chapter 1

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As the rain poured outside, the sound of his racing heart echoed through the room. Babe, a grief-stricken soul, clutched tightly onto a silvefftr frame, encapsulating an image of his dearly departed husband, James.

"It's been five months Phi James"

Babe couldn't help but mumble to himself. Five months of feeling lost, empty, and unwilling to move forward. James was his rock, his partner in crime, his everything. Losing him to a sudden heart attack was devastating for Babe, and it felt like the world around him had shattered into a million tiny pieces.

Babe quickly wiped away the tears, his face crumpling in an effort to regain composure. He knew that James, with his practical and unwavering nature, wouldn't want to see him cry.

"You know, I think James want to see you happy again," He could still hear Gap's words echoing in his head.

Gap, an old friend of both Babe and James, had always been a supportive presence. He had witnessed their love story unfold, from the early days of their courtship to the day they exchanged their vows. He understood the depth of their connection and saw firsthand the happiness that they had shared. Now, he believed it was time for Babe to embrace life again.

Babe let out a heavy sigh, his eyes fixed on a photograph of James. It was a beautiful picture, capturing the genuine sparkle in his eyes, his contagious smile that could brighten the darkest day. Losing him had left a void that seemed impossible to fill.

But Gap's words lingered, nudging Babe towards exploring the possibility of happiness once more.

"Maybe I want to be happy again" he whispered to himself.


Dressed in a simple but elegant outfit, Babe stepped out of his house, carrying only a small suitcase. He took a deep breath, allowing the fresh air to fill his lungs with a renewed sense of purpose. Babe made a decision. He would visit his grandma, the loving being who had nurtured him throughout his childhood. After the tragic loss of his parents, he only has her in his life. Her home, nestled in the picturesque countryside, held a special place in his heart. Maybe, just maybe, the embrace of her unconditional love would gently heal the fragments of his shattered soul.

As Babe stepped out of the car, the fresh scent of rain-soaked earth engulfed him, awakening nostalgic memories of summers spent chasing fireflies and laughter that echoed through the night. He approached the familiar wooden porch, feeling a sense of warmth fill his chest. With each step, he shed the heaviness of sorrow, eager to surrender himself to the loving embrace that awaited him.

The door creaked open, revealing his beaming grandma. Rosy-cheeked, her eyes filled with affection as she enveloped him in an embrace that felt like home. Grandma Pok's gentle voice whispered in his ear, "Welcome back, dear. I missed you."

"Khun Yaai (Grandma)" he whispered back, trying to hold back his tears. Realized that from now on, he would only have his her to lean on. He tighten the hug showing how much he needs her.

"Come sit, my dear," Pok beckoned, her eyes twinkling with love for her grandson. Babe's eyes wandering around the house. His mind wandered back to a cherished moment, one that he held close to his heart - the day his beloved James, shamelessly proposed to him in front of his grandma.

Softly placing her wrinkled hand on his trembling shoulder. "My dear, I'm here for you and always be here for you naa."

Babe looked up at his grandma, his eyes searching for solace, longing for the comforting words that only she could provide. Pok took a deep breath, drawing from her well of compassion and understanding.

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