"new place"

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I walk up but feeling like the Earth is going up and down i looked around and find unfamiliar room i stood up from bed

"What's that place" i said to myself suddenly the door opened

"Y/N are you awake" i turned around see hyunsik oppa

"Where I am or what's that place or other where are they I need to talk then" i take deep breath after saying that

"Calm down Y/N" he said in calm voice

"But what's that place, and why I'm here" I feel like crying

"You are in daejeon city, Y/N it's from enhypen, now I need to go " he handed me a pin and handed me a paper

"But where are you going"i ask just "walked out for sometime" he said left the room

I looked around the room I find laptop and starting playing the video

"Hey Y/N sorry for that what we done in past but that's not true we all care about you every single minute," heeseung said while i teared up

"And I want inform you that I transfer your school and also you don't have any mobile or any thing and also about job we make sure you have one and your new mobile in your study table drawer or from the now you can't connect with us" Jay said

"Now you can live your life peacefully and also now on you don't have any one who take your order I hope we will never meet again" sunoo said

I can feel jungwon teared up but tried to hard control feeling

"Now on good luck to your normal life" Niki said

"Goodbye Y/N" all said and the video call after that I cried so hard after crying i remember about latter that hyunsik oppa give me few minutes earlier

I opened the letter and started reading........

Hey dear sister i hope you will not mad at me and forgive me, i know it's all new for you but it's all for your protection, i find a job in cafe, name is xxxxxx and it's near around your school and your school name is xxxxxxxxx hnm now good luck to your normal life, your school time is 08:30am and your job time starts from 4pm, I'm sorry but I lied to you actually today is our last meet, take care Y/N and don't forget about meals and study hard my lil sis.............

Your oppa......

I cried so hard"I want normal life but not alone" i shouted while sobbing and again started so hard

"I hate you all, i never want to see your face again and never want to go again in the city Seoul" i said to myself

I cried and cried after sometime all getting dark

In the morning...........

I wake up then i remembered today is my first day of new school I don't have any power to go school because of tomorrow so I decided to stay home then i remember about mobile

I walked to my study table and opened the drawer only thing I can see first mobile i picked the mobile it's new version of sumsung i opened that and first I go to sms i fond a message "your recharge is successfully done and now you can use your data for one year without any problem"

Ohhh i don't remember any number of the mansion people i felt bad so bad i looked at my mobile it's almost near to 09:00 i decided to make food so I got up make my way to downstairs and find a casual kitchen and small and cute lobby

I walked to kitchen and opened fridge i find many things chocolate, candy, milk, vegetables, it's all like one month food and then i opened upper drawer of  kitchen i find many cup noodles

I decided to eat ramen noodles now I'm done with everything i decided to sleep again cuz it's all boring "12pm and my job will start 4pm I have 4hours" i throw my self on bed

Time skip..........

I wake up and see time 3pm ahhh I have one hour to clean up myself i stood take shower and take sweet pant and hoodie it's my normal clothes

I again looked at mobile it's 3:33 i sighed and make my way to downstairs i put my Bluetooth to my ear and put shoes I walked out the home and make sure to lock the door it's new but the weather is kinda sad

I take my mobile start playing music fine by taeyung

Little time skip.....

I walked inside the cafe and show a lady in counter i make my way to the lady i stood straight to the counter

"How can I help you ma'am" the lady ask

"Ahh I'm Yun Y/N and i need a job "i said

"Ohh so you are Y/N yes we have a job for you" she said I'm not shocked at all I know about that

"What type of jab that...??" I Asked

"This is chasier job or nothing at all you just take orders and tell to us and take cash from the costomer" she said

"Ohk sound good" i said

"So if you are not ready then you will come tomorrow" she said "no I'm available from the now on" " then okay and good luck" she said

time skip.............

I headed to myself at home throwing the bag at the table lay down on bed

"It's not that bad" i sighed I'm not feeling hungry so I decided to sleep but it's too early so I decided to watch movies

After watching movie before i slept i decided to go school tomorrow

"Why no one is reading my story 😭😭

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