~Cuphead X Reader~ (The Perfect Date for a Perfect Day)

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Today was a perfect day, a day full of sunshine and smiles. Kites blowing in the breeze, people having picnics, this was Cuphead's day. He was going to make Y/N feel so happy today and show them how great of a boyfriend he is. He as of right now was at his house as Mugman stood at the opening of the kitchen talking to Cuphead. 

"You know you're not the best at plan making." Mugman said as he rolled his eyes and face palmed himself. "Nonsense, I ain't too worried about it" Cuphead exclaimed as he blew him off. Mugman knew this could go really wrong, and I mean really, really wrong...Cuphead was not always the best at planning nor scheduling nor anything that really requires brains...but he did have a sense of adventure and a strong will with major determination. So that's why he wasn't really worried about it. 

He packed up the picnic basket as Mugman continued nagging about Cuphead's lack of brains. Cuphead then finally said, "Look Mugman, I know what I'm doin'. You know what your problem is? You're just jealous." Cuphead closed his eyes as her turned slightly crossing his arms. Mugman gasped and turned away with his eyes closed, mouth pouted, and arms crossed. 

Mugman then walked off and scoffed, "Fine, have it YOUR way." As he walked off, he came back running at the door entrance just to rub it in his face while saying, "If something goes wrong, don't say I didn't warn ya." As he tried leaving again, he came back and raised his voice, "AND DON'T COME CRYING!" With that he was content and took off to go do something. 

Cuphead thought about it, maybe Mugman was right, maybe he should be more prepared and careful, but he really wanted to show Y/N that he didn't need to worry because he was that much of a good boyfriend. So, he reassured himself that Mugman's only problem is that he's jealous and finished up preparing the picnic basket full of food and a big picnic blanket.

He then yelled as he ran out the door in a hurry, "Bye Elda Kettle!" but then he was stopped by Elder Kettle as he asked Cuphead, "Where are you going, boy?" Elder Kettle had a worried look on his face for why Cuphead was rushing out the door all of a sudden. "I'm gonna be late for my picnic date with Y/N!" Cuphead said in a tone full of rush yet respect to the Kettle's concerns. "Alright, boy. You do your thing, but I expect you back by curfew and no later. Got it, mister?" Elder Kettle said with stern look. "Yes, sir." Cuphead saluted him and took off as he yelled back to Elder Kettle, "Bye, Elda Kettle! Oh, and say bye to Mugman for me too!"

With that he took off to see and meet Y/N at a park in the city of Inkwell Isle three. He ran and ran and ran until finally he made it to the city's park. There he saw his sweet Y/N dressed in a (F/C Outfit of choice). Y/N smiled at Cuphead as they said, "Hey, Cuphead~ Like the outfit? I saved it for a special event~" Cuphead looked Y/N up and down and went half lidded with his eyes as he gave a flirty smile, "Babe~ You don't have to dress so nice just to impress me, you know~ You can do anything to make me weak~"  He planted a kiss on their cheek as he then spoke, "Though~ I think you look sensational, babe~" Y/N blushed as they said, "Aww, thank you, Cuppy!" 

With that the two set up their picnic where there was enough shade yet enough sunshine for them. They ate and talked about their day and what they did before they met up. He cracked some jokes and Y/N giggled a lot. Everything was going fine until....."HOLY-!"

BAM! Cuphead got hit in the face by a frisbee. Some kid accidentally threw it too far while playing frisbee with their dog. Cuphead was knocked over and stumbled up a bit with a dizzy look as Y/N helped him up, they asked, "Are you okay, Cuppy?". Cuphead then responded, "Yeah, I'm alright, baby..." Cuphead looked around to see who threw it and a little kid with a teacup for a head came running and apologized as they said, "Sorry, mister. Are you ok?". Cuphead then responded with a reassuring tone and caring look on his face. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just be a bit more careful next time, okay kiddo?". The kid agreed and took off to go play with their dog again. "That was close, I thought you were gonna get cracked or chipped. And that was very sweet of you to not stress out that poor kid so much." Y/N said with a sweet and loving expression on their face towards Cuphead. "Hehe...just being a kind and caring guy, that's all." He was really trying to impress Y/N with what he just said as he gave a big ol' dumb smile with some really wonky looking charm to it. 

The day went on and things were going as planned even after the incident, Cuphead had planned on bringing something special to the picnic, a ring. So finally, the time was right! The sun was setting in the sky with the bright colors dimly glowing of pink, orange, purple, and yellow hues. There weren't many people anymore running around, they were mostly calm or already had left the park. The breeze was cool as it gently blew through the trees and air. Cuphead looked deeply into Y/N's eyes and moved in a bit closer as Y/N moved in a bit closer too. The closer they moved, the more their hearts beat together. Then he spoke softly, "Hey~ I got something I think you might like~" He then pulled back a bit and started looking around in the picnic basket but then gasped as his eyes went wide and his face went white. He forgot to bring the ring! So, he tried playing it off as Y/N kept asking, "What's wrong, Cuphead? You look disturbed...are you alright?" So, he kept trying to play it off with saying, "I'm fine, love...nothing's wrong, everything is alright!" He tried keeping a smile on his face until he finally gave in and said, "Look Y/N....I wanted to give you this gift but I thought I brought it....I left it back at home on accident...sorry 'bout dat...." Y/N gave a soft smile as they cupped Cuphead's face with their hands and said, "Aww, sweetie~ You didn't have to get me a gift....but thank you for the gesture anyway..." With that they kissed Cuphead on the nose and smiled while giggling a bit. Cuphead went bright red and smiled a squiggly smile as he stuttered a bit and said, "Y..y..you're a true angel, babe."

After a while they decided to return back to Cuphead's house and call it a day, so they packed up everything and got going. They walked together under the moon and stars and finally made it back. Cuphead decided that once he got Y/N to be at the door, he would rush inside to find the ring and give it to them, so he did exactly as what he planned.

"Hey, babe? Could you stay here for a minute, I gotta go get somethin'..." Cuphead said to them as Y/N spoke sweetly, "Of course, sweetie. Take your time, no need to rush." So Cuphead gave a big smile and dashed inside to find the ring on the kitchen table, so he quickly snatched it up and ran back outside. He closed the door so they could be left alone for this special moment. He got down on one knee and pulled the ring box out of his pocket and held it in his hands as he gave a full of love look to Y/N as he spoke but then Y/N blurted out, "YOU'RE GONNA MARRY ME?!?!?!" Cuphead then looked at them with a blank expression and his eyes went wide as he did a double take and spoke up with a shaky voice. "It's not-" Cuphead tried saying before Y/N hugged him and squeezed him tight as they said, "YES I WILL MARRY YOU!!! WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!" Cuphead then just decided to go with it, maybe this was for the better anyway. So, he then said, "Yes...we're gonna get married." 

And that was how the day ended....with many weird issues and an unexpected twist at the end...

The End~

(Wow y'all! 1429 words from this one chapter! Took me DAYS y'all. DAYS! But hey, it was totally worth it! Thank y'all so much for reading! Love y'all byeeeee!)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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