Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Let's show some gratitude to our loved ones and have some fun. Tag someone who....
....reminds you of cupid
....is the most romantic person on Wattpad
....loves chocolates
....loves to give/receive gifts
....is an anti-romantic
....never forgets to remind about self-love
....is your forever cheerleader
....is your nemesis, you always bicker but can't be away too
....is your forever besties
....is your wingwoman/wingman
....is the shayaar of the crew
....the aashiq of the group
....reminds you of Devdas
.... is the Bunny of the trio
....resembles Raj and Simran
....is the Jai to your Aditi
Let the tag fest begin! 💘💘

Lafz Pyaar Ke 2024
RandomNamaste Wattpadians! This season of love, the Indian profiles have joined hands to bring you a contest filled with the spirit of love. This Valentine let's celebrate the power of ishq, pyaar, mohobbat and of course romance with exciting prompts, fu...