Chapter 5: The Boar Hat (Part 1: The Narrow Escape)

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The moment I stepped inside the tavern, most of the patrons turned to look at me, I ignored them and served the room taking in the details, just then a waitress stepped up to me, she looked to be in her mid twenties, she had silvery hair and lovely blue eyes, "Hello sir,...", she began, "...welcome to the Boar Hat, what brings you here?", she asked politely, "Um, I'm just looking around and I want something to eat, I hadn't eaten since the other night.", I replied, "I see.", she said, "Well we're quite busy today, but I think you can sit at the bar over there.", she pointed to an empty spot at the far end of the counter, "Sure, I'll take it.", I said, "Alright then, this way please.", and she lead me to the empty seat at the edge of the bar, I hopped in the seat and The Waitress asked me what I would like to eat, I asked for the menu to see what this place had, and she obliged, soon I was looking at all the different meals I could eat, but I didn't like the sound of any of them, there was; Boar Hat Meat Pie Special, Glamorous Goat Cheese, Too big! Meatpie of the Giants, Grilled Cheese Geese, Dusk Bison grilled with Herbs (over a squid dish), but that wasn't all that I found unappetizing (to me at least), there was also; Roasted Sand Crawler (yuck!) and Chicken-Matango grilled with Butter, those two kinds of meals sounded quite disgusting I was very confused on the different meals they had, thought there were only two that seemed more appetizing, and those were; Swe~et Cowberry Fairy Salad and Danafor Style Pudding (At least these two sounded good), just then The Bartender came up to me and The Waitress, "Hello, what do got here?", he said quite knowingly, he had bright yellow blonde hair which was kinda messy, he looked the average height of a male (either that, or moreover I was just a 14 yrs old kid height and he was a foot shorter in height than an average male), he had green eyes, he seemed just as friendly as The Waitress, "He's just passing by and it sounds like he's new in this country?", replied The Waitress looking at me, The Bartender looked at me curiously, I gave him a nervous look, I felt quite uneasy as he looked me all over as if he was suspicious of me, "He looks new too.", he said, then he asked me my name, I felt that they hadn't known about the accident, so I decided to politely oblige, "Cameron sir, Cameron Lee Scance.", "Well, Mr. Scance...", The Bartender began, but I cut in saying politely, "Please, call me Cameron. Im not exactly worth that title.", and I chuckled heartily, "Well Cameron, it's nice to meet you, My name is Meliodas...", he replied knowingly, "...and the young lady next to you is my girl Elizabeth Liones.", he added turning to The Waitress next to me, she politely said 'hello' and shook my hand quite gently, "Mademoiselle?", I replied with a French accent and gave her soft hand a gentle kiss, she felt quite flattered by the gesture and blushed letting out a sweet little giggle, "You're quite a gentleman.", she said rather sheepishly, I smiled quite proudly, "Thank you.", "Oh, by the way, are you ready to order?", she reminded, "Yes, I'll have the Danafor Style Pudding please?", I replied, "Very good sir.", Elizabeth said, and she went off to tell the chef leaving me with Meliodas, "So,...", he began as he was cleaning a glass, "...what brings you to Britannia?", I blinked, "Britannia?", I repeated in confusion, Meliodas looked at me quite taken aback, "Yes, this country is named Britannia.", Meliodas replied and then asked, "Is something wrong with that?", "Oh nonononono, I didn't mean it like that sir, not at all I swear.", I said quickly, "It's just that...", I paused and thought for moment, they don't know anything about my worlds current day United Kingdom, and it could be total confusion, but I decided to go with it anyway, ", it's just that the name sounds familiar to me.", "Oh?", Replied Meliodas interested, "How so?", I looked around to see if anyone else was listening to our conversation, then seeing that no one at all was listening and spoke in a low voice so only Meliodas could hear what I wanted to tell him, "Well,...", I began quietly, "...I am new here, and I know this country very well, for you see...", I paused and quietly whispered into his ear, "...I come from another world by accident.", Meliodas' eyes widened with surprise, "You're joking, right?", he asked quietly, "I'm not kidding, I came by a train which had crashed into a town called 'Byron' just a mile from here.", I replied in hushed seriousness, I then continued saying still in a hushed voice, "And you wanna know what made last night worse?", Meliodas didn't respond, so I ended telling him, "I was accused of being a demon by a knight and had used my admittance against me, even thought it wasn't even completely my fault at all!", after that Meliodas looked at me and from what I could tell from his face, he actually seemed to understand my current situation, "I see.", he said plainly, but still in a low voice, "Well if you'd like I have some friends of mine that could...", But before Meliodas could finish his sentence, the door of the Boar Hat swung open, and there was The Knight who was there after my train crashed into Byron Town, "Oh No!", I said hoarsely, Meliodas heard me and could see that I was getting scared, "Psst, Hey back here with me quickly.", he whispered to me, I decided not to hesitate and immediately dashed behind the counter and ducked down, I hoped and prayed that The Knight hadn't seen me, "Is that your Knight, Cameron?", Meliodas whispered, I nodded nervously in response, "Well, I know him very well.", I was shocked, "He knows this guy!?", I thought to myself, at that moment the sound of footsteps came towards the counter, it was The Knight, who greeted Meliodas rather grimly, "Hello Meliodas.", He said, now this was just getting more crazy, not only Meliodas knew The Knight, but he knew Meliodas as well, "Hello Gilthunder.", Meliodas replied casually, just then an order was called up and Elizabeth (The Waitress) went to deliver it, it was my order of pudding, I began to panic, but then I came up with an idea, when Elizabeth came to my original seat she was most surprised to see Gilthunder sitting in my spot, "Oh, Hello Gilthunder.", Said a surprised Elizabeth, "Hello, Princess Liones.", now this was even more confusing to me, "Did he just address her as a princess?", No matter, I was still hungry and wanted my food, and once more I had to avoid being seen by The Knight (Gilthunder), so I carefully concentrated and my ability to turn invisible kicked in, once after turning completely invisible, I walked normally out from behind the counter and then sneakily took the plate out of Elizabeth's hand, unfortunately however, this didn't go unnoticed by Gilthunder, and as I was just walking past him, he drew his sword on me, and I stopped dead, I could feel the sharp pointed end of the blade poking my back, Elizabeth and Meliodas were surprised, as well as everyone else in the tavern who had turned hearing the sword being taken out, "Gilthunder, what are you doing!?", Elizabeth said in a shocked voice, "It's alright Princess, I know what I'm doing, he replied shortly, "Now,...", Gilthunder began speaking to me directly, "...Reveal yourself.", I was terrified, knowing that once I did everyone will know who I was, so I gave in and concentrated myself to uncloak myself, and when I did, there were gasps of surprise from the entire room, "H-Hello?", I said nervously and giving an uneasy smile, Gilthunder spoke again in his cold shouldered voice, "Now put that pudding on the countertop.", I looked at him, quite fearfully and rather upset, "Now!", he ordered in a more demanding tone, and I squeaked a little in fear, and began to do as I was told, but then an idea came to me, I turned to Meliodas & Elizabeth and said, "Sorry about this.", before throwing the pudding right into Gilthunders face covering him in what seemed to be a cake-like substance, and before he could say anything, I pulled my own sword out and chopped the stand of the seat he was in and it toppled to the floor with a loud crash as his suit of armor he was in landed hard, after that I quickly dashed out of the tavern and into the bustling streets of the small town, Gilthunder burst out of the tavern with rage and began Pursuing after me, soon I came across a horse that was own by an elderly man, I quickly asked him if I could borrow it, and to my surprise he agreed, so I gave him a few coins for as a thank you and hopped on the his horse, the horse was quite startled until I reassured it and then I gave a tug on his reins and he responded with a will and galloped away, lots of people had to jump out of the way to avoid the oncoming horse, "Excuse me, coming through!", I shouted to the people as the horse made its was out of the town, as I came up to the Boar Hat, Meliodas, Elizabeth, and some other people came out and watched as I came galloping up to them, I nearly ran over Gilthunder before he managed to dive out of the way, even though I had no intentions of hitting him, I'd like to think he deserved it for how he treated me ever since I came to this world, anyways, As I passed by the tavern I threw some money towards Meliodas & Elizabeth, and I shouted to them, "For your troubles!", and I galloped off into the distance Gilthunder, unhurt, quickly got to his feet and turned to see me and the horse galloping away across the green pastures, he was now furious with me and shouted after me, "You Can't Run Forever Kid!!! I Swear When We Cross Paths Again, I'll Capture You And Send You To Hell!!!", And even though I was far away from him, I heard Every Single Word He Said, this made me even more determined to find a way out of this insane world, but right now I had to get as far away from that nut case, meanwhile Gilthunder was busy, he already started on the Boar Hat tavern, he went inside and having already written a notice as a sort of draft for a wanted poster of me, once doing so he turned to The Bartender (Meliodas) & The Waitress (Elizabeth), "Do you two think you could find that little runt and bring him back to the kingdom for me, you've already seemed to know him by now?", The two of them looked at each other with a look of worry, before turning back Meliodas answered, "Sure thing Gilthunder, we'll let you know when we find him and catch him.", Gilthunder nodded approvingly at him, then he turned to Elizabeth and said to him in a calm voice, "No hard feeling your highness, but we must you know as much as I do that we need to do our best to keep this country safe and free from demons.", Elizabeth said nothing, she just nodded solemnly, "Farewell you two and good luck.", said Gilthunder before he walked out of the tavern and went to see about how he was going to capture me himself.
As soon as Gilthunder was gone, Meliodas & Elizabeth looked at the notice on their wallboard with worry, "We're not really going to give that boy to him... a-are we?", Asked Elizabeth nervously, Meliodas thought for a moment, then he turned to Elizabeth and said in a serious tone, "No, but we are going to find him and then see if we can't try to help him in anyway possible.", Elizabeth agreed, then from behind them stepped four other people, there was a tall, muscular and very handsome man with pale blue spiky hair, a younger fellow who was slightly taller than Meliodas, with light brown hair and amber eyes, then there was a young woman who looked to be 16 years old with a more dark chocolate brown hair and powerful violet eyes, and the last one was surprisingly (to me at least) a male, He had dark pink hair, and amber eyes, just like the younger fellow with brown hair, though the figure didn't look quite accurate to a male, it more resembled a female figure, (But I'm getting ahead of myself here), "Ah,..." Said Meliodas knowingly, "... I see that you overheard?", the four people murmured in agreement, then the Brown haired girl asked, "So we're going to look for that boy that came by here a few hours ago?", "Yes that's right Diane...", Replied Meliodas, "We're going to find him and take him with us.", then he began to relay everything that I had told him when I came in to their tavern leaving them all amazed by my story and very concerned for my safety and where I was now...

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