March 3rd, 2024, Coloring Hair

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"You said you don't like bleaching."

"Yeah I know."

"That's why you got that color."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"And you really upset."

"Yeah, I am."

"Then try bleaching your hair. That blue won't look blue if you don't bleach your hair first."

"I hate bleaching."

"Then, this black hair suit you right."

"Morning, Silly Baby. Woaah!"


"What's this sorcery? Why I see blue strains? Are you getting highlights? But when? Are you stay up late again? We arrived almost midnight yesterday?"

"Morning, Sunshine. And I don't. I went straight to bed with awful feeling."

"But here," he dragged me to the window. "Look under the sun," he put my braid under the rays. "It has that electric blue like mine. It's glittery. And.. Woaah."


"Your hair." His agape expression made me chuckle. "Let me get my phone."

That afternoon, Felix showed me around the dorm nonstop. He made sure no one was left behind to see my magic blue hair before the sun went down. He explained in detail how my hair was inverted ombre with black on the ends and electric blue on the roots. His cheeks went up so high when telling that blueish color only shown under the sun.


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