Miraculous Universe

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     There are many different universes out there, but there's only one we need to focus on and that's ours. Taylor: Kadence wake up its time for your first day at your new school. Kadence: Do I have to go to a new school new I was happier in New York. Taylor: Yes honey. You know we need your dads new job. Now get up and get ready for school. Kadence arrives at her new school. Marinette: Hey look its the new girl lets welcome her.

    Hey my names Marinette what's yours mines Kadence nice to meet you. Mrs. Bustier: Kadence go set next to Lila. Kadence: Do I have to no one likes her. Mrs. bustier: There's no other sets open. Kadence: Fine! Chloe: You can switch places with me. Kadence: Thanks Chloe. Sabrina: Hi my names Sabrina. Kadence: Nice to meet you Sabrina my names Kadence.

     Sabrina: That's a pretty name. Sorry if I'm being annoying Chloe don't treat me so nice. Kadence: Why not your such a nice girl. Marinette: I'm have my friends over today you want join us. Kadence: Sure I would love to. Marinette: There's my address. Later that day at Marinette's house. Kadence: Wow is this your room. I love it. Marinette: Thanks. Marinette see a akuma. Marinette: Got to go sorry. Kadence: Its fine see you tomorrow at school. Marinette transform's into Lady bug.

    Cat Noir: Hey bugaboo. Ladybug: Hey kitty. Ladybug: Kitty its a sentient monster. Cat Noir: Cataclysm. Cat Noir uses his Cataclysm on the sentient monster. Ladybug: How can we stop it. Its out of control. Ladybug: Cat Noir isn't that Hawk Moth and who is that with him. Cat Noir: That's my Cousin Felix he's using the peacock miraculous.

    That's them battling. Ladybug gets knocked out during the battle. Felix kidnapped her without Cat Noir seeing. Cat Noir sees ladybug is missing. He goes and gets Rena Rouge. Cat Noir: Rena I'm going to go find Ladybug. You go get the others ok. Rena: got it! Cat Noir gets a call from Ladybug. Ladybug: Kitty, Felix has me trapped on the roof help me. Cat Noir: I'm tracking your location through the call. I am here my lady. Marinette: Kitty it's you.

    Cat Noir: Let her go. Felix: I'm not letting her go she's mine! Ladybug: I told you I only love Cat Noir. Felix: Well if I can't have you no one will. He push's her off the roof. Cat Noir: My lady no! Cat Noir: Felix how could you. He says that will crying. Felix: Adrien stop crying. Cat Noir: How do you know who I am? Felix: I have always known since you told me when you was younger. Felix: Hawk Moth I have your Miraculous. Hawk Moth: Finally I have it now just time to get yours.

Adrien joins Hawk Moth after Marinette dies. He joins his dad because he can't take the pain of losing his true love.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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