought our way here, bought my tuition, my mentorship, and he goes nuts because he can't buy me!" Sejanus exclaimed. "Hell, I'll bet he'll even buy you too. For being here."

Coriolanus stopped before he responded to his statement. "You're my friend, Sejanus. He doesn't need to pay me to help you."

Sejanus laid a hand on his shoulder. "You're the only reason I've made it this far, Coriolanus. I need to stop causing you trouble."

"I didn't realize how bad things were for you. I should've switched tributes when you asked." he answered.

"It doesn't matter anymore. Nothing does, really," Sejanus sighed helplessly.

DRESS, coriolanus snowWhere stories live. Discover now