Chapter 28

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Yay! Over a thousand reads later, I finally upload. Sorry. I've been really stressed out with school so i'm sorry it's taking forever. It's Spring Break and I'm doing absolutely nothing, so I decided, "Why not upload?" ENJOY!

Chapter 28

Josh's POV

I stared at Ashley wide eyed. What is she doing here!? With this random guy!? I thought we were together!? I could feel my heart cracking but I knew better than to show my feelings. Man up, Josh. It's your fault; deal with it. I put on the best face I could and turned to leave. This is what's best; a clean break. As I was leaving the building, I could hear heavy footsteps. Ashley came running down the stairs and stopped in between me and the door.

"J-Josh... W-what are you doing here...?" Her breathing was a little off. I wonder if her heart felt the same as mine.

"I came looking for you," I said, hopefully smoothly. "I wanted to apologize, um, for what happened because that wasn't fair for you. But now, I guess, everything is... Okay." Pain crept into Ashley's beautiful brown, puppy dog eyes. Why I let her slip through my fingers like that, I would never know.

"Josh... I-I'm so sorry. Please, I still would like to explain everything, if you'll let me." Ashley began to bite her lower lip, softly. That little motion drove my heart wild. I loved that about her. The littlest things that I would notice about her is what made me love her in the first place... But now I could never be the right guy for her...

"Sure," I said curtly. I knew I should've said something more but I didn't know what.

"Let me go talk to my, um, friend real quick and we can go get coffee?" I simply nodded and she left, her silky brown hair waving in the wind she was creating.

Ashley's POV

God. How the hell does this stuff happen to me!? I feel so bad about Josh seeing Brendan and I there. Ugh... Tothink my high school was dramatic; this is ten times worse! I sighed as I turned the corner to see Brendan leaning on the wall.

"Hey," I mumbled.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Brendan lifted my chin to make sure I'd look him in the eyes.

"I'm so sorry about that, Brendan. He is a... an ex? I don't know. It's a little complicated." Sadness filled his eyes. My heart was tearing.

"Do you love him?" There was complete silence in the air. The atmosphere was a little awkward but comforting. Being around Brendan was as easy and breathing.

"I thought I did. What him and I had could never happen. I found you and you're all I want. I promise. I need to clear some things up with him though." Instantly. I could see the tension in Brendan's jaw lighten.

"Okay, text me when you're done." He lightly game me a peck and left to go a different way out of the building. I sighed heavily. Thank goodness Brendan is so understanding. I smiled to myself thinking I found such a great guy.

"Okay, Josh, ready?"

Hey guys!! So I just realized (because it's been so long) that Ashley and Brendan are having a friends with benefits moment haha. Whoops. My bad. :P Since they aren't DATING, yet (maybe >.<), will Ashley be able to keep her promise or will her past feelings show up again? I PROMISE TO UPLOAD BY THE END OF THIS WEEKEND IF (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) YOU GUYS VOTE FOR WHO YOU LIKE BETTER. (*I require at least 7 votes. I know, not an even number, but it's my favorite.[:) Are you a Josh or a Brendan fan? PLEASE LET ME KNOW!! I would really like to know what you guys are thinking. Of course, please continue reading to find out what happens, commenting, voting, and fanning!

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