It's Not Normal.

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I hate the feeling when everything I do just seems so selfish, like everything I do is for nothing.
I want to help, I want to be a good person
But I'm never good enough.
When will I be good enough? When will I just finally be at calm?
Everything I do is seen as dramatic
I'm so tired of myself,
What do I do?
It's so pointless to live, but then again what about them?
What about the people that I talk to every day?
I feel so self absorbed for wanting to die
But at the same time,
Doesn't everyone just feel like shit?
These last 4 years have been just... Bad.
I'm so tired of being myself
It's so hopeless to keep thinking things will get better
It won't get better, will it?
That's just it, huh?
It never gets better?
You're put through so much shit to the point it's hopeless at this point.

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