Bucky x (y/n) Senior Year - 1936

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It was your first day of senior year at your new school. You're transferring from the next city over; Queens, New York. it isn't a big move but it was still difficult since it's the middle of the school year and it's going to be super obvious that you're the new girl at school.

You dress your best, trying to make a good first impression. You brush your long wavy hair, tuck your white button down top into your flowy knee length skirt and quickly pull on a knitted cardigan and slip on your favourite shoes, before adding a pretty hair bow to finish your look. You then grab your books and a pen, and rush out the front door of your house and start your walk to school.

It's a beautiful sunny day in Brooklyn, New York of March 1936. Not too chilly and not too terribly hot yet. The grass is green and flowers are starting to bloom everywhere you look. It was the midst of The Great Depression but people still seemed super cheerful for the most part, making the best of what they had at the time.

Young children skip down the sidewalks holding onto their older siblings' hands, friends walk in clusters and crack jokes with one another, and once in a while people would rush past you on the sidewalk trying to catch up with groups of faces they knew.

With the school being only a few blocks away from your new home it didn't take long before you arrived. Standing on the path before the school you take a deep breath to calm your nerves. "This will be a good day, there's nothing to worry about" you say quietly to yourself before walking up the stairs just as the school bell rings.

Inside, students were rushing about the halls finding their other friends and heading to class. It was really hard trying to manoeuvre around everybody to make your way to the office to ask about your classes. "How will I manage to find my class in this sea of students?" you thought to yourself. You open the door to the main office and talk to the secretary.

The secretary was an older lady with graying hair, she stood behind the desk rummaging through a filing cabinet.

"Um, excuse me ma'am?" You say getting her attention. She looks up at you and gives a welcoming smile.

"Hello dear, how can I help you?" She asks as she adjusts her cat eye glasses that are perched on the bridge of her nose. You tell her about how you just transferred to the school and need a schedule. She happily writes down your schedule on a small piece of paper before handing it to you and sending you out, back into the flow of students in the busy halls. The bell rings again, warning the students that they need to be in class by now. Teachers stand by their classroom doors urging their students into the rooms.

With students turning left and right all around you, you get caught up in the flow and accidentally bump into somebody. "Oh, I'm truly sorry about that!" you quickly apologise. You lock eyes with the person you bumped into, it's a boy, a cute boy.

"It's alright," he shrugs. "Are you new here? I don't believe we've met before." he smirks. You softly smile back at him and give a light nod. He's the type of boy you just know all the girls would have crushes on, he's got the type of eyes that when you look in them you could get lost forever. His eyes were blue like the ocean and his hair a chocolate brown.

A voice suddenly interrupts your daydreaming "You kids better hurry off to class, don't be late....I'm talking to you Barnes!" a teacher shouts firmly from down the hall to the remaining few students that walked them. The boy turns to see where the voice came from and turns back to face you with a cheeky grin on his face. "Do you need help finding your classes?" he asks.

"Yes please!" you respond as you show him your schedule.

"Ah perfect, your first class is with me, right this way!" he says as he saunters down the hall. You follow him, and it turns out that the teacher who yelled at him is your homeroom teacher. The teacher still stands by the door with his arms crossed, he doesn't seem angry, more that he's just that he's tired of waiting.

"Nice of you to finally join us Mr. Barnes!" he says as the boy slips past him into the room to find his seat. "And you Miss...you must be the new student, am I correct?" he questions.

"Yes sir, I'm y/n y/l/n." you say with a smile.

"It's nice to meet you Miss y/l/n, please take a seat." he says as he walks to the front of the classroom to begin his studies. The classroom is a buzz with students all talking in small groups, You scan the room to find an empty desk. The only available seat is sat at the back of the room next to a rather short and skinny boy with blonde hair. He's conversing with the boy who just helped you find your class, whose first name you still don't know. "Alright class, listen up, we're beginning now." The teacher begins. You take a seat at the desk and immediately open your books and start taking notes while listening to what the teacher is explaining.

"Psst...psst" You hear whispering from your left. You glance over and you see the skinny boy switching seats with the boy that has the ocean eyes and chocolate coloured hair. "Hello once again!" he whispers to you with a smile as he settles down in the desk chair.

"Hi," you whisper back trying to stay quiet so the teacher doesn't overhear. The boy leans over trying to get a look at your book.

"What are you writing?" he asks.

"Just some notes. I want to be able to catch up on the studies I missed before I transferred," you say as you jot down a few more things. He nods and continues to watch you.

"I never got your name before..." he says.

"I'm y/n." you say looking back over to him.

"Nice to meet you. My name is James, but everyone calls me Bucky." he smiles, offering his hand to you, you stretch your arm over and place your hand in his, giving a little shake.

"Shh, stop talking so much!" a voice whispers just past Bucky. Bucky lets go of your hand and leans over to say something to the small boy sitting next to him on his left. You can't hear what they're discussing but Bucky just said something to make the other boy roll his eyes and shake his head with a small chuckle.

You set your pen down on the side of your small desk and start shuffling through other papers and books on your table, you bump the pen and it ends up rolling off the ledge. You go to reach for it but Bucky grabs the pen before you can. "I believe this is yours," he quietly says as he fiddles with the pen before handing it back over to you. He seems to always have a smirk on his face.

"Thank you," you whisper back politely.

"Buck, will you stop flirting with her and pay attention to the teacher!" his friend whispers to him just loud enough that you could overhear. You giggle to yourself.

"Hey Bucky, who's your friend?" you lean over and quietly ask.

"That's Steve," he replies. You look past Bucky and you make eye contact with the blonde haired boy and you give him a small wave of hello. He smiles shyly in return.

"Ahem!" The teacher loudly clears his throat to get all the students attention. "Will you three in the back pay attention to what is happening at the front of the room please!"

"Yes, sorry sir," You say as you focus your attention back to the front.

"Thank you," he replies. "Now as you can see from this diagram I drew on the board..." the teacher continues explaining. You try to stay focused but you fail and zone out. The teacher talked in such a way that made everything sound so boring. Instead of taking notes you start doodling little designs on the corners of your notebook paper.

Just out of the corner of your eyes you can see Bucky glancing over at you. Whenever you would meet his gaze he would turn away with a big smile on his face and pretend like he wasn't starring, even though it was super obvious that he couldn't take his eyes off of you. You can't help but feel butterflies fluttering in your stomach, you're not nervous, but more excited for what this year could bring.

All the nerves that you started off the day with have completely vanished. You have a feeling that you will have a really great senior year of high school in your new home of Brooklyn, New York. 

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