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I've been stressing over girlfriends day cause she did our first date it was soo gay  a damn jazz restaurant with craft beer and food and instrumentals we be showing love awkwardly to each other like that day we roasted each other the fuck out it was romantic ,though she's still sour about some comments I made .

My phone dinged it's 9 the fuck at night

♥️♥️👅: come get me

Me: u have a car

♥️♥️👅: u still have Ur moms car 👀?

Me: yeah

♥️♥️👅: COME GET ME

why is she yelling

Am not dressing up am tired let me go get her but she paying for my petrol cause why am I driving to whatever place at night and why did she go out without me.


I got to the club she was at and she was gone

  " May u'll pay for this "

       " With the vibrator?" She slurred raising her eyebrow

      " I figured u liked that soo no get in...." I talked pissed cause I don't like taking care of a  drunk person she lucky I like her.

        "Give me the aux" , am not in the mood of loud music right now and that's what she wants , I really don't like this.

     " Can u just sleep"

           "Put me to sleep then" she started drunk singing through lyrics of a naija hit and I just looked at her and kept driving

I shld really stop been mad

"I need to get u sober man"

      " Help me vomit I'll be good"

" I'm not Ur bestie....." I spoke back scrunching my face
    " Yes u are "

I just stopped and got to the passenger sit and just stuck 2 fingers in her throat triggering her gag reflex as she vomited her guts out that was not bad I jus washed my hands and we got back in .

   " Better?"

"Yeah my love better...."

    "Akid is inlovee huhhh"

" Yeah she is "

I just smiled

" I wanted to see what it's like been picked up by my girl , u better stop been mad bae"

     "I'm not mad"

"No longer mad ?"


"Why do u look homeless" she started

       " If u love me jus say it not roasting me meth doing looking bitch" I shot back cause now I'm convinced she's in love with how many times she keeps roasting me I mean I'm in love with her ass but I'm not going to say first

     " I love u okayy, but u look homeless " she said laughing at what i jus called her as I was parking we had arrived

Did I jus get a confession

" What did u say?" I said cracking up cause I can't be saying such things when tipsy

  " I said I love u isn't it obvious?"

           " Yes and no u only say that when joking"

           " It's never a joke Jill" she said to me opening the door

It jus got quite as I was processing everything and I realised I was quite

    " May I love u tooo jus didn't want to say it first "

       " Sooo I cracked Jill?" She said waiting for me

          " That's not the point" I said defending myself she really did crack but she doesn't have to know all that

         " Defensive much" she said as she dragged me up the steps and I just groaned she's soo annoying

       " My period on" I said randomly cause I know she's going to try fuck

           " Same , but red lights ?"  She said winking, she can't be serious I can't do red lights on the first day maybe third

     " No we not having sex May"

          " Fine I want to big spoon"

"I hope u don't use pads on boxers" I randomly mentioned again and she just started cracking up like it's funny I've never asked what she uses we never talk about periods much

   " No I don't babe I use tampons " she said catching her breath

        " Thank God that's my pet peev"

" Can we shower together?"

    " We not having a blood bath"

" We'll be in the shower....I'll jus rub it I won't go in" she said and i started thinking about it

   " Tomorrow I'm not in the mood to be touched or touch right now" I tried to explain I don't like turning her requests down but right now im not feeling it.

   " Okayy, promise" yeah I promise as we finished our shower

      " Bae" she called out

" Yeah" i say as I sit on her lap and started making out with her then she put her tongue on my mouth as we kept on kissing for I don't know how long while she randomly grabbed my ass in the process it's been a good minute since I've been kissed like this it had alot of emotions in it and I broke the kiss catching my breathe .

    "Am in love with u May " I said looking at her as tears came down her cheeks
       " U're sooo disgustingly nice right now , I love u more back" I laughed at her comment as I started tearing up too and hugged her up

"  This is soooo gay " we said at the same time and I stopped hugging her to look at her laughing cause what jus happened

    " Baby we need to sleep before we go red lights" she said getting into the covers and waiting for me to get in and I just laid on her arms as she cuddled me up

     " We're fucking tomorrow" yeahh this perv but tomorrow is national girl friends day I might jus let her

    "Go to sleep pervert"




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