Chapter 1: Lovely Florien

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    I woke up, only to see my twin sister, Lumine standing beside me. "AHHH!" I yelled and fell off my bed. Lumine laughed, and watched me suffer as I tried to get up. "Okay, so I think I broke a few bones." I joked, and stared at Lumine, "Why were you standing beside my bed?" I asked. Lumine rolled her eyes, "We have school. You are 5 minutes late." She told me. WHAT? School, are you kidding me, I thought it was the weekend?! And I am late, too... I thought to myself. "I thought I set up a alarm..." I said staring at my alarm clock, 8:25 A.M. it read. I looked back at Lumine, and realized she was still in her PJs and not her school uniform.

    "Hey, wait. If we have school... Why are you not dressed?" I asked. Lumine tried to contain her laughter, "WE DON'T HAVE SCHOOL. BWAHAHAHAHA!" She burst out. This little... I thought to myself as I went over and pushed her out of my room. "THIS IS BULLYING." She went on as I kicked her out. I took out my phone and realized it was still Saturday. I sighed. What a relief! I thought as I got changed for the day.


    I finally got ready, took a shower, brushed my teeth and my hair, and fixed my bed, too. It was only 8:40 A.M. So lets see if Lumine is finished, that slow-poke. I opened my door and went downstairs. "Lumine!" I yelled out for her. I checked the living room and saw her watching TV. You have got to be kidding me. I shook my head as I went over to stand in front of her. "Why are you not ready?" Lumine shrugged and switched off the TV. "I thought we weren't going to do anything today?" She questioned.

    "We are going to go out!" I corrected her. She got up, almost immedietly, if it was not for me standing in front of her. She pushed me out of her way and ran upstairs. Hehe, TV for me now! I thought to myself, sat down on the sofa, and clicked on my favorite show.


    It had almost been an hour and a half. Why do girls take so long to get ready? Before I got up to go check on Lumine to see how much progress she made to get ready, she already walked into the living room. "Okay! I am ready, now!" She told me and I stood up from the sofa. I turned off the TV and we went walking to the front door. "Ladies first! Oh wait, since you took so long I am going first." Lumine gasped, "Excuse me!" She moped. I went into my car, drivers seat, and Lumine sat in the passengers seat.

    "Wow! I can't wait to see where we are going to go to!" She excitedly said. "I am sure you will like it. Oh, right, we are going to meet up with some friends." I said to her. "Ooh! Fun!" She said, pratically bouncing off her seat with excitement. I grinned, "Yep! It will be pretty fun." I nodded in agreement. Lumine smiled and stared out the window, like a little girl sitting in her car seat. What a child. I thought, and this car ride grew to be quiet.


    Me and Lumine got out of the car and we made our way to the park, or in more 'formal' terms "Florien Park." 'Florien' was the name of our city, actually. It was pretty, as parks go, it had dozens of flowers and were great for walks with friends or family. Lumine gasped at all the flowers she saw. "Ooh! Gee, this one looks like my hair, doesn't it, Aether?" She said as she picked a yellow flower. I chuckled, "Yes. It matches my hair, too." I agreed. Before Lumine and I could continue to talk about hair colors, my friends walked up.

    "Heyy!" The green haired male said, walking towards us. "Aether, is this your twin?" The girl walking with the male said. I waved at them. "Hey, guys! Yes, this is my sister." I replied to the girl. "Omigosh! I love your dress, and oh my, your shoes! You have a great sense of fashion!" Lumine complimented the girl. Me and the green haired male fist bumped, which was the first step of our handshake. "Sup, Xiao." I said as we continued our handshake. "Hey, Ae. Cute sister you got." Xiao said as he flicked his head upward in Lumine's direction.

    "Pff, she's like a female version of me." I said, completing our handshake. "Also, don't hit on my sister or else I'll break you into two." Of course that scared Xiao, "Okay! Sheesh, I'll lay off, don't worry. She may be a cute girl but she isn't my type." I sighed, and turned over to the girl who came with Xiao. "Hey, Hu." I said, ending her and Lumine's fashion conversation. She gave me a hug, "Hi, Aether!" I hugged her back. "It's great to see you," She then let go of me and took two steps back, "how have you been?" I finished. "Oh, I've been great," She mentioned, and we started to talk about how our lives are, as well as other things.

    Me, Hu, and Xiao met when I first arrived here, in the city. Sadly, Lumine never got the chance to meet them, not rarely, anyways. Lumine was always off with those two girls... Uh, what's their names again? Ahh, I forget. It doesn't matter, anyways. While me and Hu talked, I could feel Xiao inch closer to Lumine. "Hey, Aether's twin." Xiao said in Lumines face. Lumine took a step back. "My name is Lumine. Nice to meet you, ...?" Lumine waited for Xiao to say his name. "Oh! I'm Xiao, nice to meet you, Lumine." He said with a smile.

    It got silent for Xiao and Lumine, but me and Hu had no problem keeping up our conversation. "Uh... Hey, that flower over there looks like your hair." Xiao pointed to the flowers. Lumine smiled, "I was thinking the same thing!" Before you know it, Lumine and Xiao were talking about flowers. That's good, they got along. They better remain as friends though.

    Me and Hu closed off our conversation and went up to Xiao and Lumine. They stopped talking about flowers they liked and turned to face us. "Want to go for a walk?" I asked them both. Lumines face perked up, "Yes!" She agreed, while Xiao nodded. I turned to Hu and smiled. "Okay! Let's go over there." I said pointing to one of the many trails in this park. Me and everyone else started making our way over by, and into the trail.


    Before long, we already made a loop around the trail. We were already back at the main part of the park, where we all met up at. "Oh man, that's my workout for this whole year." Xiao said, as he practically fell to the ground. "Xiao, get up." Hu said to him, she didn't bother putting out a hand for Xiao to latch onto. "That was fun! Wasn't it, Aether?" Lumine asked, standing on my right. I smiled and laughed, "Haha, yeah it was! Nature is beautiful, really." I said, picturing all the nature we saw on that trail. While me and Lumine placed our focus back onto Xiao and Hu, we could already see Xiao back on his feet. "What a moron." I said aloud, instead of my head. Xiao peered his head to look at me.

    Instead of going off on me, he walked away with Hu. Me and Lumine burst out laughing. "Hehe. Oh, man, let's catch up with them..." Lumine stuck her hand up in a way and started to run over by the pair, "HEY, GUYS! WAIT!" I ran after Lumine, and eventually caught up to her.


    While catching up, I had already knew what to do next while we were still in Florien City...

End of Chapter 1; Thanks for reading.

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