CHAPTER 14: War Song

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Ferdinand angrily stomped through the hallways.

"I hope you all will not fail me a-" Parker said, in the middle of a conversation with his assassins...

Ferdinand burst into the room and pushed past the assassins.


"What!?" Parker exclaimed, sitting up!

Ferdinand quickly led Parker, and the assassins, out of the underground complex of the Severance base...

Styx was waiting on the battlements, overlooking the distant camp...the symbols of the rebellion hanging high on flags.

"You're kidding me." Parker growled.

Parker quickly turned to his assassins, pointing at two of them.

"You two! Figure out what their plan is!"

The two assassins, the lights on their suits shining pink and blue, saluted...and began to leave.

"I assume they will attack in the next day or so." Styx said, looking over at Ferdinand and Parker.

"Well then this entire base better be on high watch until they DO attack!" Shouted Ferdinand.

The soldiers around the trio all saluted, and scattered...

"I'm going to get in as much extra training as I can, I recommend you do the same." Ferdinand advised, before walking away himself.

Styx grunted and looked away.

...Parker read the body language of his fellow operator.

"You're STILL thinking about the voice?" He asked.

"Yes! You know I am! I told you it spoke to me again, did I not?" Styx replied.

"I think you are losing your mind Styx." Parker hissed.

"I think there is something out there. And it wants me!"

...The two were quiet.

"I hope you can at least focus on the situation at hand." Parker said.

"No promises." Styx hissed.

"Quite the predicament." Commented Orix, reading an article about the events on Solaris...

"It couldn't have come at a worse time too! Styx somehow shows up in Ryoiki and I'm more worried about a new god and a rebellion on a major planet!" Ita shouted!

"Not to mention PARKER is there! You both have seen that footage! How did HE get here!?"

"Calm down Ita!" Munin advised, putting their hands on the demiurges shoulders.

...Ita sighed...they knew they needed a break, its why the came to see Orix and Munin at all!

Orix whistled.

"Riley! Comfort!" He ordered!

Immediately, the shepherd dog perked up from its bed, and jumped into Ita's lap.

Ita smiled as they pet the Fuwian shepherd...

"I think everything will be okay. You've got Sakuna and that new god assisting Elliott. Not to mention Price and Matthias. Maybe they can kill Parker during this whole thing?" Orix suggested, trying to be comforting.

"And once it's all over, we can hunt down Styx." Munin added!

"I hope so." Ita mumbled...

"Hey fella's!" Zero announced as he entered the room!

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