Pool party

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7th grade was over and summer had already began. Shinji Ikari sits idoly in his room, waiting for an important letter. His friend from school had called him earlier and told him that he was sending a letter, since all his emails were only to get junk mail and email registrations from game websites. Inside the letter would be an invitation, not just any invitation, an birthday party invitation, at the local public pool. Shinji knew that all his friends would be there, like Asuka and Toji (the birthday boy) but there was one person that he was looking forward to seeing. Kowaru. Kowaru was the only gay person that Shinji knew, and he had been questioning his sexuality, so he might as well see what it's like to be with a guy. Finally, the mail hatch made a clank, telling Shinji that the mail was there, so he could finally rsvp and count down the days.

The day quickly came for the party to begin. When Shinji arrived on his bike in a red and white striped shirt and black swim trunks, everybody was already there. Everybody cheered Rei on to open the gate, and she did, so of course Toji and Kensuke admire her ass not so quietly. Shinji shakily entered and quickly scanned the water for the white haired beauty.

From the corner of his eye he sees something. A great glistening wave of water rising, but as he turns to look at it he realizes that it's only Kowaru returning to air from the water. Not gonna lie, shinji thought he actually looked pretty hot.
"Shinji take off your shirt"
Shinji jumped and was startled and said
"What? Shinji it's me Asuka. Are you just going to stand there and watch us swim all day or are you going to grow a pair and jump in?!"
He hesitantly took off his shirt. He was a little embarrassed because he only took jogs instead of fully working out, so he wasn't as ripped as he wanted to be.

He felt kowarus eyes burn on him. What if he didn't want to do anything with him if he wasn't as hot as other boys? Then shinji would never figure out his sexuality. But then he heard Kowaru say "I'm going to the bathroom real quick" and an idea shot through his mind.

Flirt with him while he's in the bathroom.

He hesitantly followed him in, contemplating if he should stop or not, telling himself that he can go back anytime he wanted, but he continued.

Kowaru went to a urinal and started peeing and shinji stayed near the exit shaking and watching kowarus face. Of course Kowaru noticed but he didn't say anything, maybe shinji just happened to zone out while in there. When he finished he walked over to shinji.
"Excuse me"
Shinji jumped out of the way and once Kowaru left, he got flustered, slapping his forehead repeatedly in disappointment. Next time. He has to find a way to flirt with Kowaru.

The party continued, they ate watermelons and toji ate his cake and opened his presents. The party was almost over. Shinji never found a better opportunity to figure out his feelings for men. He was sad, he'd probably have to wait for a million years to see who he liked. But then he felt like he had to pee, so he excused himself.

He entered the bathroom and did his business and when he was done, the door opened. There entering was Kowaru.
"Hello shinji"
"Kowaru,, right?"
He made his way over to shinji and stayed only an inch away from him
"Why were you staring at me all day"
Shinji didn't answer, he was shaking and he felt extreme butterflies and was starting to blush. Then, Kowaru lifts up his arm, and places his hand on shinji's cheek and put his other hand on shinji's waist.
"Kowaru what are you doing?"
He looks deep into shinji's eyes. Their hearts feel like they're beating a million times in a second, almost synchronized. Kowaru moves closer and feels his body press against shinji's. He closes his eyes and kisses shinji.

Shinji kisses him back, and wraps his arms around Kowarus waist, holding him close. And then he feels something start to tug at his shirt. Kowaru was trying to take it off. Shinji breaks their long ass kiss (haha that sounds funny, like they were kissing each others ass) and asks
"Kowaru.. What are you doing"
"Oh. You don't want to take this further. Well okay shinji, I'll see you soon then."
And he kisses shinji once more, lasting a bit long than it should, and then walks out.

Shinji stands there, silent and dumbfounded. He expected to have to put up more of a fight to get Kowaru to kiss him, but at the same time was a little mad that he never really got to find out if he was really into men.

He felt empty. Two minutes after standing there, he felt lonely. He wanted more. Was kissing always like that? Was it like that with a girl? He wanted that feeling back. That racing heartbeat, hands touching him, like they loved him, needed him, longed for him. "Oh god shinji what are you going to do"

More coming soon <3

Shinji X Kowaru au fanficWhere stories live. Discover now