Ending 1: Exit

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Meguru handed his phone back into the box after what looked to be one short text message, much to Anri's confusion. He was humming a tune to a song he'd forgotten the name of.

"Yo-you get to keep it. You can keep it," she rummaged the box to give it back to him, only to look up to find the door swishing shut. I guess only the weird ones can make it this far, she shrugged, offering the box to Yoichi, who was also looking back at the door with an amused smile. He retrieved his phone, prompted turned it on and, maybe disappointingly, it only vibrated twice– a message from each of his parents. Perhaps he should reassess how many friends he actually has, or had, but nonetheless he thanked Anri and exited the room.

"Thanks for waiting." Yoichi took a second to inspect Meguru's out-stretched hand, attempting to judge whether he was going for the chop or the high five this time round. Just as his hand was about to make contact, his shoulders reflexively shot up in mild pain.

"One of these days I'll get it right..." he sighed, looking up at an overly gleeful face.

"I'll make sure you don't!" Meguru sang, running his fingers through Isagi's freshly washed hair, taking care around the fringe area.

"Oh yeah? How long do you think it'll take for me to dupe you?" Yoichi straightened up and brushed away the hand, which promptly took a hold of his. Their legs fell in irregular rhythm, Meguru occasionally off-beat but pulled back into a calmer walk. A dance that only the two of them could pull off.

"Hm...like, maybe 'til I die?" Meguru pouted in thought.

"Maybe I'll have to kill you then," Isagi nonchalantly replied. A beat of silence went by, before he quickly added, "-on the field, of course." The air started to breathe again.

"In minecraft, obviously. I heard you can do that."

"Hey we should play that when...when..." Their bare footsteps slapping against the concrete flooring, blaring ceiling lights and periodic logos painted on the walls interrupted his sentence. Subconsciously, he stopped. When what? This is all over? He'd never want this to be over. When we have a day off? Was going all the way home worth it if it was just a day? Would that day even come?

Meguru tilted his head.

"It's multiplayer?"

All at once, the only thing that mattered was this warm hand still gripping his, loosely but assuredly. Yoichi raised an eyebrow and squeezed back.

"How would you be able to...if...oh whatever. I bet you made some pretty great builds back in the day. So tell me about them." Meguru's eyes widened as they resumed a lively walk.

A cold wind blew past them as they were about to enter the dining room; that cold wind being Rin, who had somehow managed to avoid coinciding eating times with the other four since the world 5 game. Even when they tried to erratically change their own, his predictions remained impeccable. Hopefully soon it'll fill up with familiar faces, thought Yoichi. Though it was hard to believe that no other teams had completed the second selection yet, so perhaps Ego had separated their meal times and stratums on purpose...

"We really should ask when Aryu and Tokimitsu come to eat. They seem like pretty good guys," He slid onto the bench with an assortment of dishes that did not include natto (the smell now made him shiver). Meguru had already started to tuck in, and replied between mouthfuls,

"Oh, they are. But I think if anything, Tokimitsu is scared to ask you and Aryu sticks around to keep him company."

"And since when did you get good at reading people?"

"Ever since Rin forced me to learn," he said matter-of-factly. "Except most of the time he really is just brooding. He doesn't hide much, actually."

"What about the rest of the time?"

"Brooding but more."

"...more." Yoichi shook his head. "Sounds anno-"

"It's fun to be with Rin. Too."

Metal cutlery clattered against plastic bowls. The bench creaked as Yoichi leaned back (but not too far since there was no backing, which he definitely didn't learn the hard way).

"You haven't finished telling me 'bout how you ended up with Chigiri!" Meguru glanced at him, as if to disrupt whatever analytical spiral Isagi was about to go down. He shook his head again.

"Me? With Chigiri? Huh?"

"As in your team."

"Oh. Obviously." Yoichi inhaled and decided that continuing to eat was the best course of action. A gentle nudge at his thigh nearly made him spill some soup.

"You gotta learn to control your puzzle brain. We still have a long way to go, partner. So anyway! Carry on."

And Yoichi did, but all the while pondering his partner's new-found maturity; that "something" that happened during that match must've been a bigger thing than Meguru had made it out to be. He didn't hate it.

"...you would've thought that all the time spent with Reo would prepare him for Nagi. Like, it almost feels like talking with Reo about Nagi would be more effective than actually being with Nagi, and we've literally both been with Nagi. But they'll probably all make it back up soon." Yoichi shot a glance at the door as if on cue, someone would walk in just as he said this, and when inevitably no one did, a frown came over his face. Meguru got up with his empty tray.

"They're gonna be back soon, right?" Yoichi's voice quietened like he was forbidden to talk about this. Schrodinger's football players: half dead and half alive at the same time. Meguru set down his tray, still standing, and hovered behind Yoichi with hands resting on his shoulders. He couldn't decide whether his presence was menacing or comforting but he looked up nonetheless. To Meguru staring back at him. Then leaning down. Then a faint taste of miso, home, and a honey smile. Not even a hint of paint; this too, he didn't hate.

His hands lingered for as long as possible before picking the tray up again and motioning for Yoichi to do the same.

"You'd be fine either way. I wouldn't worry about it."

"Yeah, you're probably right."

Phantasmal Fear- Bachisagi (Blue Lock)Where stories live. Discover now