Part 16

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You guys got dried up
You had your shirts back on
"Can I get your number"-girl 1
She said handing Tom her phone
You kept walking
Tom took it and typed in a number
Then he walked away
He put his hand on your but and walked
"How are you not pissed"-Maddie
You shrugged your shoulders
"Just not"-you
Her jaw dropped
"She was touching him"-Maddie
"I mean what is she gonna do?"-you
You guys were at the hotel
You had just came out the shower
Eveyone was getting ready for the rest of the day
You finished early
Bill was showering
And Maddie was in your guys room
You were with Tom
You were posting a video of what you and Tom were wearing
"And then this girl was asking Tom questions"-you
"I was scared"-Tom
"No your weren't"-you
"She was asking me where I lived"-Tom
You laughed
"Anyways guys that's it bye!"-you
You ended the video and talked to Tom
"I want to change my shirt"-you
"I don't know I feel stupid in it"-you
"You should let me dress you"-Tom
He handed you a bunch of clothes
"I like it leave it like that"-Tom
"I feel this is to baggy for me"-you
"We'll to bad leave it"-Tom
You guys went shopping
You let the twins hang out and you and Maddie were running around swiping your cards
"I got Tom these shoes,bill these shoes,and where are the ones I gave you"-you
"Over here"-Maddie
Maddie was carrying 6 bags in her hand
And you had 6 as well
"My wrist hurt"-you
"Where are they"-bill
"Probably in the comic book store"-you
You guys walked in
And send Tom reading a comic
"Hey nerd"-you
His eyes widened
He harshly whispered
"It's not just me it's Maddie too"-you
"Maddie holy fucking shit you were supposed to take care of her"-Tom
"We both got carried away"-you
"Can you hold the bags they hurt"-Maddie
Bill took the bags from Maddie
And Tom took your bags
They bought comics and then you guys left
After an hour you guys left
"We are going to see a friend of bill and I's"-Tom
"Just telling you right now his friends are weird but he's cool so if they try to hug you give them handshakes"-bill
"And if they ask questions don't answer them"-Tom
They went down a list of things of do's and dont's
You guys got out the car
They knocked on the door
They were talking in German to each other
"Und y/n is meine fruendin"-Tom
(And y/n is my girlfriend)
He gave you a handshake
Then you heard footsteps
It was two boys
Bill gestures you and Maddie to get behind Tom
Tom said hi
"And who's this"-boy 1
"My girlfriend and her best friend"-Tom
"Very cute how old"-boy 1
"Our age"-bill
He opened his arm for a hug
You gave him a hand shake
And so did Maddie
"Go sit down"
Bill whispered to you
You and Maddie sat down at the couch
"I'm uncomfortable"-Maddie
She whispered
"Me too"-you
You said back
Then the two boys walked over
"So your the model and your the actress"-boy 2
You nodded
Maddie did too
"Not much of talkers huh"-boy 1
You shrugged your shoulders
They asked you guys questions
And you replied with yea or no
"Yea you are very pretty"-boy 1
He said leaning close to you
"Thank you"-you
"Remind me how old you are again"-boy 1
"I'm 19 you like older guys?"-boy 1
"You know I have feeling you like me"-boy 1
"I don't"-you
"Girl go quiet around guys they like"-boy 1
"Your playing hard to get"-boy 1
He sat getting up and sitting next to
you on the couch
He put his hand on your back
You got up
Maddie did too
You both left
Tom handed you the car keys
"It was nice meeting you"-you
You said to the boy Tom and bill were talking to
"Yea you too"
"Sorry about them"
He said in a low tone
"It's alright bye"-you
You gave him a side hug
The two boys rushed over
"Wheres my hug at"-boy 1
You looked at him and turned back around
Tom laughed and squished your cheek
You smiled at Tom and left
You and Maddie were in the car watching YouTube
Then a few minutes later they came out
You guys went to get something to eat and then went to some popular places
You bought a bunch of bracelets from vendors
You handed Maddie bill and Tom necklaces
"Thank you"-all of them
"Here I bought you this one"-Tom
He handed you a necklace with a skull on it
"I love it thank you"-you
He kissed your
You guys walked around
You noticed every boy your age kept looking at you
You thought it was a bit scary since there were a lot of people around but you ignored it
Around 4 guys asked you for your number
And you said you had a boyfriend
After a long day you guys got home at 12:57
And boarded the plane at 3:00am
You fell asleep in Tom's arms
You went straight to sleep
And the next day you washed clothes and took a shower because you had an interview
Tom was going to go on it with you
You both were listening to Britney Spears in the car
Then you guys got there
You got out the car
And entered the place with Tom
"We are here tu the most talked about couple"
You smiled at Tom
"Tom I notice your wearing a necklace and is that a new look your going for"
"We'll not really but y/n bought it for me in Hawaii so I decided to wear it"-Tom
"That's great,and how was the trip"
"I'd say it was good I liked it I had a lot of fun"-Tom
He asked questions about the trip
"And how many times did girls ask you for your number Tom"
"Well maybe around 3 girls y/n was taking all the spot light I counted at least 8 guys ask her"-Tom
"And y/n do you ever get jealous when people go up to Tom and ask him for his number"
"No,I sort of just ignore them because I mean what are they going to do I can't that I'm dating a tall good looking guy so I don't really care for it"-you
Tom smiled
"And Tom do you ever get jealous"
"Uhhh well obviously she's a gorgeous girl and I know many people have asked her for her number but I don't really care because I trust her a lot with anything"-Tom
"And what was your biggest incident that happened when someone came up to one of you guys"
Tom looked at you so you go first
"Well this one was recent I just came out the water and I went over to dry off and I see a girl touching Tom's arm asking things and Tom had an awkward smile on and I thought it was funny,and when we were leaving she asked him for his number and he typed something in and a few minutes later I got texts asking if I was busy later "-you
The interviewer laughed
"And you Tom"
"Well there's this guy I know and he was hitting on her saying she was cute and I thought it was funny because y/n was being so dry and I've never seen her like that before and she had a disgusted face on,and he put his hand on her back and she got up really quick and walked over to me and then when she was saying bye the boy asked her for a hug and she said no and I couldn't help but laugh"-Tom
"And were you jealous"
He shook his head
"No i thought it was very funny"-Tom
"And y/n what are your thoughts on people thinking Tom is cute"
"I can't blame them I mean look at him"-you
You said looking at Tom
"And how has this relationship impacted your guys work life"
"Well I'd say it hasn't really done anything, I mean we both are busy people and sometimes it's hard to plan stuff but we always figure out ways to and we see each other at school but y/n is a very busy at school especially because she's a good student so I try not to bother her"-Tom
"So y/n is smart"
"Yea she's like a little nerd"-Tom
The interviewer laughed
"And you y/n"
"Well it hasn't impacted me hard I just try my best give him attention to hang out with him but there has been points where I don't talk to him for days because of how busy I am but I always try and reach out in the best possible way I can"-you
Tom nodded
"And how had your guys family reacted to it"
You looked at Tom
"Well my mother talked to her and she's always been a fan of y/n for quiet some while so she was happy and dad knows,and with bill he's happy he's gotten closer with her and mostly all my family that lives farther away found out"-Tom
"And y/n"
"We'll he actually talked to my mom and it was so funny because he was so embarrassed and that was through the phone and my dad hasn't talked to him yet but my sister has talked to him like once and she said that he's really nice and gives off a good vibe and stuff like that so yea,and I want tom to meet my parents but they are far away for work"-you
Tom shook his head
You laughed
"And Tom what are some memories you hold of her"
"Oh!The first day in Hawaii I think y/n started crying because she forgot her glasses she wanted to wear but I let her borrow mine which were the same pair so she was happy"-Tom
"And you y/n"
"Maybe the time we were at this party and he let me watch YouTube on his phone and he remembered the YouTubers I watched and I thought that was cute the he remembered"-you
He asked Tom some questions about the band
And then he started to ask you questions
"And y/n would you want to join there band"
You shook your head no
"I think that's ruin it because I mean I like there band just how it is right now"-you
The interviewer laughed
"And Tom what is your love language"
He looked at you
"Maybe touch I don't know much about that"-Tom
"And why is that"
"I think physical means getting closer to the person in a different way"-Tom
"And you y/n"
"I really don't know"-you
Tom laughed
"I'd say probably giving because she's always buying me things and buying everyone stuff"-Tom
"And y/n what is one thing you hate about Tom"
Tom smiled
"And you Tom?"
"I hate how much she cares about what other think about her"-Tom
"And what is one thing you like about Tom's looks"
"His eyes and I know you only said one but I like how tall he is"-you
"And you Tom?"
"I like her eyes"-Tom
"And do you guys think eyes is an important feature"
Tom nodded
So did you
You and Tom left the interview
The next week you were really busy
So was Tom
You had to go to a Victoria Secret party
There was going to be a bunch of celebrities and fashion designers
When you arrived ruby took to to the main area
There were a bunch of girls you knew
And a bunch of girls you used to model with
You were having fun
Then you got a text from Tom
He was going to the party
You were exited to see him because you haven't seen him in a whole week
Or even talked to him
"I'm here"
You looked up from your phone
You seen Tom and bill walking in
Passing through all the people
You walked to him
He seen you
He gave you a hug and a kissed on your head
Then you gave bill a hug
You brought them to where eveyone was at
They sat down and immediately the cameras started flashing at them
Then you seen two girls walk up to them
They sat next to the both of them
You immediately recognized the girl that was touching Tom
She was a girl that hated to for the fame you gained
You used to model with her when you were younger
Tom was just staring around while the girls was touching his neck
Her name was star
He moved her hand off of him
He tapped bill
They both got up and walked over to you
They sat down
Closer to you
Tom pulled your arm and sat you down on his lap
Adriana and Devon were gossiping with bill
Tom was playing with your hair
Then you seen star walking to you
"Oh god"-Tom
"Hey y/n"-star
"Hi star,how've you been"-you
"Good you"-star
"Things been going real good for you huh"-star
"What do you mean"-you
"All the magazine covers,modeling,walking for Victorias Secret"-star
"Oh yeah,what about you"-you
"Nothing been going on"-star
"This is your boyfriend"-star
"How tall are you like 6 foot"-star
You laughed
She sat down close to Tom
She started to ask him questions
"And do you like her or are you forced"-star
You turned around
Star was laughing
"Your being forced huh,she has nothing special Al I right"-star
"No I like her other wise I wouldn't have asked her if I could be her boyfriend"-Tom
Her face went serious

TOM X Y/N 🎀Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz