Chapter 1

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Hello and welcome to my Frozen Fan Fiction. I've had this idea in my head for a few years and finally decided to write it out. I have some scenes in my head and hope to flesh it out if anyone finds this interesting. If I get any interest, I'll make sure to update. Enjoy chapter one!

A young girl of eleven stared sadly out of her bedroom, watching as her younger sister played happily near the forest. The girl of eight looked like she was building a snowman, but since it was only early fall it was more of a mud man. Made of three lumpy balls of different sizes, small rocks for buttons and eyes. The girl was placing a twig for the mud man's hand. The girl would look up to the window once and a while with a sad smile on her face. When this happened, the girl looking out the window would hide behind the curtain. After a while someone could be heard calling to the girl.

"Princess Anna! Lunch time!" a cook's muffled call could be heard. The girl outside shoulders slumped. She turned one more time toward the window and her sister, Elsa, hid behind her curtain once more. How she wished to play with her sister outside! But she could not under any circumstances.

The two sisters used to be inseparable, but that changed three years ago. One night the two girls had snuck out to play, ending in Anna getting horribly injured. For Elsa was born with ice powers. They had been playing in snow made by Elsa when, trying to catch a jumping Anna, Elsa hit Anna with her ice magic. Her parents were able to save Anna by taking her to the Ice Trolls. The leader of the trolls healed Anna, but also took away all her memories of Elsa's magic.

To further protect Anna, Elsa made sure to stay as far away from her sister as possible. She also now wears gloves to try and keep her magic at bay, but it didn't seem to be helping. It seemed the more emotional she got the more her powers would get out of control.

Elsa looked from the window at the clock on the wall. One of the maids would bring her lunch up soon. Then her tutor would arrive for more lessons. Elsa rang her hands as she walked to her desk. She wanted nothing more than to talk to someone, anyone who wasn't her parents or tutor. Someone her age, a person she could confide in. She had thought about just ignoring her parents and going to talk with Anna. But then her mind would flash back to that night. What if she hurt Anna again? What if Anna wanted nothing to do with her for ignoring her for three whole years!

A knock on the door thrust Elsa out of her thoughts. She took a quick look at her feet. The ground around her was completely covered in ice. Her feet were even attached to the floor by some. She gasped and pulled her left leg as hard as she could. With a crack the ice gave. Elsa did the same with her right. She let out a sigh of relief as the knock came again, this time a little louder.

"C-come in" Elsa said. She took a few steps toward the door as it opened. She was surprised to see her father walk into the room. He stopped next to her bed and gave her a smile.

"Elsa as of today your studies will be increasing to prepare you to one day take over as queen." Her father, King Agnarr began. Elsa nodded silently. She knew this would happen soon; she had just hoped she would be able to control her powers better by now.

"I will also be appointing your bodyguard and viceroy." King Agnarr stated.

"A Viceroy?" Elsa asked.

"Yes, they are a person who will help you run the kingdom as your second in command. The person I have picked will also be protecting you from others in case your powers get out of hand" her father explained.

'You mean protect the people from me' Elsa thought. Anger suddenly reared up inside her and she clutched her hands into fists. She felt ice begin to swirl around her fingers. She panicked for a second, then took a few deep breaths to calm herself. Hiding her hands behind her back she asked:

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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