Chapter 2

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Hunter was on his way to meet Mika at the movies. Just then, he noticed Doug and Delilah were headed his way.

"Oh look! Hunter's coming!" said Delilah.

"Mr. Doug! Mrs. Delilah!" said Hunter. "You're headed home already?"

"Yep!" said Doug. "We just got off work!"

"And where are you headed off to?" said Delilah.

"I'm off to the movies to meet with a friend," said Hunter.

"You've made a friend?" said Doug.

"Yes. I've recently met a girl named Mika, and she asked me to hang out with her."

The parents suddenly gasped with excitement. "A girl?!"


"That's wonderful, dear!" said Delilah.

"Our young man has found young love!" said Doug.

"I don't know about love," said Hunter. "The pups believe that she asked me out on an actual date. It might be true, but I'm a bit concerned."

"Why's that?"

"Well... I've never really hung out with other human kids due to my history. The pups taught me many things about what to do when I'm around girls. And I'm just concerned with how she'll feel about me."

"Hunter," said Delilah, "we know your life hasn't been entirely well. And we get how that could affect your interactions with other humans. But you shouldn't let it prevent you from making something better for yourself. If you really care about this girl, then just be yourself and tell her what you feel alright with telling her."

"And if she truly cares about you," said Doug, "then she'll understand your feelings and want to be with you more."

"Yeah, you're right," said Hunter. "I better get going. Don't want to keep the young lady waiting. See you later." He continued walking.

"Be safe!" said Delilah.

"And have fun!" said Doug.


Hunter arrived at the movie theater. He suddenly heard a voice say, "Hunter! Over here!"

He saw Mika waving to him and happily made his way to her. "Hey there! I didn't keep you waiting for too long, did I?"

"Not at all!" said Mika. "I just arrived a few minutes before you did!"

"Oh! Well..." Hunter did a bow gesture. "Let me say, miss, that I'm deeply honored you took the courtesy to have me join you tonight!"

Mika giggled and did a curtsy. "Well good sir, I'm deeply honored you accepted! Shall we?!"

"By all means!"

They made their way to the entrance. Hunter opened the door and held it open for Mika.

"After you!" said Hunter.

"Thank you!" said Mika as she entered the building.

After getting their tickets and snacks, they made their way to their movie's screening room. Since there was still time before the movie started, it gave them some time to talk.

"So what do you like to do for fun?" Hunter asked Mika.

"Well, I like playing piano and reading. What about you?"

"I like to dabble with technical things and take pictures of animals. Mostly dogs."

"You like dogs?! So do I! What's your favorite kind?!"

Hunter's DateNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ