Steve x (y/n) Are You Crazy?

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You and Steve are really good friends. You met each other back in your senior year of high school after you moved from another city. You two clicked almost immediately once you started talking. He's super sweet and has the biggest heart. People tend to pick on him a lot for his size but he is so incredibly brave, and never knows when to give up, which can sometimes get him into some difficult situations.

The two of you just finished watching a film in the cinema, and with World War 2 going on right now, there were a lot of cartoons telling men to sign up for the war and to protect their country before the film actually played. Your boyfriend Bucky was being drafted into the army and Steve more than ever wants to enlist because he wants to help, but he keeps being pushed away.

"y/n, you'll hate me for this but I'm going to sign up again!" Steve says, walking down the sidewalk next to you.

"Seriously Steve?" You shake your head in disbelief knowing exactly what he means, "you'll just get turned away again, how many times is your 5th already?"

"I want to make a difference, I want to help!" he exclaims. "I can do it!"

"I know how badly you want to help fight in the war, but you have so many health problems and you keep lying on your enlistment forms, which is illegal by the way! I really don't think that they will accept you, I'm sorry Stevie." Stevie is one of the nicknames you gave him, just to annoy him a little bit because that's what friends are for, right?

He sighs, stuffs his hands into his jacket pockets and hangs his head as you both continue walking down the sidewalk. You can't stand seeing him looking like that, so you suggest getting some ice cream to cheer up the mood. Both of you cross the street and walk up to the ice cream parlor "You wait out here, I'll go and buy the ice cream!" you say to Steve.

"Here, it's on me." he says as he digs some change out of his pocket and places it in your hand.

"You don't have to keep paying for everything. It was my idea so it's on me!" You say as you try and give back his money. He won't accept it, so you give in and let him pay. You slip inside and stand patiently in the short line up. You look over your shoulder and see him leaning up against the glass window. You tap the glass to grab his attention and lip sync "vanilla?" He nods his head yes. He's so typical, always choosing that as his go to ice cream flavour. You've tried to get him to choose something different but he never budges, he claims that vanilla is always the way to go, since it's the classic. When it's your turn to order you ask for a vanilla cone and a strawberry cone. You thank the man that was working and hand him the payment, then you turn to leave. Another couple holds the door open for you on your way out since your hands are full with treats. You smile and thank them.

When you're back out on the sidewalk, Steve is nowhere in sight. "Steve? Steve, where are you?" you call out. You hear a ruckus from a nearby alleyway and go to check out the noise. When you make it to the alley, there's Steve in a fist fight against two large men. They stand much taller than him and definitely are intimidating. They must have been fighting for a while because Steve already has a busted lip. "Oh boy, what did he get himself into now?" you think to yourself.

Steve is cornered by them, using a metal trash can lid as a shield. You know you have to do something, you can't just watch him get beat up, this is the 3rd time this week! In a panic you drop the ice cream cones and rush over. The large men have no clue that you're behind them. Forgetting all your ladylike mannerisms you jump onto one of the men's back and start punching at his head. "LEAVE. HIM. ALONE!" you shout in between hits. The other man now aware of your presence grabs you off of his friend's back. You scream and flail in his tight grasp trying to get free. The other man stalks over to Steve and rips the trash can lid from is hands and shoves Steve to the ground. "STEVE!" You shout as you still struggle to get free from the man holding you. Stomping down hard you slam your heel onto his foot and he shouts out in pain and lets you go. You turn to the man and slap him across the face. "Pick on someone your own size!" you yell at him as he runs off.

The man that remains turns to look at you with dark, almost black eyes and creepily he smiles. "Well, aren't you a feisty one? I like you."

Suddenly another figure walks up. "She's taken, you can't have her," they say sternly. You instantly recognize the voice of the figure.

"Oh yeah? By whom?" the man replies as he turns around to face the person who was speaking.

"By me!" the person says as they swing a punch to the man's face knocking him to the ground. The man scrambles back onto his feet to throw a punch back. The person ducks and kicks the man on the butt, scaring him away.

"Oh my gosh, Bucky!" you say running over to your heroic boyfriend, giving him a big hug.

Steve slowly stands from where he was crouched by the trash cans. He walks over and gives Bucky a pat on the back as a way of saying hey pal and thanks for the rescue.

Bucky releases you from the hug and looks down at you with a serious face. He places his hands firmly onto your shoulders. "Are you crazy!? You could have gotten injured! Are you hurt at all?"

"I'm fine," you roll your eyes at your over protective boyfriend.

"I expected this from him..." he looks over at Steve "...but you y/n, come on!" he says, throwing his arms in disbelief "What a girl I've got!"

"I had him on the ropes!" you say to him. "We would have been eating ice cream by now if I didn't have to rescue little Stevie here," you look over at Steve and giggle a little, making light of the scary situation the two of you were just in. You've never done anything like that before, your adrenaline is pumping, that experience was, to say the least, thrilling!

"y/n, I didn't ask you to save me, I could do this all day!" Steve replies with a chuckle and turns his attention back to Bucky, who was standing tall in his military uniform. "You get your orders?"

"The 107th. Sergeant James Barnes, shipping out for England first thing tomorrow morning."

"I'll miss you so terribly!" you say sadly, pulling him in for another hug.

"I'll miss you too doll," he says as he plants a kiss to the top of your head.

"I should be going too," Steve sadly says just above a whisper. You can see how badly he wants to help protect the country. You let go of Bucky and wrap your arm around Steve's shoulders.

"If both of you left me, then who would I be able to save from an alley fight?" you say jokingly, giving him a light squeeze.

A small smile comes across his face, "ha ha you're so funny" he says sarcastically.

Honestly, though. You wouldn't know what to do if they both left for the war. You're already so worried about Bucky, but then knowing that Steve was over there too, it would be too much for you to handle! Would they ever return, or would you get a message saying that they were M.I.A? You would feel so alone with nobody to crack jokes with.

Bucky then speaks, interrupting your overwhelming thoughts. "So...earlier you mentioned you would be eating ice cream right now if it wasn't for this punk?"

"Yeah," you reply with a light laugh, "I just finished ordering and I stepped out of the parlor and found Steve picking a fight."

"So that explains the 2 cones melting on the sidewalk back there!" Bucky points with his thumb over his shoulder and lets out a laugh. "Come on, both of you, let's get cleaned up. It's my last night!" Bucky wraps one of his arms around your waist and nudges Steve with his other.

"Why, where are we going?" Steve asks curiously, wiping his face with his jacket sleeve.

Bucky grins and passes him a flyer that he pulls out of his uniform jacket pocket, "The future!"

Steve grabs the newspaper and reads the headline out loud "1943's World Exposition of Tomorrow. Howard Stark, owner and CEO of Stark Industries, sponsors an exhibition of future technologies."

"Ooh how exciting!" You say smiling up at Bucky, knowing how much of a science nerd he secretly is. "I wonder what kind of new gadgets Mr. Stark has invented, perhaps a portable telephone that could fit into a pocket? Just imagine how handy that would be! Or perhaps there will be self driving cars, or ones that can fly!"

"You've got quite the imagination there doll, maybe you should become an inventor" Bucky chuckles.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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