Chapter 6

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Bluey instantly confronted Indy about her and Jack.

"What?" Indy gasped. "No way! Jack is lying! He never asked me to be his girlfriend!"

Bluey pulled out her phone and texted this to Rusty. Indy's phone dinged a minute later, with just this:

Hi, Indy. I've really liked you for years, but I've never had the courage to say that until now. I didn't want to intrude in case Jack had really asked you out until now. I learned that girls don't like intruders in their love life. I learned that from Bluey and Mackenzie. So Indy, will you be my girlfriend?

Indy smiled, then looked at Bluey. "I'm going to say yes. What do you think?"

Bluey grinned. "Only if it makes you happy."


Nothing major happened over the next few weeks. Of course, there was drama, but thankfully it wasn't about Bluey, Mackenzie, or their friends. Rusty and Indy were still together, and they clearly liked each other a lot.

The year sped up quickly, with Bluey and Mackenzie vanishing from the spotlight. New friends came together, old friends drifted apart, and there were arguments, fights, crushes, and the occasional kiss behind the cafeteria.

Soon, it was December. The weather became warmer and sunny, and the midyear break came quickly. Bluey went to the beach with her immediate and extended family, and her Uncle Rad and Aunt Frisky came along too, with their 2-year-old daughter Charlotte.

Mackenzie went to New Zealand with his parents to visit his extended family. He found the vacation miserable.

The rest of their friends either went on vacation or were extremely bored at home. They wanted to go back to school.


The first day back, Mackenzie approached Bluey's locker with a large bunch of flowers, wrapping paper, ribbons, and a bad idea. When he reached it, he was appalled to see it already wrapped like a present with flowers rolled in an enormous bow attached to the cold metal surface.

Someone had gotten there first, and Mackenzie knew instantly who it was. Only Jean-Luc would go to this extreme level.

Well, Jean-Luc and me, Mackenzie thought. He's gotta be really desperate to do such a thing. Bluey must have rejected him too.

The thought spread a smile over his face. But what to do with all these supplies . . . 

Mackenzie dumped them on the floor. Maybe Bluey would assume that Jean-Luc had dumped them there and ran off, he thought hopefully.

Bluey then arrived at her locker with Coco and Honey, just as Mackenzie was picking up the supplies off the floor. He was planning on putting them in the janitor's closet and grabbing them after school.

"Oh my gosh, Mackenzie!" Bluey said. "This must have taken you hours!"

Mackenzie looked back at the locker in question, which indeed looked as if the ornate origami flowers had really taken him hours to complete. "Um, yeah," he fibbed. "It took a while, but, anything for you!"

Bluey smiled hugely and hugged him. "Thank you," she breathed into his fur, and Mackenzie could smell a whiff of her perfume. Blueberries and flowers. Amazing.

He looked up to see Coco, sadly shoving her foot on the floor and her eyes welling up with tears. What the . . . Mackenzie thought. She looked up at Mackenzie, then quickly wiped at her eyes and looked at Bluey and Mackenzie in clearly fake happiness.

The Love Triangle: Mackenzie Meets Jean-LucWhere stories live. Discover now