Chapter 17. Rematch

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Knock, knock.

I open the farmhouse door but see only your backpack sitting on front step. Confused, I stick my head and torso outside to see if you are checking out another part of the farm. Or maybe I got ding-dong-ditched. Then, out of the bottom of my eye, I see your head and arms shoot upwards out of your bag.

"Boo!" your arms flail around madly.

Unfortunately, your head is on a collision course with mine, and I couldn't dodge out of the way in time. The top of your head collides painfully with my jaw, sending my head recoiling upwards.

"Oh hey. Good to see you're making good use of the dimensional dilation," I manage after my head returns to its normal position. I maneuver my jaw around to make sure it's still fully functional.

"Oh yeah, yeah, it's really handy and everything," you massage your head furiously, eyes watering, "Sorry about that."

"No problem. You're in more pain than me anyway. I gotta hand it to you, I thought I'm making good use of my bag, but clearly you're thinking outside the box."

"Heh, thanks. So, what did you want to show me?" You clamber out of the bag like a magician performing a trick, then your hand returns to the top of your head, rubbing aggressively.

I beckon you inside. In pride of place on my table lay the blue broadsword I found while fishing.

"Woah! Where did you get this?" you exclaim as your eyes fall upon the weapon, then waste no time picking it up and twirling it about.

"I fished it up."

After a brief pause with a frozen expression, you break into raucous laughter. I watch in amusement as you eventually recover.

"Good one. Seriously, where did you find this?"

"I'm, uh, telling the truth. I fished up a treasure chest." I point towards the now-dry chest sitting in a corner of the room.

"You're serious?" the grin slides off your face as your eyes wander to the chest, "Hey, I recognize this! I learned about it in my class. This is decorated in the style of the merpeople. To think I'd get to see one in person! If you're not using the chest, could I have it, please?"

"Go ahead! I wasn't a fan of the barnacles anyway. Also, Willy seemed unimpressed when he saw the chest. Said they're quite common here. But he did say that it's the first time he's seen a sword come out of a chest, and that usually it's rocks and gemstones."

"Huh. Maybe I should try my hand at fishing sometime." You say distractedly while going back to the sword, "Wow, this sword feels special. Can I name it?"

"Sure, I guess," I shrug. Doesn't matter either way to me.

"It's from the merpeople, a seafaring race. They worship the sea, the God of which is Neptune. I shall christen thee... Neptune's Glaive!" You raise Neptune's Glaive high above your head, reminiscent of a certain green-clad hero holding a Master Sword.

"That's..." The glowing blade matches your eyes both in color and lively glint. Cool sounding name choice too, though I decide not to tell you that an actual glaive looks nothing like a sword.

"...Not bad!" I grin and nod appreciatively, "you should use this sword. It suits you."

"Ash! Are you sure? I mean," you pause and return my grin, "that's an offer I can't refuse, you know."

"Absolutely. But first, let's test it out, shall we? That's why I called you to the farm. I have plenty of wild trees growing everywhere."

"Abigail the Arborist, at your service!"

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