S1 Ep2 - "Caught"

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Sei's POV

"Anyways, you're coming with me" The cat girl said. Not that I have a choice, but is she really gonna just take me in my current state? "But before we get a move on, you need to take a brief shower. You smell horrible" Ah, that's a relief. But wait, in the middle of the street? How exactly--huh?

She let my hand go as a sudden strong gust of wind blew, sending me flying. "O-Oof!" My back hit the tree and I fell on the ground, still recovering from the impact. "Ugh..."

The girl then approached me, spraying perfume all over me, causing me to cough from the fumes. This is her idea of a shower?


"This was the fastest way I could come up with to remove that awful smell off of you. Now you don't smell like garbage. You're welcome"


She then grabbed my hand and pulled me back on my feet before picking up my cap on the ground. I was still a bit woozy for a while but eventually regained my senses.

"If you are finished dawdling around," She handed the cap to me. "put your cap back on and let's get going"

I took and put my cap back on as she grabbed my hand again and started walking, taking me along with her. Since my power still couldn't work, I could only follow.

Maybe if I just go with her, she wouldn't punish me too hard. But I did ruin her birthday party and she was really upset too, so the chances of that are...

Well, it seemed it'll be a while before we get to wherever she was taking me. As I followed the girl, I looked around our surroundings, hoping to learn more about this world without having to ask her or else I might raise suspicions.

Walking along the street, there were more cat-like humans like her and humans like me. Every human was wearing a collar around their neck. Some have leashes attached to the collars, being held by the cat-like humans while some of them don't.

I'm guessing this is a world where humans and cats switched places or something. At least that's what I got from my observation. Quite an odd world. I wonder if it's already like this from the start?

"Human, what did I tell you about running away? Come here, you!" One of the cat-like humans yell out, chasing after a human boy.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" The boy cries and keeps running away.

Soothing music was then heard in another direction where another cat-like human was standing beside a human girl playing the piano. It sounded beautiful and soothing until the girl appeared to have pressed the wrong piano key, upsetting the creature.

"Ugh! Again, human? How many times will it take for you to finally learn?" The creature yelled at the girl. "Surely, you can do better than that! Or did I adopt a pathetic excuse for a human? Try again!"

"I-I'm sorry! I-I'll do better, master!" The girl started over in her piano playing.

In another direction, there was a cat-like human yelling at a human girl.

"Oh, you're talking back to your mistress now, are you?" The creature slapped her cheek, causing her to fall on the ground. The girl looked at her, trying to hold back her tears. "Never forget your place, human"

Okay, so from what I've seen, humans and these creatures--which I should really know the name of--really don't get along very well...

And here I thought everyone was just mad at me for ruining the party. They probably would've been mad at me even if I didn't. Surviving in this world is gonna be tougher than I thought...

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