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The thin ice skating along the stairwell was really an inconvenience for Elise Ryker as she made her way inside. Sure the unusually cold weather at Beauxbatons was a welcome surprise that allowed for the stunning winter clothes she never wore to finally be put into use, even if she was supposed to be in uniform, but still, it felt like she was freezing her tits off and was going to fall over at any second. Why the headmaster decided cutting into her sleeping time just so they could "have a little chat," as she put it, was a good idea, she had no idea. Upon this thought, Elise realised that the headmaster was wasting her time, so why shouldn't she waste hers. Pulling out a cigarette, Elise slide down the banister into a sitting position, only five feet from the door. Oh how those last few steps seemed to be miles away. After a good five minutes of sitting there, Elise finally decided that her ass was better off inside, where it wouldn't be freezing, and trudged up to the principal's office, knocking a quick rap on the door. 

"Come in." At these words, Elise pushed open the door and stalked in, a huge grin splitting across her face as she saw who was sitting there. 

"Dad, oh my god have I missed you." She let out, running up to give him a hug. He returned it with enthusiasm and god had she missed that bear hug that just enveloped you in warmth. 

"I've missed you too, darling, but don't you think the fact that I'm here is a bad sign?" Malek Ryker said, fixing his warm gaze on his daughter, although she could tell that something was happening due to the hard set of his mouth. 

"Um, a new modelling agency wants me. It wouldn't surprise me, you can't get much better than this anywhere else," She snarked, a small smirk on her face despite the dire situation. Unfortunately for her, the headmaster chimed in. 

"I'm afraid not Miss Ryker. Due to your recent behaviour such as smoking, many pranks, and incorrect uniform wear as well as being a bad influence on other students, not to forget the identification incident, we are regrettably going to have to expel you." Silence followed her statement. 

"Oh well, I've got my modelling so that won't be a problem." She chimed, though the look of contentment faded from her face as her dad started shaking his head.

"Unfortunately, young lady, this behaviour has been going on for too long and is absolutely unacceptable. Not only that, but you've still got two years of schooling left, which you will most definitely be finishing, just not here."

"But dad, where will I go?"

"After careful consideration, I've managed to get you a spot in Hogwarts. You are not to mistreat this, because Headmaster Dumbledore does not usually allow for transfer. Understood." The girl nodded in agreement, although her thoughts were hardly the same. She couldn't believe that she was being shipped off to Hogwarts of all places, where the grounds were sprawling areas of land, and she was probably going to have to do a lot of exercise. No thank you, she did not want to do that. As she followed her dad out of the office, he informed her that they would be leaving the next day so it would be best if she said goodbye to her friends today, since Hogwarts was a boarding school and she was not going to be seeing them for a very long while. Thinking about this caused a shift in her mood, and she rapidly sent an owl to all three, needing to spend every last moment with them.

Hey Darlings, 

Picnic at the lake, 10mins. See you soon xx


Elise x


10 Minutes later, Elise sat on a picnic blanket, staring out at the glittering lake in her blue bikini, when she heard the laughter of her girls approaching. As they rounded the corner, she jumped up and ran to them, pulling them all into a hug. As the sadness of saying goodbye got to her, her friends noticed something was up.

"Bitch why do you look so sad. Did somebody die?" Kamari commented, a smirk on her face.

"Kamari, you can't just fucking say that, what if somebody did die!" Alisa hissed, shoving the girl in the shoulder. As the two girls started bickering, Maia kept a wide birth and came to stand next to Elise.

"What's up darling, your looking a bit down in the dumps over here." She commented, keeping a warm smile on her face. That's what Elise loved about Maia the most. She was always there for you with open arms, ready to hear your problems and try her best to help.

"Well like yeah I'm ok, but I'm not sure you guys will be once I tell you this." I commented, catching Kamari and Alisa's attention as they all looked at me. "I'm moving to Hogwarts. Supriseeeeee." I did jazz hands as I said the last word, trying to soften the blow so it wouldn't lessen the mood even more.

"Well that is not what I expected you too say." Alisa commented , a sad look settling over her pretty face. Alisa was someone with perfect features, and a complexion to die for. Her fair skin contrasted greatly with her long brunette locks and blue eyes, and her long legs made her greatly taller than the other three short girls, despite Elise being 5'9. 

"Oh Elise, we are all going to miss you so much." Maia whispered, tears gathering in their eyes. As the girls crowded around Elise, she couldn't help but wonder how she had gotten so lucky with these girls, who had been her friends for as long as she could remember.

Maia was such a sweet girl, always there for everyone no matter what the time was. She was a steady stream, always there to soften the blow and calm you down. On her first day of school, Elise had been panicking a little bit with crushing amount of students pushing around her, but Maia had grabbed her hand and led her through the crowd, making sure no one could see the tears gathering in her eyes, because, well, reputation of course.

Alisa was a mix between Maia and Kamari. While she was kind and selfless, she was never one to back down from a challenge and always had a snarky comment ready for when it was needed. Like a gust of wind that kept you cool, she never failed to lighten the mood and always thought of the best case scenario for the wellbeing of everyone in the group. When Maia's goldfish died, Alisa had been the one to suggest a funeral procession, even going so far as to have a casket personally made and a hole dug up for it. It had been a little bit silly, but she did it for Maia.

And Kamari. She could pretty much be summed up in one word. Feisty. She was a ball of fire, always sarcastic and down to party. Throughout their four years of schooling Elise would have to say that she and Kamari had the strongest friendship. Simply put it as they were twin souls. You could always find the two in detention together, taking shots together, avoiding studying together, literally doing anything that involved trouble together. She had been with Elise for some of her hardest moments in life, and was always there to provide a warm hand of support, no matter what else she had going on in her life.

To put it simply, she loved these girls with her whole heart. As she spent the afternoon swimming, laughing, and just having fun, Elise reminisced in all of their schooling years, knowing that despite the fact that she wouldn't be with them any longer, they would always be apart of her life, and she theirs.

As they were taking their last walk at school together, Kamari decided to break the peaceful silence in which Elise knew they were all thinking about her leaving.

"There is one good thing about this though. Hot British boys." At that final statement they all cracked up laughing and Elise knew she would miss them.


Hi darlings,

This is my first chapter and I hope I've done ok. Please let me know if there is anything you don't like or need me to change. This has just been a little introductary chapter, next chapter we will be watching Elise meet the boys for the first time, which boy am I excited for.

Anyways, I'm going to start writing that now, I hope you enjoyed.


Word Count: 1440

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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