Chapter 2 - The Memories

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"Make those memories worth remembering."

This is the story about Rick.

Rick is normal. Well, somewhat normal at least. He doesn't have that many friends and what little he has are all away. Today is the start of the two-week Easter holiday and Rick has planned a minor trip to one of the Candy Land's smaller islands. He has never been there before. This time last year, he ran across the island to visit the Sodafall with his other friend the big Biscuit. Unfortunately, Biscuit fell off the bridge where they looked down upon the waterfall and the Sodafall dissolved him.

Rick had to drive home all alone, sad, and lonely. They were best friends and then Biscuit went and left Rick alone in the world.

This is not about Biscuit though.

So, this week, Rick is going camping with his friend to this little island.

You're probably wondering, "we still don't know anything about this guy." Let me tell you, first off, Rick is not a guy. Not really.

Rick is a Unicorn. He was once a pony and then he did a good deed and became a unicorn. Now he poops out cotton candy and try to remember that he is magical. You see, the sad life about a unicorn is when he forgets that he is magical. If that were ever to happen to Rick he would revert to being a pony and he would lose his unicorn horn. Once he had a friend who was a zebra. He had tried this whole process once. He became a black unicorn after he did a good deed and helped a little animal in need. He gained his horn and his magical powers. However, after a while of not doing much other than what he normally did as a zebra he forgot about his magical powers and he lost them along with his horn. Rick is scared that he will go down the same road because his friend is in Africa and they can't communicate with each other since they're too far away from each other. Rick is scared that when he forgets that his magical, it going to hurt when the magic drifts away, taking the horn with it. He loves that he can make a rainbow every time he wants and- it might be a little inappropriate- but he loves cotton candy too. He has kind of got an endless supply (Yikes).

Rick always thought; I want to live forever. There isn't a bridge I don't want to cross, or a stone I want to leave unturned.

Because, when you reach a certain age, everything starts to disappear. Friends start to die one at a time until none of them are left. The world is always changing, but one day you wake up and realise that it's changed without you- and there's no chance of catching up to it. Your adventures are over, and you find yourself all alone with nothing left but the memories.

Make those memories worth remembering.

Because of this, Rick never ever forgot that he was magical and he helped everyone on his way to make friends and make the best memories he could before his time was up. As he got older he realised that as you get older, you don't get to pick which memories you keep.

Rick had made so many wonderful memories that he was happy as long as he had any of all his memories that he had ever made.

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