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CHARIS AWOKE, GRAPPLING WITH UNCERTAINTY as to whether her empty stomach was a consequence of her moodiness or a result of insufficient food consumed the night prior. Her reluctance to face the impending school day was palpable as she lay in bed, contemplating the challenges ahead. She opted to stay home from school, citing an illness as the reason for her absence.

Upon awakening the next day, Charis found herself grappling with the same heavy sensation on her chest as the day before. It wasn't a particular sense of sadness or distress, but rather a general lack of motivation to engage with the day. Getting out of bed seemed like a daunting task.

Charis found herself in a situation where she had misplaced her phone within the confines of her bedroom. She purposefully avoided responding to messages from both Cole and Danny, both expressing concern about her well-being.

Through her window, a picturesque scene unfolded, with white trees swaying gently and birds chirping harmoniously despite the cold. The anticipation of a colt arriving next week was the only beacon of hope, the prospect of which stirred a glimmer of excitement within her.

Recalling the events of the previous days, Charis felt a mix of happiness and contentment. However, a nagging feeling lingered, a fear that the positive emotions would wear off, and she'd return to her usual moody self. The lingering memory of the way Alex and Jackie glanced at her and Cole yesterday weighed on Charis's mind. The peculiar looks they exchanged left her feeling uneasy and pondering the possible implications.

Conflicted between her brain's advice to distance from him and her heart's urge to call or text, she chose the former, distancing herself from her phone and opting for the solace of a book.

When her father knocked on the door, inquiring about her readiness for the day, Charis affirmed her wakefulness but remained nestled in her bed. Austin, perplexed, exchanged a shrug with Marilyn, who said that she would be leaving for work.

Charis, privy to their conversation, overheard their lack of subtlety. Surprisingly, when the door opened, it was her father who stood there, not her sister ready to pull her from her haven. She admitted feeling unwell, and he, sensing her mood, nodded in understanding. Despite Marilyn's skeptical gaze, she left as instructed. Austin, before departing for work, advised Charis to eat and invited the fresh air into her room, acknowledging that this was a one-time pass.

She shifted to the other side of her bed, wrapping the hoodie snugly around her and pulling the bed sheets close. The room felt a bit chilly, and she sought warmth and comfort in the cozy cocoon she had created. She selected some music to accompany her, choosing to linger in the comfort of her bed for a while longer.

Charis found herself in a situation where she had misplaced her phone within the confines of her bedroom. She purposefully avoided responding to messages from both Cole and Danny, both expressing concern about her well-being.

However, Charis opted to stay in bed, or as she put it, "rotting," until one in the afternoon when nature called her to the bathroom. Despite knowing that she should start making the pastries, considering her sister had already prepared two plates, she felt she should at least attempt to whip up some brownies or something.

Charis reluctantly changed into her baking attire and begrudgingly embarked on the task of preparing the batter. Each step of the brownie recipe felt like a chore to her, and she couldn't fathom how anyone could find solace in such a seemingly tedious activity. Mixing the ingredients with a noticeable lack of enthusiasm, she powered through the process, wondering why people derived any joy from the supposed therapeutic nature of baking.

She found herself contemplating the overwhelming presence of food in her daily thoughts. The constant focus on eating, the ubiquity of discussions about meals—it all felt draining. While she appreciated the idea of food, the act of consuming it left her conflicted and exhausted.

THE WEIGHT OF DREAMS, Cole Walter ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin