Episode 21 - Keep Moving Forward

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“How close are we, Your Highness?” Lord Madeline, or Maddison, wiped some blood off her cheek as Alejandra cut through one of the grunts’ chests with a sword she picked up from one of the dead soldiers.

“I’m fairly certain we’re near the second garden.” The Empress bit her nails. “But…they just won't stop coming.”

“Indeed.” The cross-dressed woman grinned. “I do find it amusing how they run straight for certain death. Almost like they have no qualms for sacrificing their lives.”

The Emperor looked at Maddison weirdly as he processed her words.

“A little help, please?” Alejandra complained as she cut down another one. However, one managed to slip past her guard and was about to sneak an attack behind her when they suddenly flew to the side wall and crushed flat like a pancake. Alejandra gawked and stared at the smirking fake noble behind her. “T-thanks.”

“With pleasure, My Lady.” Maddison bowed in a gentlemanly manner which only made Alejandra roll her eyes.

They trekked across the halls as more Kingdom soldiers rushed towards them blindly, ignoring the strength difference and dying either by a sword slash or getting squashed into mush by an unknown force.

Alejandra's beautiful dress was now stained with a disproportionate amount of blood. It was torn as well, albeit by the Lady herself, to allow for more freedom of movement.

The young lady grit her teeth as she feels the sword she held is wearing its tear and is close to falling apart. After cutting through bone many times it could hardly be called sharp anymore.

“I should've asked this earlier, My Lady, but have you killed fellow men in the past?” The crossdressed Witch tilted her head with an intrigued look on her face. “You seem to be quite good at it.”

“I-I’ve…this is my first.” Alejandra paused for a moment but went back into her position. She somehow felt disgusted by that comment from Maddison but she kept her eyes ahead. “I’ve slayed monsters before but this… this is my first time killing…humans.”

“Intriguing.” Maddison hid her smile in her palm. “I applaud your determination in staying sane, My Lady. Even the bravest of squires vomit after their first kill.”

Alejandra breathed out and swiped her sword once more, killing another Kingdom bastard. “I have no time to feel disgusted. I’d rather live with blood on my hands than die as a coward.” Alejandra winced at her own words but there was no time to double-think her choices. She was here now. No time to dilly dally about the morals of this situation. She had to survive.

“Alejandra…” The Empress seemed worried about what she said but didn't speak any further.

“Eyes up.” The Emperor grit his teeth. “Stay close to me, Andrea.” He pulled the Empress closer. “Young Lord, Lady Alejandra, I have a favor to ask.” He eyed the Lady’s blade.

“What exactly is your request, Your Majesty?” Maddison raised an eyebrow toward the Imperial.

“There's a detour I’d like to make that might help us later.” The Emperor proposed. “It might take a bit longer, however, to get to the garden.”

The Empress glanced towards her husband and placed her hand on his chest. “Jacob.” She muttered in concern.

“Please.” The Emperor begged.

“No need to panic, Your Majesty.” Maddison sighed. “It is my honor to serve you…any time.”

“She–He’s right. Lead the way, Your Highness.” Alejandra nodded her head and they, instead of heading straight towards the second garden, turned their attention to a connecting corridor.

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