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[ the pic above I'd roughly what they look like except, Leo has a slightly darker skin 5one and has no colourd markings. The marking on all are a slightly lighter skin tone. Don't like it? You can go suck a dick thanks. 😙 ]

The thing is, Tony doesn't exactly do surprises since the kidnapping. Looking back on it, he didn't really like them during his 'Merchant of Death' days either. Pepper took to great lengths to make sure he knew exactly what was coming his way, and she's had to work even harder after Afghanistan. He's still suffering for not being prepared for that bombshell. Unfortunately. He's worked hard to stay one step ahead of everything and everyone. Created suits, @mention a userlaunched satellites, and even started birthing an idea with Bruce. Something that will protect the world when he can't anticipate the unknowns space will throw at them. Something to help the world breathe easier like he does when he's in the suit. The point is, there's a lot of effort in his circle to combat any surprises, and the team thing has made it easier for him. There's not much going on around the world, or off it, that he isn't either aware of or preparing for.

Which is why the Kraang incident was so devastating.

He was knee-deep in Latvian snow when Jarvis pushed the message that something weird was going down at Metro Tower. The team stopped and discussed it quickly and quietly. At that moment, they didn't even consider abandoning the Latvia mission. It took them months to track down this Hyrda group and discover where these creeps were storing the chitauri weapons. If they pulled out over nothing, this cell would dissipate and who knows how long it would take to track them all again. Steve checked with SHIELD and they confirmed that it was weird, but not yet Avengers weird. The team decided to push forward and let SHIELD handle it. Tony hadn't been too worried. SHIELD dealt with weirdness all the time before the team formed.

So, they continued. They hit the compound hard and were met with more weapons and metas than they were expecting. It took a while to take control of the facility, but they were rounding up the last of the bad guys when Jarvis pushed a video file of something fast and distinctively non-human attacking a military helicopter. He still remembers the shock. The 'what the fucks?' slipping before he could control it. The team moved then. Left the rest to the SHIELD agents that followed and headed home.

They were taking off when Jarvis announced that the sky ripped open for the second time to spill eldritch horrors onto the city below.

Natasha was pushing the aircraft to the limit, and they were halfway across the Atlantic when the videos started to flood in. Confusing images of cars, planes, and buses coming to life and attacking the very people they were meant to transport. Tony couldn't make heads or tails of it. He's never seen organic material taking control of inorganic material like this. Never thought it possible outside of cringe sci-fi movies.

They landed just outside of New York when the freakish ship thing exploded, and every slime-covered electronic seems to lose the will to live.

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