Departing And Sibling Goodbyes

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"Are you still sure you wish to go, my Lady?" Maria asks me with a look of concern, as she places another pin delicately into my hair, between the now smooth strands of my hair.

I sigh as I watch her at work on my hair through my vanity mirror. "Yes, Maria, I am quite certain. You can still come, if you would like?" I purse together my now rosey red lips, as she shakes her head.

"No, no my lady. I stand by what I said. I am a warmblooded girl." She smiles at me, stepping away from my hair.

"All done!" She smirks at her masterpiece, and I thank her as I stand up ready to leave. Finally ready for the day ahead of me, Maria opens the wooden door and we walk through, arm in arm.

"I will miss you, my lady. Your bags are already waiting for you in the carriage." I nod at her words silently, bowing to the men and ladies that we pass as we walk down the staircase.

"I will only be absent for a week, Maria. I am certain you shall be able to cope without me!" I laugh, and she joins in.

"I suppose I could spend time with Marienne." She ponders, tapping a finger to her chin.

Marienne Fortitudo is Cersei's ex-handmaiden. Her brother Jaison attempted to assassinate Joffrey, resulting in Jaison's death. Maria and Marienne have always been close, as they are both from Marhal, a foreign land, close to Dorne.

"What will you be doing for an entire week at The Wall?" She asks me curiously, but I shrug my shoulders and produce a letter I had received the day before.

"I am not certain, the letter I have received informs me that upon arrival I must see Lord Commander Mormont." I say in a deep tone. Maria 'oohs' as I hand her the letter to read.

As she scans it, she continues to speak. "I see, they wish to discuss what you will be doing when you arrive. Probably to make sure that they do not frighten you off!" Maria snorts, and I shake my head at her.

"I am hoping I can catch Jon, since Arya told us he has signed up for the Nights Watch."

"He may even be there now! Why do you wish to see this boy so much, my lady?" She tilts her head at me, a suspicious smile playing on the edge of her lips.

"Nothing romantic if that is what you are insinuating. I have not seen the boy for ten years, Maria! I fear we may need a catch up, since the last time I saw Jon we played with wooden swords!" She hums, understanding, yet still a smile lingers on her face.


We all stand by the carriage as Tyrion and I both say our goodbyes.

Eddard and his children all stand together, along with the King and his three children, my father and Jaime.

I walk towards Eddard, and he smiles at me.

"Please, tell me how my son is doing up on the Wall when you are back! I want to know everything!" Eddard opens his arms, and I hug him.

"I will, you do not need to worry."

"I know I must not worry for him, but I do." He says as he pulls back, a flicker of sadness in his eyes as we talk about Jon.

"I will see you both in a week!" I say chirpily to Sansa and Arya, who both smile at me, wishing me good luck.

I say my goodbyes to the King, Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen, who seem to wish they could be in any other place, just like their mother is at this moment in time.

"Jaime. Father." I nod to them both, as they stand closest to the carriage which Tyrion already occupies.

"Come here!" Jaime instructs, smiling sadly as he hugs me tightly. We stay like this for a moment.

Jaime has always been a role model to me, even if he does treat others unkindly. He is my older brother. Maria's mother, the nurse who delivered me into the world, always told me how much time Jaime would spend just making sure that I was alright. The same as Tyrion, my other more funnier and sarcastic older brother.

My father clears his throat, and I pull away from Jaime.

"Remember. One week Elena." Tywin warns me.

"You're too young to go to The Wall, El! What if something were to happen to you?" Jaime frets, but I place an arm on his shoulder to reassure him.

"I shall be fine, brother. Now, I must depart before you force me to stay."

I look to my father, who nods at me. He opens his mouth as if to say something, but shuts it just as quickly.

"Elena! Hurry uuup!" A slur comes from within the carriage and my father sighs.

"Is he honestly drunk at nine in the morning?" He asks me, unamused.

I step away from them and walk up to the carriage, Jaime holding out his hand to help me on. I wave to all those who had said goodbye, as we pull away from the castle.

I watch Jaime follow behind the carriage for a little while, waving sadly as his two younger siblings speed off to a land of 'White Walkers'.


"The Wall." Tyrion grumbles, eyes still red from his five hour sleep, after he passed out from too much wine.

He rubs them with the palm of his hands, and throws his head back into his seat, groaning.

"Why did I want to do this?" He moans, rubbing his arms up and down, the dramatic temperature drop finally reaching to him.

"So you could piss off of the Wall, brother!" I remind him, being over enthusiastic to irritate his hung-over self.

I look out the window, ignoring my brother's complaints.

The Wall. Intimidating, one would say. It went up what seemed to be miles above the clouds, a wooden mechanism runs up the side of it, lifting 'Crows' and 'Rangers' to the top of the Wall.

The ice all around me makes me smile, as it cools down the inside of the carriage, almost into the minus degrees. I hear a shout as the large wooden gates are opened upon our arrival, and I try to see what lies beyond.

And it is astounding.

The Wall, here I am.

I plan to stay longer than the week my father believes. One way or another.

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