Chapter 2

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Rosie fell in and out of consciousness. Her mind was racing, pulling all the different things she knew about Sodor, her family, and the Hatts.

The rivalry between the two families had begun some forty years ago, when Ten was the first man to drive a diesel engine. Only an accident, caused by the infamous Troublesome gang, had caused him to lose his arm.

Sir Topham Hatt the third had given him a fat paycheck, and put him in charge of the Vicarstown Works.

But Ten resented Hatt, for his accident that cost him his dream as an engine driver.

Ten split off the Works company from the NWR and charged the Hatts exorbitant prices for repairing his accident prone engines.

And there followed at tit for tat exchange.

Mom never said anything more than that. She didn't like talking about how she knew Dad.

Now Rosie could see why.


Ten wanted his kids out early, and Rosie was more than happy to oblige.

"I'll drive us," Diesel said. He had dressed himself in clean new clothes, all blacks, reflecting his dark hair.

"You can do that?"

"I learned how to drive an engine when I was thirteen, though I wasn't strong enough until I was your age."

"He'll teach you all the buttons." Said Paxton.

"He's, uh, blessed," said Sidney. "That's what Dad says, anyway."

"He only gives Diesel compliments," Pax frowned.

"If you learn how to work an engine, he may take a liking to you."

"Okay. Where's the whistle?" She asked.

"I hope that was a joke." Diesel said dryly.

As they continued going to the school at Abbey, Rosie watched Diesel drive the engine.

"You are really good." She observed.

"Yes, yes. I learned from the best."


"He'd certainly like to think he's the best. Anyway, this," he pointed at a lever. "This is the brake. Careful, it's heavy, but that's the first thing you need to learn."

Poop poop poooop

"That's the Express. That's Gordon."

Gordon looked at the two. He chuckled.

"He's Sir Topham Hatt's adopted son, and the heir to his fortune."

"Is he nice?"


Diesel parked his engine on a siding.

The huge school building was divided into three parts; the elementary school where Pax and Sid went; the middle school; and the high school.

Just then, another engine pulled up to the platform.

"Thomas and his cronies. Do not interact."

"Hey Percy!" Paxton hugged a short little boy his age.

"Hi Pax."

"It's the fat green caterpillar."

"Oh shut it, no need to be rude. Let's go, Pax, Sid." The boy said. Rosie realized he was the kid in Paxton's photo.

Rosie Diesel and the Drama of SodorWhere stories live. Discover now