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Chapter four

"More offense."

The next morning, Jackson woke up and when he did, he was lying on his bedroom floor, as he woke up to the sound of a phone ringing, he furrowed his brows, knowing for sure that nobody would calling him, he pushed himself up off the floor, looking at his phone, he realized if he didn't get dressed soon he would be late for school "fuck." he told himself, as he threw his phone back on the floor, it hit a couple of beer cans as he looked at them, he started to remember what happened last night and how he stood up not only to Kyler but to Sam as well, as her abruptly left school, not even giving his friends a proper goodbye.

Pushing himself up off the floor, he walked out of his room and down the hallway, seeing his dad on the phone, he turned walking into the bathroom, he shut the door behind him and walked to the shower and turned it on to sober himself up to where he'd at least be able to drive to school even if he wouldn't be paying attention.

And by the time he was done, Jackson had gotten dressed as he walked down the hallway his dad was there "let me guess, Robby again?" he asked him, as his dad huffed "please, tell me your going to school?" he asked him, as Jackson forced a smile "yep." he told him, walking toward's the door, he opened it and walked out as his dad followed behind him, Miguel walked up to them "hey, Sensei, my mom said I can't train with you anymore, but I had this idea that maybe if we went to the dojo before.." he was saying, as Jackson walked toward's his bike, letting the two talk, he he put his helmet on and went to drive off, as Miguel ran in front of his bike.

"Dude, what the actual fuck!" Jackson voiced, as he quickly stopped the bike before running him over "look, I don't know what's been your deal lately but I tried to stand up to Kyler and him and his friends beat the crap out of me." Miguel shared, making Jackson huff "dude, are you an idiot? You've just learned how to punch, you barley know how to kick.." he shared "your dad taught me." Miguel told him, as Jackson raised his brows "let me guess? The days that I missed karate?" he asked, and when he did, Miguel's face fell which gave Jackson his answer "dude, look, I've had my own shit going on, okay? And so does my dad. So for at least right now? Karates done. So get out of my way before were both late to school." he shared, revving the engine and as he did, Miguel stepped out of his way as Jackson then drove off.

Walking into school, Jackson could hear everyone snorting or laughing as they said "Cheeto face!" or "hey, miss piggy!" and when Jackson looked to who they were talking about he saw Aisha, as she walked away from her locker after talking to Sam, Jackson furrowed his brows and stepped toward's her "hey, what's going?" he asked her, and when he did, Aisha scoffed "don't act like you don't know." she told him, as she walked around him, Jackson quickly turned to her "hey. I'm not exactly Mr popular either." he told her, as Aisha turned to him "yeah, well you fight back against them. But people like me? We're stuck just letting them treat us like crap." she shared, as she turned around walking off, Jackson furrowed his brows, recalling how his dad said he needed more people for his dojo, turning around he went to walk to class, but then stopped seeing Sam and Kyler, and when he did, he felt his blood start to boil, as he turned around heading the long way to class instead.

Where during lunch, Jackson was sitting in the library with Demetri, Miguel and Eli as they all did their homework "so, that's it, no more karate?" Demetri asked "I guess so." Miguel told him as he looked up at Jackson, in which Jackson slammed his pen down "dude, what's your problem? Because the last thing I need is you giving me the evil eye. It's not my fault that karates over, okay." he told him "well, it's probably for the best. It was starting to boost your guys confidence." Demetri shared "isn't that a good thing?" Miguel asked as he looked to him "no. What has confidence ever gotten anybody except for a black eye and their backpack thrown in the trash?" Demetri asked.

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