Art Thou Infected ?

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The shutter released. Yes, it was recording.

"I hope this situation isn't serious. In the meantime, I will strive to keep everyone calm," murmured the individual on the other side of the camera, his tone dull and monotonous. "I spent all day and night trying to find a cause - a reason - for this."

"I am unaware of what is happening in the rest of the world, nor do I wish to know. I will continue my investigation into this matter. I will not rest."

The circumstances behind his death were unknown. The man who was once jovial and lighthearted was no longer present; only his remains served as the vessel for a new psyche.

Kenneth was pronounced dead at the hospital last night. His passing was not unexpected, as he had exhibited strange behaviors before his death.

Nathan was the first to notice. Perhaps it was the brotherly bond that tethered them, as they were able to understand each other without words.

Serving in the military is known to foster strong connections, be it with comrades or superiors. Relationships are known to flourish.

This was certainly the case for Nathan and Kenneth. They knew each other so well that they could read each other's thoughts and emotions without saying a word. As a result, they knew what the other needed. Soulmates, as their fellow teammates would relay.

Who was Kenneth to you?

"Best friend" didn't fully encapsulate their relationship, as it was far deeper and contained a more solid foundation than a typical friendship. The bond between them was so intimate that Nathan considered Kenneth to be more like family.

Despite their brotherly bond, it no longer held any significance. Kenneth was no longer with us, and he could not be brought back.

Kenneth began to exhibit aggressive behavior and irritability two weeks before his death. Initially, the behavior was sporadic and mild, but it gradually escalated to the point where he would engage in hours-long sessions of incoherent muttering. In instances where someone attempted to interrupt him, he responded with physical aggression.

During his last moments, he could do nothing but stare at the ceiling, his cheeks rotting away and jaw leaking fluid whilst doctors desperately tried to help him to no avail. Choking on his own vomit, it was a sight not many would want to witness.

It was grotesque.

He was grotesque.

In that moment, Nathan was seized by a sudden realization that his once cherished friend had changed. The sight before him was disturbing, to say the least, as Kenneth had evidently lost his sanity some time ago. What remained was a deplorable and revolting version of himself, devoid of any semblance of humanity.

He wasn't human. He was a filthy creature, destined to live his days in agony and torment.

Nathan realised this much, at least. Whoever Kenneth was before, was not the same when he died - it was as though he evolved. Perhaps he did.

Despite this, Nathan was keen to ease his concerns and conduct research into the circumstances surrounding his friend's situation. Nathan was as equally deplorable as Kenneth.

In the event that Nathan were to discover the sequence of events that had transpired, it begs the question: would this provide him with a sense of closure? Would it grant him the retribution he seeks?

"Let me adore you once more, Kenny." He says. Pitiful, pathetic, he was.

He proceeded to do so. Each new day represented a fresh opportunity for him to validate himself, he thinks. Nathan then began to scrutinize everything around him. He had a suspicion that his friends had been behaving oddly of late.

Days went past - research turned to disassociating and here it began, Nathan started to record himself to keep himself grounded and in touch with reality. It wasn't much, nor did it do much, but he documented everything. Nobody was going to watch it, he thinks, but he did it anyway.

Maybe, with this, someone can listen to me. Please listen to me. I'm not crazy.


The shutter released. Yes, it was recording.

"...It haunts my mind. Fuck, this is so stupid," He paused before continuing, the words slowly rolling off his tongue as he attempted to recount his memory. "Kenny's death, his distorted figure. I can see him."

Nathan displayed a moment of hesitation due to internal apprehensions; he was nervous thinking about the circumstances.

"My friends have been acting weird as of late. What caught my attention the most was the big spot covering Alicia's eye." He caught his breath and went on. "She didn't want to tell me what happened, she was so fuckin' stressed she started ripping her hair out and flipping out on me."

He looked down at his lap.

"This seems weird. Maybe, this is a new illness. A virus, perhaps?"

Am I crazy? Did that even happen?

"I'm going to visit her again."

It was a rarity for Nathan to venture out these days. He typically confined himself within his quarters, dedicating his time to his investigation. Hence, the unexpected visit of Nathan at Alicia's doorstep came as a surprise.

Alicia, a young lady who was typically fashion-conscious and affluent, now appeared to be a mere shadow of her former self, much like Nathan - although her circumstances were eerie, so. Nathan could discern from her eyes that she had lost her luster some time ago.

The atmosphere in the room was tense, and the ensuing silence was palpable. Nathan, feeling uneasy, spoke softly, his stomach churning with anxiety.

"Sorry for coming to bother you again, Alicia. I just wanted to know how you were feeling."

Alicia displayed a smile devoid of any emotion.

"I'm great, honey," Spoke Alicia, expressing a tone of unease as she fiddled with her ring. "Don't worry so much about me. Have you seen the others? I think they're doing worse,"

"They are undoubtedly crazy. I don't know what's happening but hopefully they find a solution soon."


"Have you seen my cat, Nathan?"

Her voice was infused with a saccharine quality, almost reminiscent of sweet syrup as she mumbled so kindly in Nathan's ear.

"...sorry, I haven't seen her," This was it. He had to ask her about it. "Did something happen to your eye?"

The ambiance underwent an abrupt change, akin to a sudden flick of a switch. Alicia's demeanor quickly followed suit, becoming distinctly agitated.

"What the fuck are you insinuating?" Nathan couldn't even comprehend the situation at first, Alicia had lunged at him, leaving a scratch on the top of his nose.

Subsequently, he came to the realization and pushed her away, gazing at her with perplexity, the contents of his stomach threatening to escape his throat.

"Alicia?" Nathan was more confused than anything, he murmured out to his old friend - who sat herself once again on the couch, leaning against the back. Oh, how he wished to gain some clarity from this haze he was stuck in.

"Eh... Sorry, what were we talking about, dear?" She spoke once more, in that same sugary tone.


Is she crazy? Did she forget what she just did?

...silence ensued.

Nathan gazed upon Alicia's eye once again, only to observe that the skin beneath appeared to be crawling. Blood leaked down her cheek, and yellow spots seemed to emerge.

He felt bile rise up.

That wasn't her skin. It was worms.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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