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Narrator's POV

news headline in bold


It was currently the year 2000, Kazutora Hanemiya was only ten years old and he had a best friend called Yasmin. She was also ten years old, they were the same age. They did everything together and Yasmin would be there for him through the tough decision of him picking either his mother or father due to domestic violence. However after a couple of months, Kazutora started to resent happy families, children happy with their parents. He hated it, Yasmin's family wasn't any better. Her parents stayed together but they would shout at her and expect her to do things. For example as a child they would expect her to get high grades on her exams, her family was British but they had moved to Tokyo, Japan to restart their lives. Yasmin's mother had always been fascinated by Japanese culture and she thought it was beautiful. 

Yasmin being only ten years old didn't have a choice and was forced to move, she was angry at first but then she went to her new school and met Kazutora Hanemiya. As they grew older into teenagers, Kazutora would grow worse. He would get angry at the littlest things and even once smashed another teenager's head into the table. That was when they were only fourteen years old, they were still close. Still best friends, they were never really separated..

Then they aged up to fifteen years old, Yasmin started having trouble at home with her parents. They expected her to get high grades in Mizo Middle School but they also expected her to prepare for being a wife and a mother. This sickened Yasmin and one day when she came home from school, she shouted back at her parents as they didn't agree with Kazutora. The only person she cared about in the whole of Tokyo. She walked out of the house and down the street swearing and getting really angry.

Yasmin also had attitude problems due to her parents recently, she would even have murderous thoughts about her parents. A sweet innocent little girl like her was turning into a nasty teenage girl very quickly. She met with Kazutora that night and she told him about her parents, Kazutora was offended but was happy that she had stuck up for him. Kazutora then joked that Yasmin could be his first kiss maybe as no other girls really liked him. Yasmin laughed along but the shocking part was.. She was Kazutora's first kiss. He kissed her whilst they were sat on the swings together, she kissed back. They were both dreadful at kissing but Kazutora loved every moment of it. After sharing a kiss together, Yasmin went home and her parents shouted at her again. Yasmin bitchily argued back and even claimed that she kissed Kazutora, her father slapped her really hard. 

That was when she cracked, she lost her shit and stabbed both of her parents to death with a knife. She didn't feel remorse or guilt as she walked out of her house covered in blood holding the knife. A neighbour saw her and called the police, Yasmin was arrested on the spot and took to the Juvenile Detention Centre in Tokyo. Kazutora found out the next day by the news. 

15 years old Yasmin Halliwell was arrested last night for the murder of her parents, Yasmin was found by the neighbour covered in her parent's blood and holding the murder weapon. She had stabbed both of her parents 20 times. Tragic story for the Halliwell family, She has been sentenced to 2 years in the Juvenile Detention Centre. 

Kazutora was shocked and also very upset that she was taken from him. This sent Kazutora even madder and soon... Kazutora founded a gang called Tokyo Manji, the nickname was Toman. Kazutora ended up in the same position a few months later for murdering Manjiro Sano's brother. He ended up in the same detention centre but they never once saw each other. Yasmin had been released before Kazutora. Kazutora had known the members of Tokyo Manji since he was a child, he just never brought her into it. So where was she now? What was she like? What would happen when Kazutora was released? Read on and find out 

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