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Since Jasper and I as well as Major had broken the bed and headboard, Jas and I headed out and bought a whole new bed. the headboard had dark black padding that was nearly bigger than the bed. we got us a big bed cause we wasn't wanting to risk falling off in the fit of passion and something go wrong and one of us someone gets hurt.

After we got that taken care of we trashed the old bed and got the new one in the room and placed it where we wanted to.

Now here we are sadly listening to Edward talk about how the new girl is his blood singer and ow he has to get away for awhile.

"So glad I never had to deal with that when I found you" I tell Jas as I pecked his lips before we got in to the car and left heading home.

"you nearly gave me a heart attack when you snuck into my tent" he says

"wait. what?" Rose asked

"yeah we left that part out on how we met" Jas says

"why?" she asked

"to caught up in learning bout our new family" I answered

"well when we get home can you share how you two met?" she asked

"sure" Jas says

When we got home Jasper being the southern gentleman he is opened the door for Rosa and then came and opened my door.

I climbed out and gave him a thank you kiss before we grabbed our things and headed inside with the others.

when we got up stairs we seen the others weren't here yet so Jas and I headed to our room to do our homework before we came back down when the rest showed up.

"I'm telling you.she's not gonna be like your last blood singer" Alice tries

" just tell me she isn't gonna be a part of our lives?" Rose asked

"oh she will" Alice says

Rose groaned as did I cause just from seeing her and hearing her I couldn't stand her I just felt really off about her and don't fucking trust her.

"I promise you this and I'm saying this in front of every single one of you all. she does anything to trigger my husband and make him lose his control cause all of you will smell her blood and crave it. then I will finish her and not blink or give a shit. he's gone so fucking long with out any repercussions and I'll be damn if a stupid fucking idiot human comes along and fucks it up." I tell them

"she's innocent" Alice tries

"right and I'm the queen of the world" Rose says

I smiled before Jas and I took a seat on the couch.

"no I'd like to hear how you nearly caused Jasper to have a heart attack. had he been a human." Rose says

"what?" the others asked

"we never fully told how we met just said I took him from the woman that changed him" I say

"so how did you two meet?" Em asked

"Well I was passing by the camp site of the newborn army Maria was creating when this pull had me use my invisibility and wounder through the camp looking for who was the cause of the feeling. I had quietly slipped into one of the tents and walked up behind mister blonde here and covered his mouth after making myself visible again." I tell him

"I nearly had a heart attack. if I were a human I would've" he says

"I had told hm I wasn't gonna hurt him that he was my mate. I said i'd remove my hand as long as he didn't alert the others. which he nodded his head so I removed my hand and he turned around and noticed right away that we are mates." I say

"I was a bit worried what Maria would do if I left with Laylin. I told Laylin Maria wouldn't let me leave and she told me to leave it to her."

"and the rest you all know" I say

"so you snuck up on him and grabbed him?" Em asked

"Yep. " I replied

"I'd had a heart attack if I didn't know someone was around me" Rose says

"she didn't make any sound and there was no noise at all outside my tent cause the others where doing different things. and right when she grabbed me and covered my mouth had I been human I would've had a heart attack" Jas says

Apparently while Jas and I were telling how I nearly gave him a heart attack Edward talked with Carlisle then left.

"well Edward went to Denali to visit our cousins and will be gone a while" Carlisle says

"great. nose a rella will be looking for us and possibly asking questions" Rose says

I sighed now really wanting to deal with the human drama. but knew it was coming.

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