Chapter 9

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Slowly pushing myself out of my seat, I quietly walked around to where the two green heads sat. Slightly crouched while I walked as to not gather too much attention.

They giggle a lot.

I'm honestly shocked the teacher hasnt stopped the lesson yet.

Watching them closely, I took a seat just a row back from where they were, waiting for whatever panic to arise.

Just as this unsuspecting person reached for their book, the overhead bell rang, and it was time for the next class.

The person grabbed their book, shoving it into their bag. Ready for the next class.

I leaned back into my seat, huffing.

I'd be blatently lying if I said I didn't want to see their soul get sucked into heaven the second they saw fake beatles in their text book.

The green heads looked almost two times mors dissapointed than me.



The sudden noise caught their attention as they both turned to look at me.

Silence hung in the air for a few more moments then I had hoped for.

"When did you get there?" She spoke as her face deadpaned.

I smiled a little.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I spoke, standing up once more from my seat and hopping on top of the desk infront of me.

"Got any more of those beatles?"

The bored and unammused look on their faces slowly twistest into smiles.

Honestly kind of evil looking.

"Oh we have beatles." The guy smiled, turning to face the girl next to him.

"Bunches of beatles" She finished the sentence for him.

A smile formed of my face as I stuck my hand out to be shook.


They both extended their arms out, sandwitching my hand between theirs as they returned my gesture.

"Edric and Emira" The girl spoke while leaning further in her chair.

I'm not so bad at this.

Who says I can't make new friends?

Imma have to stick it to king first chance I get.

He would get a real kick out of this.

"If you can spare a few of those creepy crawleys, I have a princess for a roommate that I wouldnt mind getting a scare out of."

Just as I thought their smiles couldnt get any wider, they pulled a look of what could only be pure unbridaled joy.

And just like that, the bell rang.

"Sooo, Luz. Happen to pull pranks ofen?" Edric walked through the halls, box of beatles in hand.

I thought for a moment before responding.

"Not really. Only I person I really tend to mess with is my buddy King." I paused "Buuuut, my roommate seems to feel like a real nice target."

Edric looked towards me in a suprised, but happy mannor.

"King? Like King Clawthorne? No way man! He's my roomie" A smug look spread across his face as he leaned against a wall, very ungracefully. "Yep" Edric popped the p. "He totaly idolizes me".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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