God's Hand

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Author's Notes (2/5/2024) 12:40 AM: This might not make sense to a lot of folk reading this but...


Let me explain: EXACTLY 6 months ago... right after I posted the first chapter of "Forever, With You" (I KNOW I'M SORRY FOR THE LACK OF UPDATES, I PROMISE I'LL MAKE IT UP TO Y'ALL!) I was suggested to make a short single short One-Shot to get practice on writing. Because it had been a long time (7-8 years) since I wrote anything. I thought, 'why not?' And decided to bite the bullet, and I was given a few prompts by a wonderful friend. And one singular prompt caught my attention:

It was a prompt regarding the villain or the anti-hero battered, beaten, or near death seeking solace with the protagonist. Something along the lines of, "You're the only one I could turn to." And that prompt was SO SaiTatsu coded that I felt compelled to write about it.

In my mind, it was going to be a short (at least to me) 10k one-shot, and called it a day. I'd release it near a date where I would comfortably be at the halfway point through chapter 2 of "Forever, With You".

... What I didn't intend to happen was for me to CREATE a SaiTatsu novel off of ONE PROMPT (And I don't think I even did the prompt justice LOL).

It went from an estimated 10k to 84k! This is why I've been away for so long.

...Yes... That does mean that the story you're reading right now (even though, as of 2/5/2024, it'll only be 1 chapter) is complete.

This story is done, finished, complete.

But I'm not going to release it in full. I'm going to release the rest of the story every 10 days or so. (With the only exception of Chapters 2 and 3, I will release Chapter 2 of this story on 2/14/2024, on Valentine's Day!)

I don't exactly know when I'll drop chapter 3, but when chapter 2 drops I'll give an exact release date.


I honestly felt like throwing the towel at so many points in this story. This one-shot turned novel wasn't structured as a multi-chapter story... I treated it as one giant one-shot... so I struggled REALLY BAD in writing this.

I gassed out and burnt myself writing. And even though it's finished... I know this is probably my worst work yet... at least to me. I could've done so much better.

But I've spent 6 months with this story already, I had to finish up now or I'd never finish, so please excuse me when you reach the end and it feels so rushed.

But even when putting myself through this torment; my love for SaiTatsu, AND the SaiTatsu community made me want to persevere and continue writing.

I wrote this for you. A complete story.

A bit of a disclaimer: It does have OC/FC/FE elements (Original/Fan Characters and/or Fanmade Elements). If this is not your cup of tea, I completely understand, but I would still urge you to give this a try.

This story takes place right after Chapters 182 through 194 of the manga.

Special Thanks to:

bebe-tatsu on Twitter and Reddit - For suggesting the prompt to me!

Kymedi_ on Reddit and Twitter (AKAbonfireboy on FFNet) - For proofreading my story!

AllergicToWatermelon on Reddit- For proofreading my story!

GuyWithTheCats on AO3, Wattpad, and FFnet - For proofreading my story!

PeaceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin