Chapter 9: Mugen Train part 1

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It was early in the morning when Masaru walked towards the train. He gazed up at the thing. Large machinery, a huge train. Masaru hadn't seen anything like it in a long time.

It reminded him of a hot summer day back when he was very young. He couldn't remember exactly where he was, or even how old he was. Only that it was a time when his mother still kissed him on the forehead and his eyes were covered by a brush of hair. Back when instead of being pushed away he was gripped closer to her chest. Masaru remembered ever so vividly how she had kept him away from the other passengers on the train—lest they see his eyes, and hurt him.

It was back when his father was still jovial about his looks. Back when his mother still smiled at him... Back before——

Masaru was brought out of his thoughts by a loud screech. Ah. It seemed Zenitsu and Inosuke had arrived. Soon enough Tanjiro was there, and they boarded the Mugen train. Viri had explained to him earlier, while asking for some bird seed, why they were there. Reportedly several dozen people had gone missing on the train, which is why it had recently gone down for maintenance. There were plenty of theories of who was the killer on the train, one specific one being about a "slasher". Unfortunately no polishing of the train nor of stray stories was going to help, as the killer was no doubt a demon.

Seeing as the train was about to set off, Masaru got out his ticket and watched as the tired-looking ticketeer stapled the ticket. The man looked as if he hadn't slept in a few months, and Masaru could sympathize with the man, remembering the many sleepless nights he had spent training with Yurei-sensei. If he had to click tickets everyday, he'd probably be bored and tired too.

Masaru walked with Tanjiro, while Zenitsu and Inosuke seemed to be arguing behind them. Once they sat down, with the Flame Hashira, as he introduced himself, Masaru knocked on the box. Nezuko would knock back, if she was awake. He heard a quiet knock back and smiled to himself.

Once the four boys and Nezuko had all reunited, Zenitsu had been particularly annoyed by Masaru and Nazuko's newfound friendship. He had threatened Masaru at least seven times, but Masaru knew he wasn't being serious. Despite his cowardly nature, He thought Zenitsu was much kinder than he let on—especially once he stopped thinking about marrying literally all women ever, he could be quite thoughtful.

Tanjiro also initially seemed worried about him and Nezuko's closeness. He had almost given Masaru the shovel talk, but Masaru shut him down, explaining that Nezuko was much more of a little sister then a potential partner. Then Tanjiro got worried Masaru was stealing his sister. Masaru had to convince him that no, he was not stealing Nezuko, and no, Tanjiro was not going to adopt him into the family without Nezuko or Masaru's knowing about it because he was too nice to say otherwise.

Sometimes, Masaru thought that his friends—he was pretty sure they were all friends now—were idiots. They would flip between good ideas and smart thinking and then decide that the only solution to a simple problem was a sword(Inosuke), Cowering on the ground(Zenitsu), or, of course, giving them your life savings(Tanjiro). It was all very endearing, but also quite worrying.

He was still fondly thinking about his friends when the flame Hashira cut through his thoughts with a loud proclamation of, "UMAI!"

Masaru thought the guy was a little bit odd, but then again, anyone killing man-eating demons with magical sword techniques probably was, Masaru included. The man ended up taking them all on as disciples, after killing a demon onboard. Masaru felt relieved that he was there... but he also felt a bit jealous of the man.

Rengoku was so very nice. He was boisterous and loud, but no one could deny how bright he was to be around. Just looking at him it felt like you were looking at something good. It was the opposite of Masaru.

But he couldn't really be mad. He just had to work harder to show people he wasn't literal satan. Oh well. He talked with the man briefly, and determined that Rengoku was probably a literal angel. He felt a little awkward sitting next to the man, but it wasn't a big deal.

A couple of minutes passed and Masaru started to feel drowsy. In an instant his thoughts and vision became blurred and messy. And in a moment, his eyes opened once more, in another realm.

A/N: okay so you might be wondering why this is like two days late and also short—and the answer is simple: the Mugen train movie is long and I wanted to separate the parts. Sorry lol TvT

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