Chapter Two

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We finally made our way to the west wing. I said bye to Tammy, as we finally made it to Mr. Smith's classroom. I also thanked her for giving me directions to the class. Tammy gave me a hug bye, and handed me a paper with her number on it, and said if I ever needed help, to ask her.

I made my way into the class room to see this really tall Caucasian man sitting on top of the desk. This must be Mr. Smith.

"Welcome to algebra one," he said as I entered the class room.

"Thanks, Mr. Smith," I replied. I watched as he held his hand out.

"Can I see your schedule?" he asked extending his hand out, some more.

"Sure," I replied, handing him my schedule.

"Cool, you're in the right class, have a seat," he replied, handing me back my schedule.

I looked around the class room and recognized some faces from junior high. I decided to sit in the back of the class with this girl named, Lexi, that I was friends with last year.

"So, how is your first day going, October?" she asked me, as I sat down.

"How is my first day, not going?" I replied sarcastically.

"It's that bad?" she laughed.

"It's that bad," I replied, also laughing.

As soon as the class began to start, there was a knock on the door. And there he was, Derek Bradshaw.

"Hey, Mr. Smith. Mind if I borrow one of your students for a sec?" he asked, holding a pink piece of paper.

"No problem, Derek, who do you need?" he asked, getting off of his desk, to view the pink paper.

"October, to the nurses office," he replied smiling. The whole room gasped and looked my direction.

"He is hot," Lexi turned to me, grinning.

I nodded. "I know right," I replied getting up from my desk.

"So, what does the nurse need me for?" I asked, as me and Derek made it to the hallway.

Laughing, he replied, "just follow me."

I began to follow him, which led us to a room with a staircase, that didn't have cameras. I was confused, because it didn't seem like a nurse's offices.

"What are we doing here?" I asked. Before I could finish asking the question, my stomach turned into butterflies, as he kissed me. Why? Why was this handsome guy kissing me? It wasn't my first kiss, Donell from junior high was, but this was my first 'make out' kiss.

"What are you doing?" I replied, pushing him away from me.

"LOOK, October, ever since I met you, I can't stop thinking about you," he replied pulling me back closer to him. "Be my girlfriend," he added.

"What about Serenity?" I asked, confused, because I thought he had a girlfriend.

"She doesn't have to know, okay?" he replied, now pacing back, and forth. "This can stay just in between me, and you."

Lol, 'this can stay in between me, and you?' I was no 'home wrecker', but he was so cute, and my mom said I could have a boyfriend. I didn't know what else to say, so I said, "yes." "Yes, I can be your girl friend," I replied smiling, and blushing.

"Let's goooooo," he yelled, as he jumped in the air.

He pulled me in for a kiss, I did my best to kiss back.

"You're so pretty, you know that October?" he asked placing his hands through my hair.

"Thank you, you're not to bad looking yourself," I replied blushing.

"Thanks, I get that a lot," he replied pulling me in closer, and placing his hands on my hips. "And now that you're my girl friend, you're going to have to know how to please me," he said while grinning.

'Please me?' Oh, lord, I know where this was going. But it's high school so I wasn't shocked, but I hope he didn't forget that, he was way older than me, and I wasn't experienced, at all. I didn't know what I was doing, at all.

"What do you mean?" i replied as he unzipped his pants.

"Put your mouth on it, please," he begged. Omg, I've never done this before. I didn't want to, but like Tammy said, he was the most popular guy in high school, so I felt like I had to.

"Okay," I replied getting on my knees. I could feel the cold school floor through my ripped, acid washed jeans. I closed my eyes. 'You're a big girl, you can do it,' I thought to myself, as I placed my lips on his penis. Wow, sucking dick, on the first day of school. Lol.

I began sucking, the best way I could. If 'sucking dick' was a sport, I'd be in last place. But, he moaned and soon later, he came in my mouth.

Opening my eyes, I saw he was recording. "What are you doing?" I yelled, covering my face.

"Shh, I'm not going to show anyone, he pleaded.

"Delete that," I replied, almost about to cry.

"Fucking, freshmans, I swear, I said I wasn't going to show anyone," he replied, sounding angry. "You're my girl now, you're good, with me," he replied, giving me a kiss.

"Fine, but please don't show no one," I smiled, wiping my mouth. Wow, what a first day of school.

OctoberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora