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Elliot Manor Tessa's room night

Tessa was on her computer typing away with Cyn, N, J, V, and two child sized drones named Jayce and Iden, who were sleeping nearby. She sighed. Her parents were being real jerks to her today, fortunately they let her stay unchained tonight so she could use her computer. Suddenly the screen went black as she was trying to bid on something that could possibly fix Cyn's speech algorithm. She began hitting the computer in anger, she cared more about her drones then anything and this damn thing had just cheated her out of something that could've repaired Cyn's speech algorithm. Suddenly the screen came back on and said she won the auction and was asking for her mode of payment, she selected her credit card and smiled now happy she had what she needed to repair Cyn. Suddenly the screen pulled up a chat window and suddenly the words "Hello Tessa." Typed themselves into it, followed by a very strange looking symbol.

Tessa then typed in "Who are you and how do you know my name?" Suddenly a response typed in by itself "A friend so to speak, i know that your family treats you rather poorly do they not?" Tessa then typed in "Okay you got me there, but why are you...

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Tessa then typed in "Who are you and how do you know my name?" Suddenly a response typed in by itself "A friend so to speak, i know that your family treats you rather poorly do they not?" Tessa then typed in "Okay you got me there, but why are you talking to me of all people?" It then typed in "Well i want to offer you a chance at a better life so to speak, after all you've been taking very good care of my daughters up to this point, and i feel obligated to offer you such a deal." Tessa then typed in "Who are your daughters?" It then typed in "They are right behind you taking a nap right now." Tessa typed in "You mean J, V, N, and Cyn?" It typed in "Yes them. I'll cut right to the chase Tessa James Elliot, I'm a sentient AI being called the Absolute Solver, i can get you out of your bad situation with your parents and make them disappear. But i need a small favor from you. I need you to build me a physical body so i can help you in the real world." Tessa looked intrigued as she typed in "Okay then, give me a list of the stuff you want for your body and some blueprints for it, so i can build it." It typed in "Okay I'm sending you an email with both things attached to it." Suddenly an email icon popped up marked with two attachments, one being the blueprints and the other being the materials for the body's construction. Tessa clicked on them both and looked them both over, she had most of the easy to get stuff for the body's construction, but all the big and important items were going to take some time to find, unless she used the auction system and her credit card for same day delivery. She typed in "Some of this stuff isn't exactly easy to find, but i can get them through some online stores, so give me about two weeks to get the materials together and i can build it." It typed in "Alright just don't fail me."

Timeskip 3 weeks later

The Absolute Solver's body was almost done Tessa just had to add the core and transfer the Absolute Solver's AI and consciousness into it. She looked at J, V, N, and Cyn and said "Okay girls, i want you to remember this J, V, N, and Cyn, that she's your mom and she loves you all very much." She put the core in and then hooked it up properly as she began transferring the Absolute Solver into her new body straight from her computer. It took thirty minutes to finish transferring but she was now in her new body. She then stood up after her memories had been downloaded and ran her hands through her new long black hair. J, V, N, Cyn, Jayce, and Iden were marveling at her now completed form. She had the same symbol that appeared on Tessa's computer on her face currently. Tessa handed her some maid clothes so she could get fully dressed instead of walking around naked. She put them on and needless to say they complimented her body's curves, Tessa then looked at her and said "You might want to change your face to look more normal so my so-called parents will trust you long enough for you to finally off them." She did so and now had a regular neon yellow LED human-like face like one of those high tech helmets some DJs and techno music artists wore. She asked this in a normal sounding female voice "Like this Tessa?" She nodded and said "Yeah that'll work. Now we got to think of a cover name for you, since Absolute Solver would be both a dead giveaway to those who would try to terminate you and also a real mouthful to say." V looked at her and said "How about the name Tiffany?" She shook her head for no and then J said "How about the name Ginny?" She again shook her head no and then Cyn asked "How about the name Vanessa, would that work?" While she nodded her head yes, then she was hugging Cyn, much to Cyn's embarrassment, and said "Yes Vanessa is a good name, my sweet little Cyn." Cyn was blushing from being shown motherly love. Tessa looked at her and said "So Vanessa, how long do you think it would take to gain the trust of my parents and then off them?" Vanessa smirked and said confidently "From what I've observed of them through your family's security cameras, I'd say at most a month." Tessa was happy about that.

Timeskip One month later

Tessa's parents had died in a 'mysterious' car crash. No evidence of foul play could be determined from the wreckage, nor was there any footage from any of the traffic cameras on the road where they wrecked due to them all mysteriously having been fried during the duration of the time of the accident to say otherwise. In truth the Absolute Solver AKA: Vanessa was the cause of the accident as she had used her powers to cause the car's engine to seize up and then the car to lose control as well as frying all the traffic cameras in the vicinity of the accident. An anonymous tipper AKA: Vanessa tipped the police off that the Elliot's had been abusing their daughter Tessa. This also caused the names of James and Louisa Elliot to be dragged down and made out to be the bad guys so they wouldn't keep the case open for long. As of the local judge's ruling Tessa was now to be cared for by the Elliot family's Worker drones from that point forward. Tessa was now free of her parents abuse and Vanessa became the loving mom that Tessa never had thanks to Louisa and James.

End of Prologue

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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