Chapter 4: Kings and Teachers

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A/N: Many thanks to Advent for helping me with this, without him, this chapter would not have been possible.

Getting sick -Covid- destroyed my update schedule, sorry about that.

With my fifteen year anniversary on this site finally here, I find myself reflecting on the little things in life. What was once a lazy pastime meant for me and a few friends really grew and evolved over time. There are days when I look back on the last fifteen years here and I wonder if anyone will remember me; if I made an impact, despite never making a single cent on any of these stories. Some days were happier than others, and some stories I enjoyed writing WAY too much; to the point where I'd stay up all night working on them.

And of course, there are times when I look to the future and wonder what will become of things when I'm gone.

Of course, I try not to dwell on the latter overmuch; I'm still alive and still writing. In an ideal world, I'd like to keep doing so for as long as I can. But old age is catching up to me and these days, the world is filled with so much madness and death. Feels like everyone's lost their minds sometimes. Even before that, so many friends and fellow writers I once knew are gone, now. Will I still be here in twenty years? Ten? Five? Its a chilling thought. But for now, I'm still here, still writing.

So here we go. The fate of this story depends on you, the reader. Your feedback determines the fate of this tale, and many others.

As ever, I own no references, quotes, themes or memes. They're tributes to legends far greater than I.

I'm just a humble author trying to make his way in this wild world, one word at a time.

Time and feedback will determine if this remains a story. Simple as that.

In other words...its up to YOU, the reader. Do let me know~!

Strong references to Fate and Reincarnated as Sword.

And From Villainess to Savior, of course.

What do I mean by Sword? I'll give you a hint.

Yes, its simple. Just one word.


"Very well! Let me tell you a story of creation...and destruction."

You see, it began when a boy was betrayed and reborn.

He took it upon himself to become something more.

And so he did. Despite your best efforts.

Where's your laughter, Jacques?

You're not laughing now."

~An audible manifestation of arrogance.

Kings and Teachers

Nothing was impossible for a Schnee.

Bit of a strange saying, that, but Naruto felt it held true all the same. Wealth, fame, power! As William Schnee, all was within his grasp. He had but to speak and his will would be obeyed nine times out of ten; such was the weight of the Schnee family name. On the off chance that it wasn't, he could -and often did!- resort to more brutish methods in achieving his goals. It was for the good of the world, of course.

Had he grown arrogant? Perhaps.

But was it not the duty of a king to lead his people? Was it not their duty to build their lives up from the squalor, to lead them to a land filled with milk and honey? To be the shepherd they could flock to and not have to worry about the minor things that the world threw down before them? Likewise, did not the strong have a duty to shelter the weak and guide them down the path to power?

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