Regardless (Mavin)

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Michael pounded his keyboard in frustration. No, it wasn't because he was doing a Rage Quit on Cat Mario (although that alone was irritating), but rather caused by the antics of his accomplice. The fans had begged for it, and he had eventually caved: he was allowing Gavin to play co-op with him by taking turns controlling the pixelated cat on the screen. Now, it was Gavin's turn.

"Michael, check this out," he directed through a thick British accent. Groaning artificially, Michael watched as Gavin made his avatar do a dance by making it turn left and right rapidly. He secretly adored the way he articulated his words, but would never admit it, even though he considered Gavino Free to be his closest friend. Then, a flying creature swooped down from the animated sky and killed the cat in mid-dance.

"Gavin, can we PLEASE just beat the fucking game so we can go home?" Michael hissed through gritted teeth.The brightly-lit room hid the fact that it was really dark outside, and stormy for that matter. It usually didn't rain in Austin, but when it did, it was a hell of a storm, and Michael wanted to be home before the wind started to really kick in, although it would be lonely to be by himself... He had been dumped by Lindsey weeks prior, but the effects still continued to take toll on him. He knew that he didn't really love her when he had watched her car pull out of the driveway packed with her various belongings without shedding a tear, but he had still enjoyed her presence. It was the little things like that that made him sad.

Snatching the keyboard away from Gavin, Michael began playing and died within the first few seconds. "Fuck this! Gavin, it's your problem now!" he yelled, shoving the keys away from him. He knew that his failing attempts only kept him confined in the office longer, and Gavin would probably be more emotionally stable anyhow.

When Gavin ran into a flying walrus for the umpteenth time, Michael leapt to his feet.

"Why the fuck can't you play worth a damn?" Michael shrieked in true anger.

Gavin only laughed. "Michael, you're turning red like a tomato." The stupidity in his words hit Michael with forceful adoration. What he would give to see the world through the innocence veiling Gavin's eyes...

Shaking the thought, Michael hit the power button on the monitor, effectively shutting off the game. Gavin chuckled again.

That. Damn. Laugh.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SO FUCKING HAPPY ABOUT?" Michael shouted bluntly at Gavin, who was still slightly smiling.

"You're just really funny when you're angry," Gavin stated, grin ever-present. The accent washed over him like a tsunami, and he began yelling again.

"SHUT UP!!!"

By this point, Gavin was doubled over from laughing so much. There were most likely tears in his eyes, and Michael heard him sniffle and hiccup from glee.

"I love you, Michael," Gavin declared, leaving Michael unsure if he was joking or not. He could feel his throat tighten painfully and the numerous thoughts and possibilities swirl in his mind. A clap of thunder made the two jump, and the lights flickered. Michael felt the words tumble out of his mouth before he could restrain his tongue.

"Gavin, I fucking hate your damn accent. I hate how you say 'Mi-cool' instead of Michael, I hate how your fucking hair can't decide if it's brown or blonde, I hate that fucking smile you use when we're recording..." Michael's voice considerably softened, dropping an entire octave. "And I especially hate how you actually seem to care about how I feel."

Raising an eyebrow, Gavin asked, "Wha-" before being cut off roughly by Michael's lips. He quickly complied, falling into the passionate rhythm and even leaning in.

Michael hated all those qualities about Gavin, but he loved him regardless.

Regardless (Mavin)Where stories live. Discover now