Part 3 - Role reversal

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Erin got past her initial anger over Bryony's surprise encounter with their boss quite quickly. But while she forgave Bryony and even empathized with her, there was a lingering sense that the incident hadn't been fully dealt with between them.

As she reflected on her feelings, Erin - ever the pleaser - realized that for their relationship to be sustainable over years and not just months, she had to provide Bryony with the discipline that she had sought out from their boss in Chicago.

Resolving to do just that, Erin picked up her phone and texted her partner: Babe, we're going to deal with your behavior on the Chicago trip tonight. Don't be late home. xx

Bryony entered the apartment that evening with a feeling of trepidation. She knew that there was something lingering from her confession of what had happened in Chicago. She had apologised, Erin had forgiven her and their life had begun to return to normal but with one important missing part. Their sex life had been entirely vanilla since the confession. Not even a playful spank had been exchanged, let alone the more adventurous discipline they both enjoyed so much.

Erin was waiting in the living room, sitting on the sofa with a glass of wine in her hand. She was a picture of relaxed sophistication; barefoot, wearing a pair of wide legged charcoal grey linen pants and simple white t-shirt. Her hair was tied in a loose ponytail. As Bryony closed the door behind her, Erin smiled. "Are you ready to move on from the Chicago encounter?" Erin's voice was soft and measured, but there was an unmistakable undertone of command. "Yes I am," nodded Bryony with an expression that mixed guilt and gratitude.

Erin took a sip of her wine. "I'm going to punish you tonight," she started "and in future you'll tell me whenever you feel the need to be submissive I can take care of that urge for you." She paused, letting the words sink in before continuing. "Does that work for you?"

"Thank you. I love you and I know I deserve to be punished." Bryony's voice trembled slightly, her cheeks flushed. "I'll make sure to tell you from now on, whenever I need your help." She moved closer to Erin, kneeling down beside the sofa.

Erin set her wine glass down on the coffee table and placed a hand on Bryony's head. "Good. Now I want you go into the study, undress completely and stand in front of the desk. You'll see something waiting for you. I'll be there in a few minutes.

Bryony nodded and left the room. As she undressed she glanced at the desk. On it lay a straight handled rattan cane, about three feet long. Bryony gasped audibly at the sight of it. She had heard about the caning Erin had received from their boss a long time ago, but had never seen a cane herself, let alone felt one. Taking her position in front of the desk, completely naked, her arms folded submissively behind her back, Bryony began to anticipate what was about to happen.

Erin entered the room a few moments later. "This is a formal punishment, Bryony" Erin's voice was firm and authoritative, "It will be severe but no more than you've earned. You'll follow my instructions without argument. Do you understand?" Bryony nodded, her heart racing. "Yes. Please give me what I deserve."

"Tell me, what were you wearing that night in Chicago?" Erin asked. Bryony described the Gucci dress, heels and lingerie she had worn as a signal to their boss that she wanted discipline. "How did that outfit make you feel, Bryony?" Erin asked, her voice softening. "It made me feel empowered and sexy, but very submissive." replied Bryony.

Erin smiled at the thought of how her partner must have looked. "Go and put the shoes on, then come back and stand right where you are now." Bryony hurried to the bedroom, took the black patent pumps with the white toecaps from the closet and stepped into them. Returning to the study, she felt the same pulse of arousal and submission that she had in Chicago.

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