Chapter 1

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I had decided to dress nicely today. I don't know why, perhaps I was just in the mood. When I dress nice, it very rare. Even more rare are the times I dress nicely and girly. This happened to be one of those times. But for me, the normal girl's casual is my nice. So I wore khaki skinnies, a denim jacket, flats, jewelry, a fluttery top... that was my idea of dressing nice.

I decided to go shopping for some much needed things before I headed to an event I was volunteering at. I volunteered to help run the summer reading program at the children's library. But first I had to get a few things.
I'm a sucker for books, so of course I went to Barnes and noble. But I had two reasons: one was to buy a new historical book, the other was to check to see if I had gotten the job I applied for a couple days ago. They had yet to get back to me on that issue.
I went inside in a daze and roamed the store to read the summaries of any title that caught my eye. Those tended to be the adult literature, particularly historical books and espionage. Anything in the teen section (meant for my age) was cliche, sappy, and below my reading level. I avoided teen lit like the plague. But that didn't mean I would avoid Classic children's stories and Fairytales. Those never ceased to excite me. I've read classics like Peter Pan, Treasure Island, and Grimm's Fairytales so often I knew them as if the stories were my own. This also caused me to get sucked into reading to children at the library, but I didn't mind.
As I checked out, I was still eyeing the bound-beauties. I thanked the cashier and left before I blew all my cash.
Next I had to get some hand sanitizer from Bath&BodyWorks. My mother had run out of her favorite scent, plumeria, and I had to pick up more. I also had to stop in a couple other shops, William Sonoma and Pottery Barn. My mother was doing some renovating and she gave me a list of the exact items she wanted from those places. I had to pick them up. Thankfully they were small decorative items that I could easily carry and store in the car. Notice how I said "the car," not "my car". I couldn't get my own car so I usually shared cars with my dad. He was on a business trip so he didn't need his. I could borrow it. This is also the reason I am so keen to be hired at Barnes and Noble. I really needed the cash.
I checked my phone and noticed I was running out of time, so I booked it to the library.

"That's the end of my shift!" I announced to the girl I was working with today. I stood up from the sign up table and grabbed my bag.
"Okay!" She said cheerily, "bye!"
I waved goodbye to her and began to walk out of the children's library.
I noticed a man standing in the corner of the library, glancing nonchalantly at a book of Fairytales. Odd. I might tip off the manager before I left.
"Theodora! Theodora!" Bubbled Lacey, "read us a story before you go!"
Lacey is a little girl with little red ringlets, freckled skin, and the cutest crooked teeth. She's only a six year old, but she loves the library. She's here every day. She also loves to have stories read to her and so happens to pick me to read her stories all the time. Sometimes I wonder if she gets enough attention at home. She tends to remind me of my sister who happens to be the same age as well. But they have yet to meet.
I knelt down, "okay, which story do you want to hear?"
Lacey thrust a book in my face and I recoiled to avoid being bopped in the nose, "this one!" She announced.
I took the book. It was the story of Thumbelina. Lacey must have liked the picture of the small girl on the cover who was zipping down a stream in a walnut boat.
"This is the story of Thumbelina," I told her.
Lacey nodded, "I want to hear it."
I stood up, "Thumbelina it is!"
Lacey bounced over to the reading pit and sat in front of the reader's chair.
I went over to the reader's chair and placed my bag and jacket on it. I never sat while I read, I always walked around and gave a performance. The kids listened better that way.
I held the book in one hand and I would glance every so often to make sure that as I gave my performance I was reading it out properly. When I had finished, there was a crowd of children sitting around Lacey and watching.
"You could be Thumbelina!" Lacey laughed, "you even look like a flower!" She pointed to my fluttery top.
I looked down at it and then back up at Lacey, "what if I am already Thumbelina?" I said mysteriously.
The kids looked at me with newfound curiosity.
"Whoa..." breathed a little boy, "then you're really big for Thumbelina."
I chuckled, "yes. I suppose that I am."
"How did you get so big, Thumbelina?" Asked another little girl.
I tapped my chin then answered, "I ate some of the left side of a mushroom."
The kids didn't quite understand my reference.
I smiled and picked up my bag and jacket, "I have to go now. Bye!"
They all waved and said at different times, "bye, Miss Theodora!"
I handed the book to Lacey and said quietly, "I thought you'd want to check it out."
Lacey hugged the book and smiled her toothy grin as she bobbed her head and made her red ringlets bounce. Then she sped off to go get her babysitter to check out the book for her.
I was almost out the door when I noticed the man who was reading Fairytales was not there.
I shrugged it of and pushed the door open so I could leave.
And I jumped in my skin when I saw the man leaning against the wall of te library. I tried to hurry past but he called me.
"Excuse me, miss!"
I looked around to make sure he was talking to me. And surely he was.
I turned around, but did not go any closer, "can I help you?"
He smiled and suddenly he seemed a little less frightening. But I had to stay on guard.
"Yes," he handed me a business card. It read: George Leonard, talent agent. It also had his phone number and an email. I peered back up at him and he continued, "my name is George Leonard and as you can see I am a talent agent. Right now I am looking for a new face to play a role on a hit tv series, Once Upon a Time."
My eyes probably bulged. I love that show! Of course, I hadn't watched in a while so I had a lot of catching up to do... by at least a couple seasons.
"Why are you coming to me?" I asked.
"You're a face no one has seen in movie business and I believe you are the face we are looking for, for this new character."
"Who's the character?" I asked.
He smiled, "coincidentally, we are looking for a teenage girl to play Thumbelina."
I chuckled, "how funny!"
"Yes, it is," Mr. Leonard chuckled as well, "if you are interested in this role then give me a call within twenty four hours."
I nodded, "Thank you, Mr. Leonard."
He stuck out a hand to shake, "no, thank you."
I shook his hand. Then he asked, "may I ask what your name is?"
"Theodora," I answered.
"That's a beautiful name," he charmed, "I hope you give a call. Goodbye."
I waved, "goodbye, sir."

Later that night I did some research on George Leonard. It turns out he was being completely legitimate with me.
That night i decided to have a chat with my mom and ask what her opinion was.
"So what do you think?" I asked her after I told her my story, showed her the business card, and showed her the web page on Mr. George Leonard.
She pressed her lips together and narrowed her eyes, "are you interested?"
I shrugged and nodded, "why not? I'll get paid and i can finally buy this family another car."
Mom pointed her finger at me, "don't forget college."
"Of course not," I reassured her.
She smiled at me in silence for a few moments.
I was used to this. Mom's a very emotional person.
"What's on your mind...?" I asked carefully.
"Oh nothing," mom sighed, "I just remember the time you auditioned for a part in a sci-fi show as a child and you couldn't do it. But now you're being scouted!"
I laughed, "yeah! I never took myself as the performing kind either. I always thought it would be Beth first."
"Are you comfortable with the idea of acting?"
I shrugged, "why wouldn't I be?"
Mom chuckled, "sometimes I forget you've gotten over your fears of being in the center of attention."
I nodded, "yep. I got no problems speaking or performing now."
Mom breathed out in a huff, "I want to talk to this George Leonard when you call him."

I called Mr. Leonard the next day at noon saying I would do it. I'd play the part. Now I had to go to Richmond. In Canada.
This was exciting for me because it meant I could get a passport, and I could see my friend Victoria. She didn't live near Richmond, but she was in Canada.
My mom also got a passport and traveled with me. She couldn't let me go alone because I was a minor and I wasn't just taking a plane ride to family who would meet me on the other side.
A week later I was boarding a plane with my mom to fly to Canada. Where did my siblings go? They were picked up by my mom's parents to stay in Iowa. So they were safe.
It was also much less stressful traveling with no children. I always ended up carrying every kid's baggage and then carrying the kids. Yes, air travel went smoother with no kids.

Mom and I checked into a hotel in the town where OUAT is filmed.
I had to take a nap and then get ready to meet everyone tomorrow.

I arrived at the location I was given. I walked into an office and immediately went to the receptionist.
"Excuse me, I'm looking for Mr. Leonard," I asked.
The receptionist pointed to a door, "he's right in there."
I dipped my head, "thanks." Then I walked in the room.
I saw Mr. Leonard along with two other men and they were all holding scripts.
"There she is!" Mr. Leonard exclaimed, "our Thumbelina!"
I smiled shyly and joined the group.
"Theodora, this is Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz."
I shook their hands, "it's a pleasure to meet you."
"The pleasure is ours," Mr. Horowitz said, "you're exactly who we were looking for to play Thumbelina."
I smiled at the ground, "thank you, sir."
I was handed a packet.
"There is your character description, backstory, et cetera, and the episode's script," Mr. Leonard said, "you will meet the other actors after lunch and you will all start practicing."
"We film in two days," Mr. Kitsis said.
"So you have that time to learn the script and get to know who you're working with," Mr. Horowitz said.

Later I sat in a cafe reading over my character and lines. I had to know a little bit before I went back to meet the actors.
Thumbelina was born from a flower and raised by a single woman. Then she caught the eye of a toad and was captured. She escaped on her own only to find that her mother had been poisoned. She never met her prince and lived seeking out her mother's murderer to exact revenge. She also wanted to learn her full origin story and why her mother was killed. She had a feeling her mother didn't tell her everything. Then as she lived on the run, the first curse happened. Thumbelina became Evangelina Klein. She went by Evan Klein. All she knew was that her adoptive mother died and she was truly alone. But she was tough. She lived alone in Storybrooke in an old boathouse. One day while boating, she crossed paths with Paige/Grace. Grace was in danger because she fell in the water, and Evan rescue her. Then Evan made sure Grace was alright and then took Grace home to her father. Jefferson thanked Evan and he and Grace invited Evan for tea. Evan accepted. The episode kicks off with Evan rescuing Grace. Then she disappears once Jefferson asks about her family. That episode is all about finding out who Evan Klein is.
Then as time goes on, more of her story and intentions are revealed.
Also, there was a bully at Storybrooke High who had a huge crush on Evan. And a popular boy who had a crush on Evan. Sigh. It seems inevitable.
I spent an hour going over my lines until I could recite them while only having to glance occasionally for help.
"And the episode ends," I said as I flipped to the last page of script. Then I checked my phone, "oh my goodness!" I jumped from my chair and scrambled to stuff everything in my backpack. Then I ran out of the cafe and back to the office where I was supposed to meet the actors. I received a couple odd looks from running in this tiny, slow town. It was quite honestly a perfect little town for a set. The whole town was a set. That was pretty cool to me.
I ran through the door and I finally skidded to a halt in front of the receptionist. I bent over while holding myself up by propping my hands on my knees, and I heaved in air then forced myself to slow my heart rate.
"You're just in time," the receptionist said to me, "go ahead in."
"Thank-" I breathed out, "you."
She smiled, "you're welcome sweety." Then she went back to her work.
I wiped sweat from my face and smoothed down any flyaway hair. Then I opened the door and went inside.

I saw a group of people all sitting in chairs arranged in a circle. Because Mr. Horowitz was talking to the group, I slipped in silently.
"Ah! There she is!" Mr. Horowitz said.
I smiled and tried to make it look genuine. I was shocked from being called out so quickly.
"Everyone, this is Theodora Smith."
Someone spoke up, "are you new? I don't recognize you from anything else."
I smiled crookedly, "yes. This will be my first time acting."
Mr. Horowitz clapped his hands together, "she'll be playing the role of Thumbelina, aka Evangelina Klein. Shooting begins on Thursday."
"Alright!" someone said cheerily, "let's get started!"
I sat down in a chair next to a young girl and on my other side was a man.
"I suppose we ought to do introductions," said a woman with short dark hair, "I'm Ginnifer. I play Snow White slash Mary Margaret."
The next person stood up, "I'm Josh. I play Prince Charming, aka David."
And we went down the line.
"I'm Jennifer, I play Emma."
"I'm Colin, I play Hook."
"Lana, I play Regina, aka the evil queen."
"My name's Jared. I play Henry."
The man next to me spoke, "I'm Robert and I play Mr. Gold, also known as Rumplestiltskin."
Another man stood up, "my name is Sebastian, my friends call me Seb. I play Jefferson who is the Mad Hatter."
Finally the girl next to me said, "my name is Ali. I play Grace who is known as Paige."
I spoke as if these people were already my friends, "and I guess you all know who I am and what I'm here for."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Theodora," said Colin.
I smiled, "I'm glad I'll be getting the chance to work with all of you."
Then Jennifer spoke, "let's run through the script."
Everyone nodded collectively.
"I agree."
"Let's get moving."

I was so amazed at how easy it was to read through with everyone. They all had such a knack for making it real that I had an easier time trying to do just that. It wasn't awkward when everyone was doing it.
We all finished for the day and began gathering our stuff to leave.
Jared approached me quite friendly, "hey! Where'd you learn to read like that?"
I smiled, "I read to children at the library."
"No acting in school?"
I shook my head and laughed, "I was too shy for the longest time, so I didn't pursue it," then I added, "until now."
"That's cool," Jared spoke encouragingly, "where are you headed?"
I nodded over in the direction of a hotel, "to my temporary living arrangement."
"Can I walk with?"
I smiled, "sure."

We talked about Jared's acting experiences and what it was like being on OUAT until we arrived at my hotel.
"This is my stop," I announced.
"Cool," Jared said, "see ya tomorrow and then we start filming!"
I laughed nervously, "don't remind me!"
Jared laughed as he shrugged his shoulders, "it is what you signed up for."
I laughed, "alright, true. See ya!"
And I went inside my hotel room.

And so the day of filming began.
I was nervous enough to drive myself up the wazoo with worry, but I kept it suppressed. I was prepped with makeup and the costume and so were the others. It was time for it to begin.

Evan ran. She stole from the convenience store a load of supplies.
"Ha," she huffed, "clerk didn't even see me."
Evan slowed down her pace as she neared the abandoned boathouse. She moved aside a board, then stepped inside.
"That should last a month," Evan said to herself as she plopped her stolen goods on a table. Evan hung her jacket and bag, and she collapsed on a chair, letting her head fall on the table, "how should I steal next?" Evan sighed and chuckled, "I could always sneak into Gold's..."
Evan pulled out of her bag some pencils and a binder, "I really hate homework," she scowled. After furrowing her brows at a problem she had to solve, she threw the binder on the table, "I'm not doing that now."
Evan put her jacket back on and tied back her hair. Then she yanked a rowboat out from a corner of the boathouse. She threw a couple of oars into the boat and then proceeded to push it out of the boathouse. She got it all the way out and let the boathouse door slam shut behind her. Then she continued to struggled with pushing the boat until it hit the still river water. Evan pushed it further out until it was completely buoyant, the she carefully stepped inside, picked up the oars, and began rowing.

"Thumbelina..." came a kind voice.
Thumbelina stood up in her little boat on her little lake, "I'm right here, mother!"
Mother happily bent down to see Thumbelina face to face. Of course, Thumbelina was smaller than mother's face.
"I have a surprise for you," mother said excitedly, pulling out a book.
Thumbelina squealed with delight and rowed to the edge of the lake, the she hopped out and ran to the book. Mother had to turn the hard cover for her, but Thumbelina could walk across the pages and turn them.
"It's a story," Mother said, "about a young girl who finds a fairy prince."
Thumbelina looked up at her mother, "mother, am I the size of a fairy?"
"Then I could find a fairy prince!" Thumbelina said excitedly scanning the story. Thumbelina looked at a picture of the fairies, "why don't I have wings like the fairies?"
Mother sighed, "you're not exactly a fairy."
"What am I?"
"You're a very small girl," mother out it simply with a smile on her face.
Then mother checked the clock,"my goodness! It's late! Off to bed!"
Mother shooed Thumbelina until Thumbelina tumbled into her walnut shell bed.
"Goodnight mother."
"Sweet dreams, Thumbelina."
Thumbelina closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.
And a toad croaked.

Evan rowed almost all the way down. It was getting to be even further from town.
A toad croaked and Evan shivered at the sound.
Suddenly there was a splash.
"Who's there?" Evan called out.
No answer.
Evan rowed to the source of the splash.
"Oh my god!" Evan exclaimed. There in the water was a knocked-out little girl, bobbing. Evan rowed the boat and wedged it in-between rocks at the river's edge. Then she dove in and swam to the little girl. She reached the little girl, grabbed her under the arms, balanced the girl's head on her shoulder above water, then kicked against the current back to the boat.
Evan hoisted the little girl into the rowboat, then pulled the boat with all her might out from between the rocks. Then Evan got in and rowed as quickly as she could for a safe shore to get out at.
Once Evan had done that, she picked up the little girl and set her down on the sand.
"Come on," Evan said, "you're gonna be fine." Evan noticed a gash on the girl's head. Evan checked the girl's pulse and breathing, "it's faint. Not good." Evan got on her knees and began CPR.
After a cycle, she checked for pulse and breathing. Still not good. Evan proceeded with CPR again.
Finally, the little girl puked out buckets of water and began coughing. Evan quickly held the little girl in a position to expel anything.
The little girl spat out the last drops of water and coughed and heaved.
"You're okay," Evan rubbed the little girl's back, "you're alright."
The little girl regained her breath and focused on steadying it. Then she just sat in silence for a few moments.
"Thank you," she whispered.
Evan smiled softly, "you're welcome." The little girl sat up better. Evan realized they were both soaked, "where do you live? I can take you home to your parents."
The little girl pointed in the direction of a huge mansion surrounded by woods, "I live with my dad over there."
Evan nodded, "alright. Let's get you home before you catch a cold."
The little girl nodded and stood up shakily. Evan rushed to support her.
"May I ask," Evan said, "how you ended up in the water?"
The little girl shook her head, "I was walking along the rocks when something pushed me and I fell."
Evan grew suspicious, "what pushed you?"
"I don't know," said the little girl.
As they walked in silence the little girl asked, "what's your name?"
"Evan," Evan answered.
"Evan?" The little girl scrunched up her nose.
Evan laughed, "it's short for Evangelina."
"That's pretty," said the little girl.
"Thanks," Evan said, "what's your name?"
"My name is Paige," answered the little girl.
"That's a lovely name," Evan said as they approached the mansion, "is this it?"
Paige nodded, "yep!"
Evan walked Paige up to the door, "is your dad home?"
Paige nodded and rang the doorbell.
A man dressed in dark victorian, yet modern clothing opened the door, "Grace!" He exclaimed as he bent down to hug the girl, "what happened?"
Evan hung back awkwardly.
The man let go of Paige a little and gave her a once-over. He looked so worried and so concerned.
Evan felt a pang of longing.
"I fell in the river," Paige said, "but Evan saved me."
Now the man switched his attention to Evan who was standing there, "thank you," he said sincerely, "thank you for saving my daughter."
Evan smiled as kindly as she could, "you're welcome sir. It's what any person would have done."
The man stood up and hugged Paige to his side, "you're both so wet. Evan, why don't you come inside to dry off? You can stay for tea."
Evan felt a smirk coming on when she heard 'stay for tea', but instead she smiled and said, "thank you. I would appreciate that."
Paige beamed widely and she and her father stepped aside and let in Evan.

Evan stepped into the modern mansion and could only look around in awe.
The man spoke, "my name is Jefferson, by the way."
Evan turned around to face Jefferson, "nice to meet you, Jefferson. My name's Evan."
He cocked his head.
"It's short for Evangelina."
"Ah," Jefferson nodded. Then he noticed Paige dripping wet, "why don't we get you some dry clothes?"
Paige nodded. Jefferson led her upstairs and called over his shoulder, "Evan, you can come with. I'm sure we have something you could wear while we dry your clothes."
Evan carefully stepped after Jefferson and Paige doing her best to not track mud all over the floors.

Later Evan sat in the lounge room in a bathrobe having tea with Jefferson and Paige.
Paige happily poured everyone tea, enjoying the tea party.
Evan couldn't help but notice how lovingly Jefferson looked at Paige while Paige poured the tea.
"So," Jefferson spoke, "Evan, why were you on the river?" He took a sip of tea.
Evan quickly downed the sip of tea she had taken and put down the cup, "I was rowing on the river."
"Do you go for fun?"
Evan nodded, "yes. I find it clears my mind."
Jefferson smiled sympathetically, "that's what everyone needs."
Then Paige spoke, "do you go to the high school?"
Evan nodded, "yes, I do. How about you, Paige?"
Paige sipped her tea, "I go to the middle school still. Sixth grade."
Evan nodded, "how do you like it?"
"It's fun," Paige answered cheerily.
Jefferson smiled at his daughter. Then Evan asked, "Jefferson, how come I don't see you around town?"
Jefferson put down his tea, "I don't usually spend much time in town. And when I do, I'm hard to spot."
Evan nodded in understanding.
Jefferson asked back, "why is it that I don't see you around town?"
Evan chuckled, "same as you, I suppose."
"Do you live in town?" Paige asked.
Evan shook her head, "not really. But I don't live as far out as you two."
Then a ding could be heard from upstairs.
Paige bounced up, "your clothes are dry. I'll go get them."
Then she skipped up the stairs.
"Evan, can I talk to your parents?" Jefferson asked.
Evan snapped up and said quickly, "why?"
"Well, because I want to tell them the wonderful thing you did. They would probably want to know."
Evan smiled and shook her head, "there's no need, really. Thank you though."
Jefferson became suspicious.
Paige bounded down the stairs with a bundle in hands, "here ya go, Evan."
Evan took the bundle gratefully, "thank you." Then she locked herself in a bathroom to change.
Evan emerged and said, "thank you very much for the tea and your hospitality."
Jefferson smiled, "you're welcome back anytime."
Evan felt a warmth in her heart and said trying not to let her voice crack, "t-thank you." Then she shook her head, "I-uh-I really must be going."
"Okay," Paige said, "goodbye, Evan."
"Bye, Paige," Evan smiled.
Jefferson walked Evan to the door, "thank you, Evan."
Evan smiled and began to walk out.
Jefferson lightly grabbed her arm, "but remember you're welcome back anytime."
Evan smiled at Jefferson. Then Jefferson let go. Evan waved goodbye and walked away.
Jefferson watched her go for a minute with a sigh. Then he let the door shut.

Evan made sure the boat was secure on land before she went inside her home, the boathouse.
Evan was so silent. She didn't know what to say to fill the silence the way she typically did when she was alone.
Evan pulled out her one childhood possession. Her storybook.
It was a leather-bound beauty about a fairy prince and a fairy princess. But this time when she opened it, something fell out.
A ring.

Thumbelina braided her hair and hummed. She looked over at the ring her mother gave her. It fit like a crown.
Thumbelina so wished to be a fairy princess and she put the ring on her head as a crown.
She danced trying to fly as she did so.
Then a croak sounded.
"What was that?" Thumbelina asked fearfully. But no one was there except her. Mother was out on business.
How she wished mother would come home.

After careful examination, Evan realized the ring was very valuable. Gold and ruby and diamond.
She could sell it to Gold and then maybe get a good look at his shop for when she would break in.
Evan walked in the shop.
"Hello, dearie," Mr. Gold said to Evan, "see anything you like?"
Evan shook her head, "I came to sell something, Mr. Gold."
Evan put the ring on the counter in front of Gold.
Gold picked it up and examined it, "yes. This is quite valuable." He put it down, "I'll give you $100 for it."
Evan shook her head, "I'm not stupid, Mr. Gold. I want at least $400 for it."
Gold put on a poker face, "$200."
Evan shook her head, "$410."
Evan disagreed, "how about this, $395."
Gold narrowed his eyes, "$350."
Evan began inching for the ring again.
"I'll make you a deal, dearie," said Mr. Gold, "$375 and this lovely little glass figurine." He held out a figurine of a girl clothed in a flower.
Evan gazed at it, but smiled kindly and shook her head, "I'll take the $375."
Mr. Gold took the jeweled ring and handed Evan a thick stack of cash.
Evan saluted Mr. Gold and left.

Once she got outside, she hid and stuffed the cash in a velvet pouch and then stowed it in her jacket.
Suddenly she was rammed against a wall.
"Hello, there," said a croaky voice, "Evan."
Evan wrinkled her nose, "what do want, Rodney?"
Rodney got up in Evan's face, "you."
"Sorry to disappoint," Evan grunted as she began prying Rodney's grip from her.
"Hey!" Came a tough female voice, "leave the girl alone!"
Suddenly Rodney was jerked back.
Evan saw he was being held by the collar by a dark and ruggedly handsome man with a devilish smile on his face.
"You best get out of here," the man said threateningly with a smile, "I don't want to see bothering her again." Then the man dropped Rodney. Rodney scrambled to his feet and looked at the man angrily. But when the man cracked his knuckles threateningly with a smile. Rodney's eyes widened and he ran away.
There was a woman with this man.
She was also the sheriff.
Evan dusted herself off, "thank you."
"Who was that?" Asked Sheriff Swan.
Evan picked up her bag, "that was Rodney Boad. Huge bully, little prick. Also smelly."
"Does he usually bother you?" Asked the devilishly handsome man.
Evan shook her head, "he bothers everyone."
"Was he trying to steal from you?" Asked the man again.
Evan's eyes widened and she looked away, "in a sense."
The man shut up.
Sheriff Swan went up to Evan, "what's your name, kid?"
Evan was afraid of giving Swan her name, but gave it anyway, "Evan."
"Evan?" The man tested it out with a chuckle.
Evan shot him a look, "Evan, yes."
Sheriff Swan put her hads in her pockets, "if Rodney bothers you again, let me know." She then furrowed her brows, "do your parents know he's bothering you?"
Evan froze, but smoothed over, "no. I'll let my parents know."
"Alright," Sheriff Swan said, "stay safe, kid."
Then she and the man left.

Evan put on her black mask and black clothes and grabbed a black backpack.
Then she tiptoed out of her boathouse to jog through the woods to Gold's shop. When she got there, she pulled out a wire and picked the lock. Then she went in. Evan opened her bag and tiptoed in search of a vault. Suddenly an alarm sounded. Evan couldn't find a vault, so she tugged open the cash register and loaded a bunch of cash from there. Then she slammed it closed. Evan could hear the police car pulling up, so she silently ran upstairs. Then Evan forced open a window. The drop was significant, but thankfully she could just climb through the trees because there was a tree right by the window.
She heard the shop door burst open and footsteps tread on the floor. Evan quickly put her first toe out the window, then the rest followed. Finally she closed the window carefully. Then she leaped for the tree and leaped from tree to tree until she was safe.

Thumbelina heard running water. She sat up in her walnut bed and it rocked. She blinked her eyes open and looked around afraid. She wasn't in her mother's cottage. She was in the middle of a pond.
"Hello, dear."
Thumbelina snapped her attention to the voice. She jumped when she saw it was an ugly toad perched on a lily pad.
Thumbelina narrowed her eyes and balled her fists, "where am I!?!"
The toad croaked a laugh, "in the pond."
Thumbelina remained stony, "why am I here?"
The toad croaked maliciously, "to pay a debt."
"I have debt to no one!"
"But your mother did."
Thumbelina squeaked. Then she said, "who was my mother indebted to?"
"My employer," the toad croaked, "your mother failed to pay a debt to my employer, so you were the collateral."
"Let me go!" Thumbelina yelled.
The toad laughed, "I cannot. My son needs a wife. You're here to pay a debt."
Thumbelina growled, "I will not marry anyone."
The toad hopped away, "you will."

After a week Thumbelina managed to convince the toads she had no intention of escape. Which was completely false, of course. She was greatly disgusted by the toadess's son. He was a pompous, brainless, smelly bully. Thumbelina realized she had to leave and now.
Tonight she would swim away.
While the toads were asleep, Thumbelina made her escape. She swan dove silently into the water and swam quickly to the pond's edge. As soon as she climbed out of the water, she began running for the grasses. She didn't look back.

The next day Evan saw on the newspaper a report of a robbery of Mr. Gold's pawnshop.
Evan let out a breath of relief when she saw that the robber had not been identified.
Evan rolled up the newspaper and stuffed it in her bag.
She hitched her bag strap further up her shoulder and held it as she quickened her pace. She was going to be late for school.

Once school had let out Evan quickly walked out. Of course, she didn't quite pay attention to where she was walking.
"Oof!" Came a voice.
Evan blushed from bumping into someone. She looked up to see a charming smile. The dazzling smile.
"Hi, Evan."
It was Falken Oberson.
Evan looked down a bit and pushed her hair behind her ear on one side, "hey, Falken."
"You in a hurry?" Asked Falken.
Evan stuttered, "n-no! Well, sort of... but I've got nowhere to go except home."
Falken chuckled, "want to go get a soda? We could go to Granny's."
Evan felt a smile tug at her lips, "are you sure? You don't have anywhere to be?"
"Nah," Falken said, "it's a Friday. I'm free."
Evan stood a bit taller, more opened up, "then yeah, I'd like that."
Falken smiled and nodded Evan over to walk next to him, "Then let's go. I'll treat you to a soda."

"Thanks," Falken said to Ruby as she served them their sodas. Falken passed a soda to Evan, "did you hear about the break-in at Gold's shop?"
Evan's breathing hitched and she had to avoid Falken's eyes for a moment, "yeah, I heard about that."
"I wish I could talk to the person who broke in. I wanna know how they managed to pull the wool over the eyes of the most powerful man in town..."
"I'm sure they just timed it right," Evan smirked as she sipped her soda, "after all, the security systems aren't the most advanced in most shops here."
Falken leaned in and raised an eyebrow, "you think like a bandit."
Evan smiled at the compliment, "I suppose I can't help it, I'm just observant."
"Then did you notice the sheriff watching us through the window?"
Evan sat up straighter, "I'll admit, I missed that," she mumbled to herself, "I usually don't..."
Falken finished his soda, "why would the sheriff be watching you?"
Evan came up with an excuse, "yesterday she and another man helped me. Maybe she's checking up..."
"Helped you?" Falken said confused.
Falken oh'd in understanding. Then Falken checked his watch, "I've gotta get home or else my parents will skin me alive."
Evan laughed at his jest.
"Would you let me walk you home?"
"N-no, no!" Evan said too quickly. She had to smooth it over, "I've remembered I have some errands to run."
"Alright," Falken said, "see ya later, Evan!"
Evan waved to Falken as he jogged out, "bye! Thanks for the soda!"

Evan walked to the docks and gazed at a boat she so wanted. She wanted to get out of this town and travel. She wanted to find someone who would help her get answers about her mother's death. So, she wanted to leave, but she had to stay because the answers were somewhere in Storybrooke. Though lately, she had begun to lose faith in figuring out the story of her mother. She even suspected her mother wasn't her real mother. Leaving became more appealing, and so did the boat.
The owner of the boat came by.
"Excuse me!" Evan called out to the man.
He paused and turned around.
Evan smiled, "that's a lovely boat, sir. How much is it usually for a boat like that?"
"$20,000 thereabouts," the man said back.
Evan recoiled from the dollar shock but smiled and said, "Thank you, sir."
Evan began walking back from the dock to the land when she heard someone call out.
"Wait a moment, lass!"
Evan paused. That voice seemed really familiar.
Evan turned to find the source of noise. It was the man.
"You," Evan began, "you're the man who was with the sheriff. You helped me."
The man did a little bow with a flourish of his hands... hand and- and thing, "Killian Jones, but most call me Hook."
"Hi," Evan said cautiously, "you know who I am."
"That's right," smiled Hook, "Evan." He paused, "may I ask why you have a boy's name?"
"It's a shortened version of my name," Evan clarified.
"If I may, what is your name?"
"Evangelina," Evan said.
"How lovely," Hook flirted.
Evan was beginning to feel awkward, "thanks." Then she gestured to Hook's left h-thing, "I take it that is the source of your nickname?"
Hook examined his hook, "yes, it is. I've grown fond of it."
"It?" Evan questioned, "it being the nickname or the nickname's source?"
Hook smiled dashingly, "both."
Evan nodded.
"I couldn't help but notice you checking out that sailboat," Hook began, "do you have an interest in sailing?"
Evan nodded wistfully, "I wanna leave this town."
"What's holding you back?" Hook questioned.
Evan ticked off the reasons on her fingers, "lack of money to propel me into the world, and loose ends."
"Not parents?" Hook asked suspiciously.
Evan froze then pretended to check a watch, "I'm sorry, but I really must be going. Goodbye, Hook!"
Hook watched Evan with a look of suspicion, "farewell, Evan."

Thumbelina sat on a mushroom and buried her face in her hands, "I don't know what to do!" She cried, "I don't know where the cottage is! How will I find mother!?!" Thumbelina sat and cried herself to sleep.
When she woke, she felt a tremor in the ground, "what's that?" She asked no one. She hopped off the mushroom and hid behind it while she peeked out to see a girl frolicking alongside her father and they were gathering mushrooms.
"I could escape this area faster and the toads would never find me," Thumbelina whispered to herself. Then she smiled determinedly. She saw the biggest mushroom and climbed into it, hiding by holding on to the flaps that held spores. Thumbelina would just have to take a really good bath. She held on fight to the mushroom and held her breath. Then she felt the mushroom being picked up. She opened her eyes right in time to see herself fall into a basket of mushrooms and she was trapped between the fungi.

Tonight Evan had to make another theft. She had to get the money for that boat.
Evan broke into the convince store. Only this time, she was taking from the cash register. Evan stuffed dollar bills into her bag and kept her head down the whole time. She knew there were cameras, so she came prepared. She was covered head to toe in black.
Evan dashed out.
Once she got out, she knew the sheriff would soon learn about this, so she had to be quick. She ducked into a back alley, then into the woods.

Thumbelina felt the basket stop bouncing and dug her way out of the mushrooms.
"Ahh!!" exclaimed a little girl. Well, little in age... she was much larger than Thumbelina.
"What is it, Grace?" Asked a man.
Thumbelina was a deer in the headlights. A man and a little girl were both staring at her astonished.
"Who are you?" The man asked kindly.
Thumbelina was so shy, "Thumbelina."
"Why don't you have wings?" Asked the little girl.
Thumbelina smiled sadly, "I'm not a fairy."
"Oh," the little girl said sadly.
"How did you end up here?" Asked the man.
"I was running from the toads," Thumbelina said, "and I hid under a mushroom."
"Were you kidnapped?" the man was shocked.
Thumbelina nodded, "they said my mother owed a debt to their employer and failed to pay it."
"Where is your mother?"
Thumbelina teared up, "I don't know."
"Maybe we can take you to her!" the little girl exclaimed, "what is her name?"
"Her name is Theodora Thimble. She goes by Dora."
The man's face fell, "yes, we know your mother. She lives in the next village over."
Thumbelina's hope grew, "so you could take me to her?"
The man shook his head sadly, "she has passed."
"W-what do you mean?"
"A week ago she was poisoned," the man said sadly.
Thumbelina was crushed, "but why? Who would poison her?"
"We don't know."
Thumbelina collapsed on a mushroom.
The little girl gave her father a pleading look.
He noted his daughter's concern and said quickly, "you could stay with us."
Thumbelina smiled gratefully, though still sad, "I couldn't intrude."
"At least stay with us until you figure out what you want to do."
Thumbelina thought about it for a moment, "are you sure?"
The man nodded softly.
"Thank you."
The little girl waved, "my name's Grace."
The man spoke, "and my name is Jefferson."

The next day was a Saturday and Evan needed kt find other methods of gaining cash.
Evan took a crowbar and opened up the coin deposits in vending machines. Then she caught the falling coins in her bag. She did that from machine to machine.
Then once she got to the last machine-
Evan's head fell and she stopped.
The sheriff ran up to her, "kid, you know that isn't legal. I've gotta take you in."
Evan tucked her crowbar in her bag and held out her wrists. Sheriff Swan handcuffed her and led her to the back of the cop car.

Evan watched the jail door close and she sat down on the cot.
Sheriff Swan went over to her desk and picked up the phone, "what's your phone number? I've gotta call your parents."
Evan shifted uncomfortably. She was trying to concoct an alibi. But Sheriff Swan noticed her hesitation.
Sheriff Swan became suspicious, "do you have parents?"
Evan took a deep breath and exhaled with her eyes at the ceiling, "no. I'm on my own."
Sheriff Swan nodded and said, "uh-huh, I was too." Though she remained as stoic as she could, Emma really sympathized with Evan. She almost wanted to let her go as if this had never happened.
Evan snapped her attention to the sheriff.
"I did the same things as you once I was out of the system."
Evan's eyes widened.
"Do yourself a favor and don't do those things."
Evan shrugged, "what else do I do? If I don't and the world knows I'm on my own, then I get to spend a couple of years in the system."
"You're saying you aren't even in the system?"
Evan shook her head.
Emma's eyes widened for a moment, "How did that happen?"
"A couple of years ago my mom disappeared. She was found dead. But they couldn't find the killer and the case was closed," Evan said bitterly, "but now I'm not so sure she was even my real mother."
Sheriff Swan was angered, "how come nobody helped you?"
Evan shrugged, "some relative was supposed to come get me, but they never did. I don't think they even had intentions of coming."
Sheriff Swan felt conflicted.
Evan leaned back on the cot, "as soon as I've done time, I'm leaving."
"So that's why you've been stealing? To get the money to get out?"
Evan nodded.
"Then you were the one who robbed Mr. Gold and the convince store."
Evan remained silent.
Sheriff Swan sighed, "I guess you've gotta do some time."
Evan nodded, "how long?"
"About a year in a juvenile detention center."
"What happens when I get out?"
"You end up in the system for a year."
Evan sighed, "c'est la vie."
"Listen, kid," Sheriff Swan said, "do you know anyone who can bail you out?"
Evan shook her head, "nope."
Sheriff Wan went silent, "I'll see what I can do to keep you out of the system."
"Thank you, Sheriff," Evan said, "but it'll only be a year."

Thumbelina spent some time with Jefferson and Grace. They were very kind to her and she was so grateful to them.
One day they were in the market and Grace's attention had been caught by the toy cart.
Thumbelina watched as Grace hugged the rabbit and Jefferson tried to buy it. But her face fell when Jefferson did not have enough to buy the rabbit. Thumbelina realized she had to find a way to help provide for Jefferson and Grace.
She was snapped out of her trance when the old woman said maliciously to her, "and who are you, dear? You're so small!"
Jefferson and Grace noticed this and Grace held out her hand for Thumbelina. Thumbelina climbed on Grace's hand.
"She is our friend," Jefferson answered simply.
Then Grace, Jefferson, and Thumbelina left the toy cart.

Later that night Jefferson looked troubled. Thumbelina didn't know what to do. She went outside to think.
"Hello, dear," came a voice.
Thumbelina jumped, "who's there?"
The old woman came forth, "It's just me."
"Who are you?"
"Who I am is none of your concern, but I do have something that is."
Thumbelina became suspicious.
"The fairies have something I want. The fairy prince is hosting a ball to find a wife. I want you to attend that ball and steal the thing I want."
Thumbelina peered at the woman, "and if I don't?"
The old woman seethed, "then I will return you to the toads and kill your precious Jefferson and Grace."
Thumbelina's eyes widened and she spoke shakily, "When is this ball and what am I looking for?"
The old woman smiled a rotten grin, "The ball is tonight. You are looking for an enchanted object. It is a fairy wand."
"Any fairy wand?"
"No! The royal fairy wand. It will be locked up with the Crown Jewels."
Thumbelina took a deep breath, "Alright. How do I get there and how do I get the wand to you?"
The woman tilted her head and grinned, "I will take care of that." Then she flourished her hand and a cloud of magic was formed. She blew the magic over Thumbelina and Thumbelina looked at herself. She was dressed in a sparkling gown and delicate slippers.
"I cannot give you wings, but I can transport you there."
Thumbelina took one last wistful glance at Jefferson and Grace. Then she faced the woman, "I will get to return to Jefferson and Grace once the task is complete?"
"Yes, yes," the woman rushed her, "off you go."
And Thumbelina was wrapped in a billow of magic clouds and taken to the fairy ball.

Evan woke up with a start when she heard the door to the station open.
"She's over here," Sheriff Swan said to a person with her.
Evan sat up to see clearly who was entering, "Jefferson?"
Jefferson crossed his arms.
Evan smiled sheepishly, "hi."
Sheriff Swan unlocked the door and opened it, "you're free to go, kid."
Evan was confused, "wait, what?"
"Jefferson's bailed you out," Sheriff Swan answered.
"Really?" Evan looked at Jefferson with pure gratefulness.
"Yes, Jefferson said, "so let's go."
Evan nodded and hopped off the cot and out of the holding cell.
Jefferson let Evan walk ahead of him.
"And, kid," Sheriff Swan called out, "don't make the same mistakes I did."
Evan pressed her lips together and looked back at Sheriff Swan with a nod. Then she walked out with Jefferson.

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