chapter 1

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(Hello!!! This story will be only when im bored so it might have some spelling errors and all. Hope you like it anyways!)

At the lair, the turtles were having a discussion in the living room over Leo, that was out on patrol. Raph, Donnie and Mikey invited Casey and April because they wanted to talk. April openned the discussion by bringing a rather concerning subject: Leo.

April: Don't you guys find it weird he always speak to himself in the dojo? It's like he's talking to someone.

Donnie: Yeah, I ran into one of his conversations once, I dont know if its to himself or something else.

Raph rolls his eyes, annoyed.

Raph: Well that's it! Leo is now hallucinating! Wonderful.

Donnie looks at Raph pissed off.

Donnie: Well, maybe he is just not taking Splinter's death as easy as YOU Raph! The only thing you do is punch your stupid punching bag!

Mikey stops the two of them from getting into a fight. Casey, playing with his sticks in the back, starts to make some guesses.

Casey: maybe he's lost it since the Kraang invasion, yo!

April: Casey, we dont need to make some stupid guesses over our friend's sanity! Its not funny.

Mikey: Well Casey maybe isnt wrong? Maybe a Kraang played with his brain while he was knocked outtttt!!!!

Mikey starts creeping out of the idea. Everyone looks at Mikey with confused faces, how can he come up with such stupid ideas?? Anyways, a moment later, Leo gets back from patrol and yawns, skretching his arms.

Leo: Nothing new since Gregg attacked, humans still a little paranoid but they'll manage. Oh, Hi April and Casey.

Everyone shuts up, trying not to look suspisious. Raph immediatly steps away from everyone and goes to his room.

Donnie: Hi Leo, how was the patrol?

Leo: Calm, nothing new like I said. I think im gonna head off to bed tho, I'll go meditate a little before.

Mikey: Nice bro! Go sleep aaaallllllll you want!!

Leo gives an intrigued look while Donnie kicks Mikey's foot. Could Mikey be even MORE obvious? Leo heads off to the dojo and close the door behind him.

Casey: I dont see what you mean by he's acting strange? He's perfectly normal yo.

April: That's only because you're stupid Casey.

Casey: HEY!! im smart!

Donnie laugh behind his hand when Casey implie that he is smart.

Mikey: Thanks you guys for coming but I dont think we can continue this conversation right now-

Donnie: Agree, we'll talk about it when its his patrol night again, I'll text you guys.

April: Sure, sound good. Good night guys!

They all wave when April and Casey leave the lair. Donnie goes to his lab, working on something again. Mikey goes to his room, open his light and starts to read his BDs again. Raph, on the other hand tries to investigate on Leo's case. He goes to the dojo's door and opens it slightly, listening to what Leo is saying and doing. Leo is talking to himself, again.

Leo: I dont know, they seemed.. off a little.

Raph rolls his eyes, of course Mikey made it look obvious, he tought. Raph listens to Leo talk, but one phrase made Raph understand.

Leo: But sensei, if I dont know what they are talking about how am I supposed to help them in any situations?

Raph now knew who Leo was "talking" to. Leo hallucinates Splinter?!? Why didnt he tell anyone? And most importantly, has he been listening to an hallucination to lead the team all this time? Too much questions for such little time, Raph got back to his room, closed his lights but couldnt sleep, why wouldnt he trust his own brothers with that? He'll ask him, tommorow.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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