- Prologue -

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Pre-Season 1 into some of Season 2

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Pre-Season 1 into some of Season 2

Sutton Marie Sloan was the youngest of two children. When she was born over ten years after her older brother, her parents were less than happy about her arrival.  Charlotte and James Sloan were very work-oriented people they focused on work, and work only. They weren't the type of parents to go to talent shows, science fairs, or parent-teacher conferences. Sutton quickly learned from a young age that her parents weren't the most caring or kind. They believed in hard work. Even if it meant sacrificing relationships with your kids. Mark never had any sort of caring figure a few nannies here and there, so when Sutton was born he wanted to be that for her. He never failed to be there for her. Every graduation, recital, or accomplishment Mark was there. But Sutton was always in need of a mom. Eventually, when Sutton was 14 their mom Charlotte died. They were on their way home from an errand when the car flipped over into a lake killing Charlotte Sloan. Crushing any hope of Sutton ever having a relationship with her mom. Or at least a long-lasting one. Ever since this incident Sutton has been terrified of water. She doesn't swim, or go on boats, she takes beach trips but won't touch the water. Ever since Sutton could remember, Mark had been best friends with Derek Shepherd. She remembered Derek coming to their house every day or Mark dragging her to his. His mother took the two Sloans in whenever they needed a mom. And even when Derek and Mark had grown up and left by the time Sutton was a teenager  Mrs.Shepherd still constantly was like a mom for Sutton. They were her family, Her real one. Even if not all of the Shepherds got along with her. 


April 20, 2004 

Sutton sat on her light pink sofa that she had bought a couple of weeks ago. She was 2 weeks away from starting her surgical internship at her brother's practice. She abruptly heard a knock on the door. It was Addison Montgomery-Shepherd, Sutton almost immediately felt this rush of guilt cover her. She knew why she was there. she had tried to deny it for weeks. She didn't think that her brother was capable of hurting someone like this. She knew of Mark Sloan's Man-Whore behavior but she didn't think it would ever go this far. 

"He knows" Addison stated

"Addison, what are you talking about?" Sutton asked acting confused 

"Derek...-he knows about me and Mark," Addison was crying, Sutton had never seen her like this before. It was not typical behavior for Addison. She was the prissy older sister that Sutton loved. She took her shopping and taught her how to flirt with boys. She never thought that Addison would cheat on Derek. But here she was in the moment helping her. 

"Can I stay here, for a little just until I get a place?" Addison pleaded 

At this moment Sutton didn't know what to do betray Derek or help Mark. It was the biggest internal conflict she had ever had. But maybe she didn't have to choose. Maybe she was choosing Addison. But deep down Sutton felt this guilt like she was Harboring a criminal. 

"Yeah, Of course, come on in" Sutton replied, yet the biggest question on her mind was did she do the right thing? 


The next months that followed were the most weird and unusual for Sutton. Addison and Mark were together. Derek was gone, and Sutton started her internship. She hated not only working with her brother but also working at a place where her brother was worshiped. Over the next few months, Sutton made some bad choices. But the world she wanted to get out of she was ripped from all due to one night. She heard a loud abrupt knock on her door just like the one all those nights ago.

When she opened the door...

" Sutton, is she here?" Mark said practically storming through the door

" Is who here?" Sutton asked confused

" Addison?"  

" Why would Addison be here?"  Now Sutton was questioning everything

"She is missing"  Mark stated as he searched every room

"What do you mean she's missing?" Sutton had a feeling that something like this would happen, Mark was the definition of a cheater. He couldn't help himself, and Sutton was tired of it. 

" Well, she left a note,"  Mark stated looking Guilty,

" What did you do, Or rather who did you do?"  Sutton scoffed 

" Umm well, that's not the point" Mark responded, Sutton rolled her eyes and walked away 

" If she is trying to get away from you maybe you should let her."

" How can you say that Sutton?" Mark said looking hurt and betrayed 

" I'm sorry Mark, but why do you keep self-destructing, I'm so done... I can't do this anymore." Sutton stated covering her eyes with her hands. 

" Sutton, what are you talking about?"

" I called Derek-.... and he said he can get me a job. In Seattle I can't be here with you, Living in your shadow, With people who worship the ground you walk on. I'm sick of it.  I leave next week okay? You can yell and scream and tell me all kinds of things but I'm going to Seattle and you aren't gonna follow me. " She stated looking at the ground and trying to avoid eye contact 

 " Sutton, god I went out of my way to get you this job and you're just gonna leave mid-way through the year? " Mark said looking hurt 

"Yeah, I am" Sutton responded 

Mark just rolled his eyes and walked out of her apartment. She felt guilty. He was right, he got her that job, and he did everything for her. This was her chance to do something on her own where no one knew her, or her brother's reputation. 


Authors Note

1. The prologue is out so I did change a few things. Mark and Sutton aren't in as bad of a feud. Alex Fling is gonna be more like friends with benefits. And the Romance with Jackson is gonna be coming up more quickly.

May 2024- Okay, so I am going back and editing these parts before writing the rest of Act One which is coming within the next few days. I am realizing how much these parts were not great and I want for them to be way better before I continue the story. Act one will finish on a bit of a sad note but there is HAPPINESS to come.

Word count- 1121

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